March 2011 Archives


OK, so I'm back in California. I must say it's good to be back. I find California to be much more laid back than Virgina, where I came from. The job (at Tellabs) is good - so much better than the more stuck up companies that I've been working at - it's much easier to connect to my web services like my email at home and calendars, etc. - much less paranoid that other clients I've been at lately. The job seems cool with interesting assignments and just a general laid back feeling as is what I remember from California. That coupled with a yearning to be productive from months of waiting for a gig and life it good. That plus my apartment is pretty kickass too - I can't wait really for spring and summertime and to get back out to the trails in California hiking and just enjoying the wonderfully weather and diverse topology of California as I remember it. That plus a cool job, money in the bank and what's not to love? Oh I must head out to Napa soon too...

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