Fixed up Handles my prompt better. Also sets prompt to '@@@' so that it...
authorAndrew DeFaria <>
Thu, 24 Oct 2013 01:15:25 +0000 (18:15 -0700)
committerAndrew DeFaria <>
Thu, 24 Oct 2013 01:15:25 +0000 (18:15 -0700)
Changed eXecute bits on some files.

test/ [changed mode: 0644->0755]
test/ [changed mode: 0644->0755]
test/ [changed mode: 0644->0755]
test/ [changed mode: 0644->0755]
test/ [changed mode: 0644->0755]

index 7632dd7..bf59072 100644 (file)
-=head1 NAME $RCSfile:,v $                                                      
-Execute commands remotely and returning the output and status of the                    
-remotely executed command.                                                              
-=head1 VERSION                                                                          
+=head1 NAME $RCSfile:,v $
+Execute commands remotely and returning the output and status of the
+remotely executed command.
+=head1 VERSION
-=item Author:                                                                           
-Andrew DeFaria <>                                                    
-=item Revision:                                                                         
-$Revision: 1.21 $                                                                       
-=item Created:                                                                          
-Mon Oct  9 18:28:28 CDT 2006                                                            
-=item Modified:                                                                         
-$Date: 2012/04/07 00:39:48 $                                                            
-=head1 SYNOPSIS                                                                         
-  use Rexec;                                                                            
-  my $status;                                                                           
-  my $cmd;                                                                              
-  my @lines;                                                                            
-  my $remote = new Rexec (host => $host);                                               
-  if ($remote) {                                                                        
-    print "Connected using " . $remote->{protocol} . " protocol\n";                     
-    $cmd = "ls /tmp";                                                                   
-    @lines = $remote->execute ($cmd);                                                   
-    $status = $remote->status;                                                          
-    print "$cmd status: $status\n";                                                     
-    $remote->print_lines;                                                               
-    print "$_\n" foreach ($remote->execute ("cat /etc/passwd"));                        
-  } else {                                                                              
-    print "Unable to connect to $username\@$host\n";                                    
-  } # if                                                                                
-=head1 DESCRIPTION                                                                      
-This module provides an object oriented interface to executing remote                   
-commands on Linux/Unix system (or potentially well configured Windows                   
-machines with Cygwin installed). Upon object creation a connection is                   
-attempted to the specified host in a cascaded fashion. First ssh is                     
-attempted, then rsh/rlogin and finally telnet. This clearly favors                      
-secure methods over those less secure ones. If username or password is                  
-prompted for, and if they are supplied, then they are used, otherwise                   
-the attempted connection is considered failed.                                          
-Once connected the caller can use the exec method to execute commands                   
-on the remote host. Upon object destruction the connection is                           
-shutdown. Output from the remotely executed command is returned                         
-through the exec method and also avaiable view the lines                                
-method. Remote status is available via the status method. This means                    
-you can now more reliably obtain the status of the command executed                     
-remotely instead of just the status of the ssh/rsh command itself.                      
-Note: Currently no attempt has been made to differentiate output                        
-written to stdout and stderr.                                                           
-As Expect is used to drive the remote session particular attention                      
-should be defining a regex to locate the prompt. The standard prompt                    
-regex (if not specified by the caller at object creation) is qr'[#>:$]                  
-$'. This covers most default and common prompts.                                        
-=head1 Handling Timeouts                                                                
-The tricky thing when dealing with remote execution is attempting to                    
-determine if the remote machine has finished, stopped responding or                     
-otherwise crashed. It's more of an art than a science! The best one                     
-can do it send the command along and wait for a response. But how long                  
-to wait is the question. If your wait is too short then you run the                     
-risk of timing out before the remote command is finished. If you wait                   
-too long then you can be possibly waiting for something that will not                   
-be happening because the remote machine is either down or did not                       
-behave in a manner that you expected it to.                                             
-To a large extent this module attempts to mitigate these issues on the                  
-principal that remote command execution is pretty well known. You log                   
-in and get a prompt. Issue a command and get another prompt. If the                     
-prompts are well known and easily determinable things go                                
-smoothly. However what happens if you execute a command remotely that                   
-will take 30 minutes to finish?                                                         
-This module has two timeout values. The first is login timeout. It's                    
-assumed that logins should happen fairly quickly. The default timeout                   
-for logins is 5 seconds.                                                                
-Command timeouts are set by default to 30 seconds. Most commands will                   
-finish before then. If you expect a command to take much longer then                    
-you can set an alternate timeout period.                                                
-You can achieve longer timeouts in several ways. To give a longer                       
-login timeout specify your timeout to the new call. To give a longer                    
-exec timeout either pass a longer timeout to exec or set it view                        
-setTimeout. The current exec timeout is returned by getTimeout.                         
-=head1 METHODS                                                                          
-The following routines are exported:                                                    
-package Rexec;                                                                          
-use strict;                                                                             
-use warnings;                                                                           
-use base 'Exporter';                                                                    
-use Carp;                                                                               
-use Expect;                                                                             
-our $VERSION = '1.0';                                                                   
-# This is the "normal" definition of a prompt. However what's normal?                   
-# For example, my prompt it typically the machine name followed by a                    
-# colon. But even that appears in error messages such as <host>: not                    
-# found and will be mistaken for a prompt. No real good way to handle                   
-# this so we define a standard prompt here and allow the caller to                      
-# override that. But overriding it is tricky and left as an exercise                    
-# to the caller.                                                                        
-# Here we have a number of the common prompt characters [#>:%$]                         
-# followed by a space and end of line.                                                  
-our $DEFAULT_PROMPT = qr'[#>:%$] $';                                                    
-my $default_login_timeout = 5;                                                          
-my $default_exec_timeout  = 30;                                                         
-my $debug = $ENV{DEBUG} || 0;                                                           
-our @EXPORT = qw (                                                                      
-  exec                                                                                  
-  host                                                                                  
-  lines                                                                                 
-  login                                                                                 
-  logout                                                                                
-  new                                                                                   
-  print_lines                                                                           
-  status                                                                                
-my @lines;                                                                              
-sub ssh {                                                                               
-  my ($self) = @_;                                                                      
-  my ($logged_in, $timedout, $password_attempts) = 0;                                   
-  $self->{protocol} = 'ssh';                                                            
-  my $user = $self->{username} ? "$self->{username}\@" : '';                            
-  my $remote = Expect->new ("ssh $self->{opts} $user$self->{host}");                    
-  return if !$remote;                                                                   
-  $remote->log_user ($debug);                                                           
-  $remote->expect (                                                                     
-    $self->{timeout},                                                                   
-    # If password is prompted for, and if one has been specified, then                  
-    # use it                                                                            
-    [ qr "[P|p]assword: $",                                                             
-      sub {                                                                             
-        # If we already supplied the password then it must not have                     
-        # worked so this protocol is no good.                                           
-        return if $password_attempts;                                                   
-        my $exp = shift;                                                                
-        # If we're being prompted for password and there is no                          
-        # password to supply then there is nothing much we can do but                   
-        # return undef since we can't get in with this protocol                         
-        return if !$self->{password};                                                   
-        $exp->send ("$self->{password}\n") if $self->{password};                        
-        $password_attempts++;                                                           
-        exp_continue;                                                                   
-      }                                                                                 
-    ],                                                                                  
-    # Discard lines that begin with "ssh:" (like "ssh: <host>: not                      
-    # found")                                                                           
-    [ qr'\nssh: ',                                                                      
-      sub {                                                                             
-        return;                                                                         
-      }                                                                                 
-    ],                                                                                  
-    # If we find a prompt then everything's good                                        
-    [ $self->{prompt},                                                                  
-      sub {                                                                             
-        $logged_in = 1;                                                                 
-      }                                                                                 
-    ],                                                                                  
-    # Of course we may time out...                                                      
-    [ timeout =>                                                                        
-      sub {                                                                             
-        $timedout = 1;                                                                  
-      }                                                                                 
-    ],                                                                                  
-  );                                                                                    
-  if ($logged_in) {                                                                     
-    return $remote;                                                                     
-  } elsif ($timedout) {                                                                 
-    carp "WARNING: $self->{host} is not responding to $self->{protocol} protocol";      
-    undef $remote;                                                                      
-    return;                                                                             
-  } else {                                                                              
+=item Author:
+Andrew DeFaria <>
+=item Revision:
+$Revision: 1.21 $
+=item Created:
+Mon Oct  9 18:28:28 CDT 2006
+=item Modified:
+$Date: 2012/04/07 00:39:48 $
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+  use Rexec;
+  my $status;
+  my $cmd;
+  my @lines;
+  my $remote = new Rexec (host => $host);
+  if ($remote) {
+    print "Connected using " . $remote->{protocol} . " protocol\n";
+    $cmd = "ls /tmp";
+    @lines = $remote->execute ($cmd);
+    $status = $remote->status;
+    print "$cmd status: $status\n";
+    $remote->print_lines;
+    print "$_\n" foreach ($remote->execute ("cat /etc/passwd"));
+  } else {
+    print "Unable to connect to $username\@$host\n";
+  } # if
+This module provides an object oriented interface to executing remote
+commands on Linux/Unix system (or potentially well configured Windows
+machines with Cygwin installed). Upon object creation a connection is
+attempted to the specified host in a cascaded fashion. First ssh is
+attempted, then rsh/rlogin and finally telnet. This clearly favors
+secure methods over those less secure ones. If username or password is
+prompted for, and if they are supplied, then they are used, otherwise
+the attempted connection is considered failed.
+Once connected the caller can use the exec method to execute commands
+on the remote host. Upon object destruction the connection is
+shutdown. Output from the remotely executed command is returned
+through the exec method and also avaiable view the lines
+method. Remote status is available via the status method. This means
+you can now more reliably obtain the status of the command executed
+remotely instead of just the status of the ssh/rsh command itself.
+Note: Currently no attempt has been made to differentiate output
+written to stdout and stderr.
+As Expect is used to drive the remote session particular attention
+should be defining a regex to locate the prompt. The standard prompt
+regex (if not specified by the caller at object creation) is 
+This covers most default and common prompts.
+=head1 Handling Timeouts
+The tricky thing when dealing with remote execution is attempting to
+determine if the remote machine has finished, stopped responding or
+otherwise crashed. It's more of an art than a science! The best one
+can do it send the command along and wait for a response. But how long
+to wait is the question. If your wait is too short then you run the
+risk of timing out before the remote command is finished. If you wait
+too long then you can be possibly waiting for something that will not
+be happening because the remote machine is either down or did not
+behave in a manner that you expected it to.
+To a large extent this module attempts to mitigate these issues on the
+principal that remote command execution is pretty well known. You log
+in and get a prompt. Issue a command and get another prompt. If the
+prompts are well known and easily determinable things go smoothly. 
+However what happens if you execute a command remotely that will take
+30 minutes to finish?
+This module has two timeout values. The first is login timeout. It's
+assumed that logins should happen fairly quickly. The default timeout
+for logins is 5 seconds.
+Command timeouts are set by default to 30 seconds. Most commands will
+finish before then. If you expect a command to take much longer then
+you can set an alternate timeout period.
+You can achieve longer timeouts in several ways. To give a longer
+login timeout specify your timeout to the new call. To give a longer
+exec timeout either pass a longer timeout to exec or set it view
+setTimeout. The current exec timeout is returned by getTimeout.
+=head1 METHODS
+The following routines are exported:
+package Rexec;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use base 'Exporter';
+use Carp;
+use Expect;
+our $VERSION = '1.0';
+# This is the "normal" definition of a prompt. However what's normal?
+# For example, my prompt it typically the machine name followed by a
+# colon. But even that appears in error messages such as <host>: not
+# found and will be mistaken for a prompt. No real good way to handle
+# this so we define a standard prompt here and allow the caller to
+# override that. But overriding it is tricky and left as an exercise
+# to the caller.
+# Here we have a number of the common prompt characters [#>:%$]
+# followed by zero or more spaces and end of line.
+our $DEFAULT_PROMPT = qr'[#>:%$](\s*|\e.+)$';
+my $default_login_timeout = 5;
+my $default_exec_timeout  = 30;
+my $debug = $ENV{DEBUG} || 0;
+our @EXPORT = qw (
+  exec
+  host
+  lines
+  login
+  logout
+  new
+  print_lines
+  status
+my @lines;
+sub ssh {
+  my ($self) = shift;
+  my ($logged_in, $timedout, $password_attempts) = 0;
+  $self->{protocol} = 'ssh';
+  my $user = $self->{username} ? "$self->{username}\@" : '';
+  my $remote = Expect->new ("ssh $self->{opts} $user$self->{host}");
+  return unless $remote;
+  $remote->log_user ($debug);
+  $remote->expect (
+    $self->{timeout},
+    # If password is prompted for, and if one has been specified, then
+    # use it
+    [ qr "[P|p]assword: $",
+      sub {
+        # If we already supplied the password then it must not have
+        # worked so this protocol is no good.
+        return if $password_attempts;
+        my $exp = shift;
+        # If we're being prompted for password and there is no
+        # password to supply then there is nothing much we can do but
+        # return undef since we can't get in with this protocol
+        return unless $self->{password};
+        $exp->send ("$self->{password}\n") if $self->{password};
+        $password_attempts++;
+        exp_continue;
+      }
+    ],
+    # Discard lines that begin with "ssh:" (like "ssh: <host>: not
+    # found")
+    [ qr'\nssh: ',
+      sub {
+        return;
+      }
+    ],
+    # If we find a prompt then everything's good
+    [ $self->{prompt},
+      sub {
+        $logged_in = 1;
+      }
+    ],
+    # Of course we may time out...
+    [ timeout =>
+      sub {
+        $timedout = 1;
+      }
+    ],
+  );
+  if ($logged_in) {
+    # It's always hard to find the prompt. So let's make a distintive one
+    $self->{prompt} = '@@@';
+    $self->{handle} = $remote;
+    if ($self->{shellstyle} eq 'sh') {
+      $self->execute ('PS1=@@@');
+    } else {
+      $self->execute ('set prompt=@@@');
+    } # if
+    return $remote;
+  } elsif ($timedout) {
+    carp "WARNING: $self->{host} is not responding to $self->{protocol} protocol";
+    undef $remote;
+    return;
+  } else {
     carp "WARNING: Unable to connect to $self->{host} using $self->{protocol} protocol";
-    return;                                                                             
-  } # if                                                                                
-} # ssh                                                                                 
-sub rlogin {                                                                            
-  my ($self) = @_;                                                                      
-  my ($logged_in, $timedout, $password_attempts) = 0;                                   
-  $self->{protocol} = "rlogin";                                                         
-  my $user = $self->{username} ? "-l $self->{username}" : "";                           
-  my $remote = Expect->new ("rsh $user $self->{host}");                                 
-  return if !$remote;                                                                   
-  $remote->log_user ($debug);                                                           
-  $remote->expect (                                                                     
-    $self->{timeout},                                                                   
-    # If password is prompted for, and if one has been specified, then                  
-    # use it                                                                            
-    [ qr "[P|p]assword: $",                                                             
-      sub {                                                                             
-        # If we already supplied the password then it must not have                     
-        # worked so this protocol is no good.                                           
-        return if $password_attempts;                                                   
-        my $exp = shift;                                                                
-        # If we're being prompted for password and there is no                          
-        # password to supply then there is nothing much we can do but                   
-        # return undef since we can't get in with this protocol                         
-        return if !$self->{password};                                                   
-        $exp->send ("$self->{password}\n");                                             
-        $password_attempts++;                                                           
-        exp_continue;                                                                   
-      }                                                                                 
-    ],                                                                                  
-    # HACK! rlogin may return "<host>: unknown host" which clashes                      
-    # with some prompts (OK it clashes with my prompt...)                               
-    [ ": unknown host",                                                                 
-      sub {                                                                             
-        return;                                                                         
-      }                                                                                 
-    ],                                                                                  
-    # If we find a prompt then everything's good                                        
-    [ $self->{prompt},                                                                  
-      sub {                                                                             
-        $logged_in = 1;                                                                 
-      }                                                                                 
-    ],                                                                                  
-    # Of course we may time out...                                                      
-    [ timeout =>                                                                        
-      sub {                                                                             
-        $timedout = 1;                                                                  
-      }                                                                                 
-    ],                                                                                  
-  );                                                                                    
-  if ($logged_in) {                                                                     
-    return $remote;                                                                     
-  } elsif ($timedout) {                                                                 
-    carp "WARNING: $self->{host} is not responding to $self->{protocol} protocol";      
-    undef $remote;                                                                      
-    return;                                                                             
-  } else {                                                                              
+    return;
+  } # if
+} # ssh
+sub rlogin {
+  my ($self) = shift;
+  my ($logged_in, $timedout, $password_attempts) = 0;
+  $self->{protocol} = "rlogin";
+  my $user = $self->{username} ? "-l $self->{username}" : "";
+  my $remote = Expect->new ("rsh $user $self->{host}");
+  return unless $remote;
+  $remote->log_user ($debug);
+  $remote->expect (
+    $self->{timeout},
+    # If password is prompted for, and if one has been specified, then
+    # use it
+    [ qr "[P|p]assword: $",
+      sub {
+        # If we already supplied the password then it must not have
+        # worked so this protocol is no good.
+        return if $password_attempts;
+        my $exp = shift;
+        # If we're being prompted for password and there is no
+        # password to supply then there is nothing much we can do but
+        # return undef since we can't get in with this protocol
+        return unless $self->{password};
+        $exp->send ("$self->{password}\n");
+        $password_attempts++;
+        exp_continue;
+      }
+    ],
+    # HACK! rlogin may return "<host>: unknown host" which clashes
+    # with some prompts (OK it clashes with my prompt...)
+    [ ": unknown host",
+      sub {
+        return;
+      }
+    ],
+    # If we find a prompt then everything's good
+    [ $self->{prompt},
+      sub {
+        $logged_in = 1;
+      }
+    ],
+    # Of course we may time out...
+    [ timeout =>
+      sub {
+        $timedout = 1;
+      }
+    ],
+  );
+  if ($logged_in) {
+    # It's always hard to find the prompt. So let's make a distintive one
+    $self->{prompt} = '@@@';
+    $self->{handle} = $remote;
+    if ($self->{shellstyle} eq 'sh') {
+      $self->execute ('PS1=@@@');
+    } else {
+      $self->execute ('set prompt=@@@');
+    } # if
+    return $remote;
+  } elsif ($timedout) {
+    carp "WARNING: $self->{host} is not responding to $self->{protocol} protocol";
+    undef $remote;
+    return;
+  } else {
     carp "WARNING: Unable to connect to $self->{host} using $self->{protocol} protocol";
-    return;                                                                             
-  } # if                                                                                
-} # rlogin                                                                              
-sub telnet {                                                                            
-  my ($self) = @_;                                                                      
-  my ($logged_in, $timedout, $password_attempts) = 0;                                   
-  $self->{protocol} = "telnet";                                                         
-  my $remote = Expect->new ("telnet $self->{host}");                                    
-  return if !$remote;                                                                   
-  $remote->log_user ($debug);                                                           
-  $remote->expect (                                                                     
-    $self->{timeout},                                                                   
-    # If login is prompted for, and if what has been specified, then                    
-    # use it                                                                            
-    [ qr "login: $",                                                                    
-      sub {                                                                             
-        my $exp = shift;                                                                
-        # If we're being prompted for username and there is no                          
-        # username to supply then there is nothing much we can do but                   
-        # return undef since we can't get in with this protocol                         
-        return if !$self->{username};                                                   
-        $exp->send ("$self->{username}\n");                                             
-        exp_continue;                                                                   
-      }                                                                                 
-    ],                                                                                  
-    # If password is prompted for, and if one has been specified, then                  
-    # use it                                                                            
-    [ qr "[P|p]assword: $",                                                             
-      sub {                                                                             
-        # If we already supplied the password then it must not have                     
-        # worked so this protocol is no good.                                           
-        return if $password_attempts;                                                   
-        my $exp = shift;                                                                
-        # If we're being prompted for password and there is no                          
-        # password to supply then there is nothing much we can do but                   
-        # return undef since we can't get in with this protocol                         
-        return if !$self->{password};                                                   
-        $exp->send ("$self->{password}\n");                                             
-        $password_attempts++;                                                           
-        exp_continue;                                                                   
-      }                                                                                 
-    ],                                                                                  
-    # HACK! rlogin may return "<host>: Unknown host" which clashes                      
-    # with some prompts (OK it clashes with my prompt...)                               
-    [ ": Unknown host",                                                                 
-      sub {                                                                             
-        return;                                                                         
-      }                                                                                 
-    ],                                                                                  
-    # If we find a prompt then everything's good                                        
-    [ $self->{prompt},                                                                  
-      sub {                                                                             
-        $logged_in = 1;                                                                 
-      }                                                                                 
-    ],                                                                                  
-    # Of course we may time out...                                                      
-    [ timeout =>                                                                        
-      sub {                                                                             
-        $timedout = 1;                                                                  
-      }                                                                                 
-    ],                                                                                  
-  );                                                                                    
-  if ($logged_in) {                                                                     
-    return $remote;                                                                     
-  } elsif ($timedout) {                                                                 
-    carp "WARNING: $self->{host} is not responding to $self->{protocol} protocol";      
-    undef $remote;                                                                      
-    return;                                                                             
-  } else {                                                                              
+    return;
+  } # if
+} # rlogin
+sub telnet {
+  my ($self) = shift;
+  my ($logged_in, $timedout, $password_attempts) = 0;
+  $self->{protocol} = "telnet";
+  my $remote = Expect->new ("telnet $self->{host}");
+  return unless $remote;
+  $remote->log_user ($debug);
+  $remote->expect (
+    $self->{timeout},
+    # If login is prompted for, and if what has been specified, then
+    # use it
+    [ qr "login: $",
+      sub {
+        my $exp = shift;
+        # If we're being prompted for username and there is no
+        # username to supply then there is nothing much we can do but
+        # return undef since we can't get in with this protocol
+        return unless $self->{username};
+        $exp->send ("$self->{username}\n");
+        exp_continue;
+      }
+    ],
+    # If password is prompted for, and if one has been specified, then
+    # use it
+    [ qr "[P|p]assword: $",
+      sub {
+        # If we already supplied the password then it must not have
+        # worked so this protocol is no good.
+        return if $password_attempts;
+        my $exp = shift;
+        # If we're being prompted for password and there is no
+        # password to supply then there is nothing much we can do but
+        # return undef since we can't get in with this protocol
+        return unless $self->{password};
+        $exp->send ("$self->{password}\n");
+        $password_attempts++;
+        exp_continue;
+      }
+    ],
+    # HACK! rlogin may return "<host>: Unknown host" which clashes
+    # with some prompts (OK it clashes with my prompt...)
+    [ ": Unknown host",
+      sub {
+        return;
+      }
+    ],
+    # If we find a prompt then everything's good
+    [ $self->{prompt},
+      sub {
+        $logged_in = 1;
+      }
+    ],
+    # Of course we may time out...
+    [ timeout =>
+      sub {
+        $timedout = 1;
+      }
+    ],
+  );
+  if ($logged_in) {
+    # It's always hard to find the prompt. So let's make a distintive one
+    $self->{prompt} = '@@@';
+    $self->{handle} = $remote;
+    if ($self->{shellstyle} eq 'sh') {
+      $self->execute ('PS1=@@@');
+    } else {
+      $self->execute ('set prompt=@@@');
+    } # if
+    return $remote;
+  } elsif ($timedout) {
+    carp "WARNING: $self->{host} is not responding to $self->{protocol} protocol";
+    undef $remote;
+    return;
+  } else {
     carp "WARNING: Unable to connect to $self->{host} using $self->{protocol} protocol";
-    return;                                                                             
-  } # if                                                                                
-} # telnet                                                                              
-sub login () {                                                                          
-  my ($self) = @_;                                                                      
-=head2 login                                                                            
-Performs a login on the remote host. Normally this is done during                       
-construction but this method allows you to login, say again, as maybe                   
-another user...                                                                         
-=for html <blockquote>                                                                  
-=item None                                                                              
-=for html </blockquote>                                                                 
-=for html <blockquote>                                                                  
-=item Nothing                                                                           
-=for html </blockquote>                                                                 
-  # Close any prior opened sessions                                                     
-  $self->logoff if ($self->{handle});                                                   
-  my $remote;                                                                           
-  if ($self->{protocol}) {                                                              
-    if ($self->{protocol} eq "ssh") {                                                   
-      return $self->ssh;                                                                
-    } elsif ($self->{protocol} eq "rsh" or $self->{protocol} eq "rlogin") {             
-      return $self->rlogin;                                                             
-    } elsif ($self->{protocol} eq "telnet") {                                           
-      return $self->telnet;                                                             
-    } else {                                                                            
-      croak "ERROR: Invalid protocol $self->{protocol} specified", 1;                   
-    } # if                                                                              
-  } else {                                                                              
-    return $remote if $remote = $self->ssh;                                             
-    return $remote if $remote = $self->rlogin;                                          
-    return $self->telnet;                                                               
-  } # if                                                                                
-  return;                                                                               
-} # login                                                                               
-sub logoff {                                                                            
-  my ($self) = @_;                                                                      
-=head3 logoff                                                                           
-Performs a logout on the remote host. Normally handled in the                           
-destructor but you could call logout to logout if you wish.                             
-=for html <blockquote>                                                                  
-=item None                                                                              
-=for html </blockquote>                                                                 
-=for html <blockquote>                                                                  
-=item Nothing                                                                           
-=for html </blockquote>                                                                 
-  $self->{handle}->soft_close;                                                          
-  undef $self->{handle};                                                                
-  undef $self->{status};                                                                
-  undef $self->{lines};                                                                 
-  return;                                                                               
-} # logoff                                                                              
-sub new {                                                                               
-  my ($class) = shift;                                                                  
-=head3 new (<parms>)                                                                    
-This method instantiates a new Rexec object. Currently only hash style                  
-parameter passing is supported.                                                         
-=for html <blockquote>                                                                  
-=item host => <host>:                                                                   
-Specifies the host to connect to. Default: localhost                                    
-=item username => <username>                                                            
-Specifies the username to use if prompted. Default: No username specified.              
-=item password => <password>                                                            
-Specifies the password to use if prompted. Default: No password                         
-specified. Note passwords must be in cleartext at this                                  
-time. Specifying them makes you insecure!                                               
-=item prompt => <prompt regex>                                                          
-Specifies a regex describing how to identify a prompt. Default: qr'[#>:$] $'            
-=item protocol => <ssh|rsh|rlogin|telnet>                                               
-Specifies the protocol to use when connecting. Default: Try them all                    
-starting with ssh.                                                                      
-=item opts => <options>                                                                 
-Additional options for protocol (e.g. -X for ssh and X forwarding)                      
-=item verbose => <0|1>                                                                  
-If true then status messages are echoed to stdout. Default: 0.                          
-=for html </blockquote>                                                                 
-=for html <blockquote>                                                                  
-=item Rexec object                                                                      
-=for html </blockquote>                                                                 
-  my %parms = @_;                                                                       
-  my $self = {};                                                                        
-  $self->{host}       = $parms{host}       ? $parms{host}       : 'localhost';          
-  $self->{username}   = $parms{username};                                               
-  $self->{password}   = $parms{password};                                               
-  $self->{prompt}     = $parms{prompt}     ? $parms{prompt}     : $DEFAULT_PROMPT;      
-  $self->{protocol}   = $parms{protocol};                                               
-  $self->{verbose}    = $parms{verbose};                                                
-  $self->{shellstyle} = $parms{shellstyle} ? $parms{shellstyle} : 'sh';                 
-  $self->{opts}       = $parms{opts}       ? $parms{opts}       : '';                   
+    return;
+  } # if
+} # telnet
+sub login () {
+  my ($self) = shift;
+=head2 login
+Performs a login on the remote host. Normally this is done during
+construction but this method allows you to login, say again, as maybe
+another user...
+=for html <blockquote>
+=item None
+=for html </blockquote>
+=for html <blockquote>
+=item Nothing
+=for html </blockquote>
+  # Close any prior opened sessions
+  $self->logoff if ($self->{handle});
+  my $remote;
+  if ($self->{protocol}) {
+    if ($self->{protocol} eq "ssh") {
+      return $self->ssh;
+    } elsif ($self->{protocol} eq "rsh" or $self->{protocol} eq "rlogin") {
+      return $self->rlogin;
+    } elsif ($self->{protocol} eq "telnet") {
+      return $self->telnet;
+    } else {
+      croak "ERROR: Invalid protocol $self->{protocol} specified", 1;
+    } # if
+  } else {
+    return $remote if $remote = $self->ssh;
+    return $remote if $remote = $self->rlogin;
+    return $self->telnet;
+  } # if
+  return;
+} # login
+sub logoff {
+  my ($self) = shift;
+=head3 logoff
+Performs a logout on the remote host. Normally handled in the
+destructor but you could call logout to logout if you wish.
+=for html <blockquote>
+=item None
+=for html </blockquote>
+=for html <blockquote>
+=item Nothing
+=for html </blockquote>
+  $self->{handle}->soft_close;
+  undef $self->{handle};
+  undef $self->{status};
+  undef $self->{lines};
+  return;
+} # logoff
+sub new {
+  my ($class) = shift;
+=head3 new (<parms>)
+This method instantiates a new Rexec object. Currently only hash style
+parameter passing is supported.
+=for html <blockquote>
+=item host => <host>:
+Specifies the host to connect to. Default: localhost
+=item username => <username>
+Specifies the username to use if prompted. Default: No username specified.
+=item password => <password>
+Specifies the password to use if prompted. Default: No password
+specified. Note passwords must be in cleartext at this
+time. Specifying them makes you insecure!
+=item prompt => <prompt regex>
+Specifies a regex describing how to identify a prompt. Default: 
+=item protocol => <ssh|rsh|rlogin|telnet>
+Specifies the protocol to use when connecting. Default: Try them all
+starting with ssh.
+=item opts => <options>
+Additional options for protocol (e.g. -X for ssh and X forwarding)
+=item verbose => <0|1>
+If true then status messages are echoed to stdout. Default: 0.
+=for html </blockquote>
+=for html <blockquote>
+=item Rexec object
+=for html </blockquote>
+  my %parms = @_;
+  my $self = {};
+  $self->{host}       = $parms{host}       ? $parms{host}       : 'localhost';
+  $self->{username}   = $parms{username};
+  $self->{password}   = $parms{password};
+  $self->{prompt}     = $parms{prompt}     ? $parms{prompt}     : $DEFAULT_PROMPT;
+  $self->{protocol}   = $parms{protocol};
+  $self->{verbose}    = $parms{verbose};
+  $self->{shellstyle} = $parms{shellstyle} ? $parms{shellstyle} : 'sh';
+  $self->{opts}       = $parms{opts}       ? $parms{opts}       : '';
   $self->{timeout}    = $parms{timeout}    ? $parms{timeout}    : $default_login_timeout;
-  if ($self->{shellstyle} ne 'sh' and $self->{shellstyle} ne 'csh') {                   
-    croak 'ERROR: Unknown shell style specified. Must be one of "sh" or "csh"', 1;      
-  } # if                                                                                
-  bless ($self, $class);                                                                
-  # now login...                                                                        
-  $self->{handle} = $self->login;                                                       
-  # Set timeout to $default_exec_timeout                                                
-  $self->{timeout} = $default_exec_timeout;                                             
-  return $self->{handle} ? $self : undef;                                               
-} # new                                                                                 
-sub execute ($$) {                                                                      
-  my ($self, $cmd, $timeout) = @_;                                                      
-=head3 exec ($cmd, $timeout)                                                            
-This method executes a command on the remote host returning an array                    
-of lines that the command produced, if any. Status of the command is                    
-stored in the object and accessible via the status method.                              
-=for html <blockquote>                                                                  
-=item $cmd:                                                                             
-Command to execute remotely                                                             
-=item $timeout                                                                          
-Set timeout for this execution. If timeout is 0 then wait forever. If                   
-you wish to interrupt this then set up a signal handler.                                
-=for html </blockquote>                                                                 
-=for html <blockquote>                                                                  
-=item @lines                                                                            
-An array of lines from STDOUT of the command. If STDERR is also wanted                  
-then add STDERR redirection to $cmd. Exit status is not returned by                     
-retained in the object. Use status method to retrieve it.                               
-=for html </blockquote>                                                                 
-  # If timeout is specified for this exec then use it - otherwise                       
-  # use the object's defined timeout.                                                   
-  $timeout = $timeout ? $timeout : $self->{timeout};                                    
-  # If timeout is set to 0 then the user wants an indefinite                            
-  # timeout. But Expect wants it to be undefined. So undef it if                        
-  # it's 0. Note this means we do not support Expect's "check it                        
-  # only one time" option.                                                              
-  undef $timeout if $timeout == 0;                                                      
-  # If timeout is < 0 then the user wants to run the command in the                     
-  # background and return. We still need to wait as we still may                        
-  # timeout so change $timeout to the $default_exec_timeout in this                     
-  # case and add a "&" to the command if it's not already there.                        
-  # because the user has added a & to the command to run it in the                      
-  if ($timeout && $timeout < 0) {                                                       
-    $timeout = $default_exec_timeout;                                                   
-    $cmd .= "&" if $cmd !~ /&$/;                                                        
-  } # if                                                                                
-  # Set status to -2 indicating nothing happened! We should never                       
-  # return -2 (unless a command manages to set $? to -2!)                               
-  $self->{status} = -2;                                                                 
-  # Empty lines of any previous command output                                          
-  @lines = ();                                                                          
-  # Hopefully we will not see the following in the output string                        
-  my $errno_str = "ReXeCerRoNO=";                                                       
-  my $start_str = "StaRT";                                                              
-  my $compound_cmd;                                                                     
-  # If cmd ends in a & then it makes no sense to compose a compound                     
-  # command. The original command will be in the background and thus                    
-  # we should not attempt to get a status - there will be none.                         
-  if ($cmd !~ /&$/) {                                                                   
-    $compound_cmd = "echo $start_str; $cmd; echo $errno_str";                           
-    $compound_cmd .= $self->{shellstyle} eq "sh" ? "\$?" : "\$status";                  
-  } else {                                                                              
-    $compound_cmd = $cmd;                                                               
-  } # if                                                                                
-  $self->{handle}->send ("$compound_cmd\n");                                            
-  $self->{handle}->expect (                                                             
-    $timeout,                                                                           
-    [ timeout =>                                                                        
-      sub {                                                                             
-        $self->{status} = -1;                                                           
-      }                                                                                 
-    ],                                                                                  
-    [ qr "\n$start_str",                                                                
-      sub {                                                                             
-        exp_continue;                                                                   
-      }                                                                                 
-    ],                                                                                  
-    [ qr "\n$errno_str",                                                                
-      sub {                                                                             
-        my ($exp) = @_;                                                                 
-        my $before = $exp->before;                                                      
-        my $after  = $exp->after;                                                       
-        if ($after =~ /(\d+)/) {                                                        
-          $self->{status} = $1;                                                         
-        } # if                                                                          
-        my @output = split /\n/, $before;                                               
-        chomp @output;                                                                  
-        chop @output if $output[0] =~ /\r$/;                                            
-        foreach (@output) {                                                             
-          next if /^$/;                                                                 
-          last if /$errno_str=/;                                                        
-          push @lines, $_;                                                              
-        } # foreach                                                                     
-        exp_continue;                                                                   
-      }                                                                                 
-    ],                                                                                  
-    [ $self->{prompt},                                                                  
-      sub {                                                                             
-        print 'Hit prompt!' if $debug;                                                  
-      }                                                                                 
-    ],                                                                                  
-  );                                                                                    
-  $self->{lines} = \@lines;                                                             
-  return @lines;                                                                        
-} # exec                                                                                
-sub abortCmd (;$) {                                                                     
-  my ($self, $timeout) = @_;                                                            
-=head3 abortCmd                                                                         
-Aborts the current command by sending a Control-C (assumed to be the                    
-interrupt character).                                                                   
-=for html <blockquote>                                                                  
-=item None                                                                              
-=for html </blockquote>                                                                 
-=for html <blockquote>                                                                  
-=item $status                                                                           
-1 if abort was successful (we got a command prompt back) or 0 if it                     
-was not.                                                                                
-=for html </blockquote>                                                                 
-  # If timeout is specified for this exec then use it - otherwise                       
-  # use the object's defined timeout.                                                   
-  $timeout = $timeout ? $timeout : $self->{timeout};                                    
-  # If timeout is set to 0 then the user wants an indefinite                            
-  # timeout. But Expect wants it to be undefined. So undef it if                        
-  # it's 0. Note this means we do not support Expect's "check it                        
-  # only one time" option.                                                              
-  undef $timeout if $timeout == 0;                                                      
-  # Set status to -2 indicating nothing happened! We should never                       
-  # return -2 (unless a command manages to set $? to -2!)                               
-  $self->{status} = -2;                                                                 
-  $self->{handle}->send ("\cC");                                                        
-  $self->{handle}->expect (                                                             
-    $timeout,                                                                           
-    [ timeout =>                                                                        
-      sub {                                                                             
-        $self->{status} = -1;                                                           
-      }                                                                                 
-    ],                                                                                  
-    [ $self->{prompt},                                                                  
-      sub {                                                                             
-        print "Hit prompt!" if $debug;                                                  
-      }                                                                                 
-    ],                                                                                  
-  );                                                                                    
-  return $self->{status};                                                               
-} # abortCmd                                                                            
-sub status {                                                                            
-  my ($self) = @_;                                                                      
-=head3 status                                                                           
-Returns the status of the last command executed remotely.                               
-=for html <blockquote>                                                                  
-=item None                                                                              
-=for html </blockquote>                                                                 
-=for html <blockquote>                                                                  
-=item $status                                                                           
-Last status from exec.                                                                  
-=for html </blockquote>                                                                 
-  return $self->{status};                                                               
-} # status                                                                              
-sub shellstyle {                                                                        
-  my ($self) = @_;                                                                      
-=head3 shellstyle                                                                       
-Returns the shellstyle                                                                  
-=for html <blockquote>                                                                  
-=item None                                                                              
-=for html </blockquote>                                                                 
-=for html <blockquote>                                                                  
-=item "sh"|"csh"                                                                        
-sh: Bourne or csh: for csh style shells                                                 
-=for html </blockquote>                                                                 
-  return $self->{shellstyle};                                                           
-} # shellstyle                                                                          
-sub lines () {                                                                          
-  my ($self) = @_;                                                                      
-=head3 lines                                                                            
-Returns the lines array from the last command called by exec.                           
-=for html <blockquote>                                                                  
-=item None                                                                              
-=for html </blockquote>                                                                 
-=for html <blockquote>                                                                  
-=item @lines                                                                            
-An array of lines from the last call to exec.                                           
-=for html </blockquote>                                                                 
-  return @{$self->{lines}};                                                             
-} # lines                                                                               
-sub print_lines () {                                                                    
-  my ($self) = @_;                                                                      
-=head3 print_lines                                                                      
-Essentially prints the lines array to stdout                                            
-=for html <blockquote>                                                                  
-=item None                                                                              
-=for html </blockquote>                                                                 
-=for html <blockquote>                                                                  
-=item Nothing                                                                           
-=for html </blockquote>                                                                 
-  print "$_\n" foreach ($self->lines);                                                  
-  return;                                                                               
-} # print_lines                                                                         
-sub getHost () {                                                                        
-  my ($self) = @_;                                                                      
-=head3 host                                                                             
-Returns the host from the object.                                                       
-=for html <blockquote>                                                                  
-=item None                                                                              
-=for html </blockquote>                                                                 
-=for html <blockquote>                                                                  
-=item $hostname                                                                         
-=for html </blockquote>                                                                 
-  return $self->{host};                                                                 
-} # getHost                                                                             
-sub DESTROY {                                                                           
-  my ($self) = @_;                                                                      
-  $self->{handle}->hard_close                                                           
-    if $self->{handle};                                                                 
-  return;                                                                               
-} # destroy                                                                             
-sub getTimeout {                                                                        
-  my ($self) = @_;                                                                      
-=head3 getTimeout                                                                       
-Returns the timeout from the object.                                                    
-=for html <blockquote>                                                                  
-=item None                                                                              
-=for html </blockquote>                                                                 
-=for html <blockquote>                                                                  
-=item $timeout                                                                          
-=for html </blockquote>                                                                 
-  return $self->{timeout} ? $self->{timeout} : $default_login_timeout;                  
-} # getTimeout                                                                          
-sub setTimeout ($) {                                                                    
-  my ($self, $timeout) = @_;                                                            
-=head3 setTimeout ($timeout)                                                            
-Sets the timeout value for subsequent execution.                                        
-=for html <blockquote>                                                                  
-=item $timeout                                                                          
-New timeout value to set                                                                
-=for html </blockquote>                                                                 
-=for html <blockquote>                                                                  
-=item $timeout                                                                          
-Old timeout value                                                                       
-=for html </blockquote>                                                                 
-  my $oldTimeout = $self->getTimeout;                                                   
-  $self->{timeout} = $timeout;                                                          
-  return $oldTimeout;                                                                   
-} # setTimeout                                                                          
-=head1 DIAGNOSTICS                                                                      
-=head2 Errors                                                                           
-If verbose is turned on then connections or failure to connect will be                  
-echoed to stdout.                                                                       
-=head3 Error text                                                                       
-  <host> is not responding to <protocol>                                                
-  Connected to <host> using <protocol> protocol                                         
-  Unable to connect to <host> using <protocol> protocol                                 
-=head2 Warnings                                                                         
-Specifying cleartext passwords is not recommended for obvious security concerns.        
-=head1 CONFIGURATION AND ENVIRONMENT                                                    
-Configuration files and environment variables.                                          
-=item None                                                                              
-=head1 DEPENDENCIES                                                                     
-=head2 Perl Modules                                                                     
-=for html <a href="">Expect</a><b
-=head3 ClearSCM Perl Modules                                                            
-=for html <p><a href="/php/cvs_man.php?file=lib/">Display</a></p>             
-=head1 INCOMPATABILITIES                                                                
-None yet...                                                                             
-=head1 BUGS AND LIMITATIONS                                                             
-There are no known bugs in this module.                                                 
-Please report problems to Andrew DeFaria <>.                         
-=head1 LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT                                                            
-This Perl Module is freely available; you can redistribute it and/or                    
-modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as                          
-published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the                      
-License, or (at your option) any later version.                                         
-This Perl Module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                     
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of                          
-General Public License (L<>) for more               
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License                       
-along with this Perl Module; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,             
-Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.                          
\ No newline at end of file
+  if ($self->{shellstyle} ne 'sh' and $self->{shellstyle} ne 'csh') {
+    croak 'ERROR: Unknown shell style specified. Must be one of "sh" or "csh"',
+  } # if
+  bless ($self, $class);
+  # now login...
+  $self->{handle} = $self->login;
+  # Set timeout to $default_exec_timeout
+  $self->{timeout} = $default_exec_timeout;
+  return $self->{handle} ? $self : undef;
+} # new
+sub execute ($$) {
+  my ($self, $cmd, $timeout) = @_;
+=head3 exec ($cmd, $timeout)
+This method executes a command on the remote host returning an array
+of lines that the command produced, if any. Status of the command is
+stored in the object and accessible via the status method.
+=for html <blockquote>
+=item $cmd:
+Command to execute remotely
+=item $timeout
+Set timeout for this execution. If timeout is 0 then wait forever. If
+you wish to interrupt this then set up a signal handler.
+=for html </blockquote>
+=for html <blockquote>
+=item @lines
+An array of lines from STDOUT of the command. If STDERR is also wanted
+then add STDERR redirection to $cmd. Exit status is not returned by
+retained in the object. Use status method to retrieve it.
+=for html </blockquote>
+  # If timeout is specified for this exec then use it - otherwise
+  # use the object's defined timeout.
+  $timeout = $timeout ? $timeout : $self->{timeout};
+  # If timeout is set to 0 then the user wants an indefinite
+  # timeout. But Expect wants it to be undefined. So undef it if
+  # it's 0. Note this means we do not support Expect's "check it
+  # only one time" option.
+  undef $timeout if $timeout == 0;
+  # If timeout is < 0 then the user wants to run the command in the
+  # background and return. We still need to wait as we still may
+  # timeout so change $timeout to the $default_exec_timeout in this
+  # case and add a "&" to the command if it's not already there.
+  # because the user has added a & to the command to run it in the
+  if ($timeout && $timeout < 0) {
+    $timeout = $default_exec_timeout;
+    $cmd .= "&" if $cmd !~ /&$/;
+  } # if
+  # Set status to -2 indicating nothing happened! We should never
+  # return -2 (unless a command manages to set $? to -2!)
+  $self->{status} = -2;
+  # Empty lines of any previous command output
+  @lines = ();
+  # Hopefully we will not see the following in the output string
+  my $errno_str = "ReXeCerRoNO=";
+  my $start_str = "StaRT";
+  my $compound_cmd;
+  # If cmd ends in a & then it makes no sense to compose a compound
+  # command. The original command will be in the background and thus
+  # we should not attempt to get a status - there will be none.
+  if ($cmd !~ /&$/) {
+    $compound_cmd = "echo $start_str; $cmd; echo $errno_str";
+    $compound_cmd .= $self->{shellstyle} eq "sh" ? "\$?" : "\$status";
+  } else {
+    $compound_cmd = $cmd;
+  } # if
+  $self->{handle}->send ("$compound_cmd\n");
+  $self->{handle}->expect (
+    $timeout,
+    [ timeout =>
+      sub {
+        $self->{status} = -1;
+      }
+    ],
+    [ qr "\n$start_str",
+      sub {
+        exp_continue;
+      }
+    ],
+    [ qr "\n$errno_str",
+      sub {
+        my ($exp) = @_;
+        my $before = $exp->before;
+        my $after  = $exp->after;
+        if ($after =~ /(\d+)/) {
+          $self->{status} = $1;
+        } # if
+        my @output = split /\n/, $before;
+        chomp @output;
+        chop @output if $output[0] =~ /\r$/;
+        foreach (@output) {
+          next if /^$/;
+          last if /$errno_str=/;
+          push @lines, $_;
+        } # foreach
+        exp_continue;
+      }
+    ],
+    [ $self->{prompt},
+      sub {
+        print 'Hit prompt!' if $debug;
+      }
+    ],
+  );
+  $self->{lines} = \@lines;
+  return @lines;
+} # exec
+sub abortCmd (;$) {
+  my ($self, $timeout) = @_;
+=head3 abortCmd
+Aborts the current command by sending a Control-C (assumed to be the
+interrupt character).
+=for html <blockquote>
+=item None
+=for html </blockquote>
+=for html <blockquote>
+=item $status
+1 if abort was successful (we got a command prompt back) or 0 if it
+was not.
+=for html </blockquote>
+  # If timeout is specified for this exec then use it - otherwise
+  # use the object's defined timeout.
+  $timeout = $timeout ? $timeout : $self->{timeout};
+  # If timeout is set to 0 then the user wants an indefinite
+  # timeout. But Expect wants it to be undefined. So undef it if
+  # it's 0. Note this means we do not support Expect's "check it
+  # only one time" option.
+  undef $timeout if $timeout == 0;
+  # Set status to -2 indicating nothing happened! We should never
+  # return -2 (unless a command manages to set $? to -2!)
+  $self->{status} = -2;
+  $self->{handle}->send ("\cC");
+  $self->{handle}->expect (
+    $timeout,
+    [ timeout =>
+      sub {
+        $self->{status} = -1;
+      }
+    ],
+    [ $self->{prompt},
+      sub {
+        print "Hit prompt!" if $debug;
+      }
+    ],
+  );
+  return $self->{status};
+} # abortCmd
+sub status {
+  my ($self) = @_;
+=head3 status
+Returns the status of the last command executed remotely.
+=for html <blockquote>
+=item None
+=for html </blockquote>
+=for html <blockquote>
+=item $status
+Last status from exec.
+=for html </blockquote>
+  return $self->{status};
+} # status
+sub shellstyle {
+  my ($self) = @_;
+=head3 shellstyle
+Returns the shellstyle
+=for html <blockquote>
+=item None
+=for html </blockquote>
+=for html <blockquote>
+=item "sh"|"csh"
+sh: Bourne or csh: for csh style shells
+=for html </blockquote>
+  return $self->{shellstyle};
+} # shellstyle
+sub lines () {
+  my ($self) = @_;
+=head3 lines
+Returns the lines array from the last command called by exec.
+=for html <blockquote>
+=item None
+=for html </blockquote>
+=for html <blockquote>
+=item @lines
+An array of lines from the last call to exec.
+=for html </blockquote>
+  return @{$self->{lines}};
+} # lines
+sub print_lines () {
+  my ($self) = @_;
+=head3 print_lines
+Essentially prints the lines array to stdout
+=for html <blockquote>
+=item None
+=for html </blockquote>
+=for html <blockquote>
+=item Nothing
+=for html </blockquote>
+  print "$_\n" foreach ($self->lines);
+  return;
+} # print_lines
+sub getHost () {
+  my ($self) = @_;
+=head3 host
+Returns the host from the object.
+=for html <blockquote>
+=item None
+=for html </blockquote>
+=for html <blockquote>
+=item $hostname
+=for html </blockquote>
+  return $self->{host};
+} # getHost
+sub DESTROY {
+  my ($self) = @_;
+  $self->{handle}->hard_close
+    if $self->{handle};
+  return;
+} # destroy
+sub getTimeout {
+  my ($self) = @_;
+=head3 getTimeout
+Returns the timeout from the object.
+=for html <blockquote>
+=item None
+=for html </blockquote>
+=for html <blockquote>
+=item $timeout
+=for html </blockquote>
+  return $self->{timeout} ? $self->{timeout} : $default_login_timeout;
+} # getTimeout
+sub setTimeout ($) {
+  my ($self, $timeout) = @_;
+=head3 setTimeout ($timeout)
+Sets the timeout value for subsequent execution.
+=for html <blockquote>
+=item $timeout
+New timeout value to set
+=for html </blockquote>
+=for html <blockquote>
+=item $timeout
+Old timeout value
+=for html </blockquote>
+  my $oldTimeout = $self->getTimeout;
+  $self->{timeout} = $timeout;
+  return $oldTimeout;
+} # setTimeout
+=head2 Errors
+If verbose is turned on then connections or failure to connect will be
+echoed to stdout.
+=head3 Error text
+  <host> is not responding to <protocol>
+  Connected to <host> using <protocol> protocol
+  Unable to connect to <host> using <protocol> protocol
+=head2 Warnings
+Specifying cleartext passwords is not recommended for obvious security concerns.
+Configuration files and environment variables.
+=item None
+=head2 Perl Modules
+=for html <a href="">Expect</a>
+=head3 ClearSCM Perl Modules
+=for html <p><a href="/php/scm_man.php?file=lib/">Display</a></p>
+None yet...
+There are no known bugs in this module.
+Please report problems to Andrew DeFaria <>.
+This Perl Module is freely available; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
+License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This Perl Module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+General Public License (L<>) for more
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this Perl Module; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
index 3daa4f0..1fa25ee 100644 (file)
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
 ForwardX11 yes
-ForwardX11Trusted yes
+#ForwardX11Trusted yes
 StrictHostKeyChecking no
old mode 100644 (file)
new mode 100755 (executable)
old mode 100644 (file)
new mode 100755 (executable)
old mode 100644 (file)
new mode 100755 (executable)
old mode 100644 (file)
new mode 100755 (executable)
old mode 100644 (file)
new mode 100755 (executable)