Jaunty Jackalope

Here's what I did to install Jaunty Jackalope on my new computer

  • Install Jaunty Jackalope off the CD
  • Configure the Wireless network to use DeFaria.com all the time. Will probably change this to use a wired connection later.
  • Changed my uid = 500 and gid to 501. Added DeFaria to /etc/group
  • chown -r andrew:DeFaria /home/andrew
  • Enabled root access by doing sudo passwd root
  • Enabled passwordless sudo by adding "andrew ALL=NOPASSWD: ALL" to /etc/sudoers
  • Under System: Administration: Login Window, toggled on Allow local system administrator login and set Enable Timed Login. I had to set Minimal UID to 499 to allow this.
  • Logged out. Upon loging in I got that $HOME/.dmrc is being ignored because it's not owned by me. Fixed. Got logged in as andrew with a UID of 500!
  • Ran Update Manager. Installed all updates

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This page contains a single entry by published on April 16, 2009 11:14 AM.

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