Andrew DeFaria's Songbook

As a professional musician do yourself a favor and invest in a tablet or if you must an iPad and get either SongBook (for Android) or OnSong (for iPad) then send me a request to sign up for Dropbox which integrates with these apps and your "songbook" will be automated. Note that Songbook is also available for Windows. More info on this is available here. For people who must remain with paper...

The following songs are available here. Select an artist or a song and then Go or type in a lyric or song title into the search box. You can print the result if you wish to have a paper copy. If new songs are added by me or others this page will automatically update so you can come back here and get your copy.


Want to download my Songbook songfiles? and then use the Download dropdown in the upper right corner to either Direct download (which will download a .zip file with all of the songs) or Save to Your Dropbox.

You can also use the same facility to download the corresponding Media (MP3) files to listen to, play along with or place in /sdcard/SongBook/Media on your Android tablet so that you can play them directly from Songbook! Note: Do not do a Direct Download as all of the media files are too large for Dropbox to zip.