Contract ClearSCM

I know that this position is marked Full Time or Permanent Employment but have you considered filing this position with a consultant instead? Or perhaps utilize a contractor while you look for that perfect employee. I urge to consider ClearSCM's services. I offer my services on a C2C basis and my corporation, ClearSCM, Inc., has been incorporated since 2007 and is in good standing and before that I operated on a 1099 basis for many years. In other words I'm a real consultant and with over 15 years in the consulting business. This enables me to bypass the other levels of recruiting services and consulting firms all of which provide little benefit to your organization except to take a cut of the rate for themselves, and instead offer you my services directly thus saving you money.

So I ask you to please consider using ClearSCM's services for this position. For more information contact me directly at:

  1676 Hope Drive #1915
The power to see clearly... Santa Clara, California 95054-1721
Professional SCM Consultants Phone: (408) 596-4937