October 2003 Archives


Seems that layout of the blog is controlled mostly by CSS stylesheets. Here's a site that has some...

Another MT related site chock full of useful information is The Girlie Matters Tips and Tricks,

Legal Paperwork


Spent all of today gathering and arranging legal paperwork, which was really my mission for this weekend. Located and scanned in everything so that it's available to me via my web site. This should keep the bitch from burnning paperwork like she did before!


Zion Lodge, the only in-the-park lodging and historic western cabins at Zion National Park, Utah

staying in the lodge. Alas I'd like to go with someone special but I don't have anyone special. Been putting this off for way too long so I'll just have to go myself....

Legal Stuff

Spent last night trying to get my legal paperwork together for the upcomming attle with the s2bx. Didn't get very far. This is like the 3rd time I've had to do this. Argh!


Having fun with a spammer today. As you know spammers often use "Opt out" for ms to capture live email addresses. Well I have a list of about 4000 spammer emails. So I cobbled up a script to use wget to submit these 4000 spammer emails to this other spammer's "Opt out" list. Sometimes I'm evil! :-)

About this Archive

This page is an archive of entries from October 2003 listed from newest to oldest.

November 2003 is the next archive.

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