(from left to right)

Andy DeFaria
Mike Fraser
 Scott Dinn
Visit the Cast of Shadows Music Archive.
Here are a few songs I've been working on lately. MIDI files with me playing guitar! Download WinAmp, an MP3 Player. Windows Media Player 2 will also handle mp3s.
Cryin' in the Rain Cast of Shadows 2.1 meg
Reelin in the Years Steely Dan 2.2 meg
Boys Are Back in Town Thin Lizzy 2.2 meg
Black Dog Led Zepplin 2.5 meg
The Wanton Song Led Zepplin 3.8 meg
Face the Time
Title Time
Street Magic
Face The Time
Drugstore Novels
Cryin' in the Rain
Reach Beyond the Past
Silent Rage
Love Beyond Our Needs
The Reunion
Reach Beyond the Past (Remix)
All songs are © Copyright Hop-A-Long Productions 1993 

If you would like to receive a copy of these songs on a tape,

send me e-mail (please send $5 for the tape and shipping costs).
If you really love what you've heard so far and just have to have the real thing,
I have about 30 CD's left that I would be willing to sell for $15.
The CD has a booklet of all the lyrics and pictures of the band.

Cast of Shadows played Top 40 Modern Rock, but we have recently broken up. I'm proud to say that as a band we had a number of accomplishments including:

But, alas, all of this has fallen apart!

After Cast of Shadows I formed the band named Bottoms Up. We gigged around for about a year. I am currently band less and available for hire!

New Directions 

As always though, I'm looking for competent musicians to jam with. My interests are varied, ranging from Heavy Metal to Top 40. I like artists from the jazzy (Spyra Gyra, Bela Fleck) to the guitar hero types (Steve Morse, Steve Vai) to just Heavy Metal (Ozzy, Kings X) to various Top 40 and Modern Music (Oingo Boingo, Gin Blossom, etc) as well as old 70's style progressive (Yes, Kansas, Floyd). Basically if it has something to interesting for the guitar then I'm interested in it.

Ideally I'd like to join a working project because that's what I'm used to doing, but I've also entertained thoughts of joining or forming a band with competent musicians who wish to perform songs simply because they like the tunes. One thing that Cast of Shadows got wrapped up in is doing tunes for everybody else and not the members of Cast of Shadows. This made us bored with ourselves and I guess it shown through. Basically I'd like a band where if a song is disliked by any band member it's chucked. You only do the songs you really enjoy and you make the most of them - you have fun. This, of course, requires that everybody has somewhat similar tastes and/or is easy going.

I also sing but am more of a backup singer than a lead singer. I have good transportation, equipment and I've been around. I know theory but am not a reader. If you got something interesting then contact me at the addresses above.

Here are some RealAudio files made by Cakewalk Pro Audio 7.0. The first is a demo from Calkwake that shows off the audio capability. It's called Anthem - I Love Cakewalk! The next one is a piece written by Steve Morse, a favorite guitarist of mine, called Go For Baroque that I had transcribed many moons ago. This version incorporates SoundFont technology on my SoundBlaster AWE 64 Gold from Creative Labs. I recorded samples from my Roland GR-30 guitar synthesizer because the samples there are actually much better than those on the AWE 64! I'm not done with the piece as all the instruments were "moused" into a sequencer thus lack human feel.

Recently I've bought a Korg Pandora's box. It's a little headphone type amp and has some pretty cool tones. Living in an apartment doesn't make for the best of studios when trying to record guitar sounds, but this little guy records pretty well. So I hooked it up to my PC and fired up Cakewalk and recorded Cryin in the Rain from a MIDI file that Scott gave me. Luckily it was not to hard to get the non General MIDI MIDI file into GM format (or at least close). Added a little bass line for consistency. No vocals in this one.

Next we have Reelin in the Years by Steely Dan. I've always like the guitar on this one, especially the harmony guitar parts. Now I can play both of them! For comparison purposes here's the original MIDI file that I started with complete with cruddy MIDI guitars: Realin in the Years. Just added Boys Are Back in Town by Thin Lizzy.

Copyright © 1999 Andrew DeFaria