September 2005 Archives

Comment Spam blocking

Found the following from Dvorak Uncensored:

Most people who run blogs have issues with comment spam in their blogs and there are all sorts of fixes. Marc Perkel at – my host — was floored, he said, when he realized a simple command to the Apache software would kill most of it — and it does indeed work!

Here is the short code running on the ctyme server for my using WordPress-based blogging software. Altering it for other blog software and other blogs should be simple for anyone running Apache.

<location /blog/wp-comments-newpost.php>
    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^.**
    RewriteRule ^.*

Essentially it makes the basic condition for any post rigid: it has to be coming from a link within the blog itself, the “comment” link. Most spam does not.

My spam count on the blog has dropped from 50-100 to 2 per day without any other tricks.

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