END; $header .= banner (); $header .= <<Test Steps for $testcase END; return $header; } // createTestStepsHeader function createTestRunsHeader ($day) { global $dateDropdown; $header = << Daily Test Report for $day END; $header .= banner (); $header .= <<

Daily Test Report for $dateDropdown

END; return $header; } // createTestRunsHeader function createSuiteRunsHeader ($id) { $suite = getName ("suite", $id); $header = << Suite Report for $suite END; $header .= banner (); return $header; } // createSuiteRunsHeader function createTestStepsPage ($testName, $forEmail = false, $message = "") { global $runid, $date, $script; $data = getTestSteps ($runid); if (!$forEmail) { if (isset ($message)) { $page .= "
"; } // if } // if $page .= <<
DUT: {$data[_header][DUTVersion]} EAST: {$data[_header][EASTVersion]} TM500: {$data[_header][TM500Version]} NMS: {$data[_header][NMSVersion]} RANTEST: {$data[_header][RANTESTVersion]} Date: $date
END; if (!$forEmail) { $page .= <<  
END; $page .= emailUsersDropdown (); $page .= << END; } // if $page .= << Step Status Start End Duration END; foreach ($data["_steps"] as $line) { $steps++; $row_color = setRowColor ($line["Status"]); $line["Status"] = colorResult ($line["Status"]); $total_time += $line[Duration]; $startTime = substr ($line["Start"], 11, 8); $endTime = substr ($line["End"], 11, 8); $page .= << $line[Step] $line[Status] $startTime $endTime END; $page .= FormatDuration ($line[Duration]); $page .= ""; } // foreach $total_duration = FormatDuration ($total_time); $logs = logs ($data["_header"]["_eastlogs"], $forEmail); $username = getUserName ($data["_header"]["userid"]); $page .= << Total steps run in $testName: $steps Run by: $username $logs $total_duration END; return $page; } // createTestStepsPage function createTestRunsPage ($day, $forEmail = false, $message = "") { global $sortBy, $direction, $day, $type, $script, $testTypes; if (!$forEmail) { if ($sortBy == "Suite") { $suiteDirection = ($direction == "ascending") ? "" : ""; } elseif ($sortBy == "Testcase") { $testcaseDirection = ($direction == "ascending") ? "" : ""; } elseif ($sortBy == "Type") { $typeDirection = ($direction == "ascending") ? "" : ""; } elseif ($sortBy == "Unit") { $unitDirection = ($direction == "ascending") ? "" : ""; } elseif ($sortBy == "Status") { $statusDirection = ($direction == "ascending") ? "" : ""; } elseif ($sortBy == "Start") { $startDirection = ($direction == "ascending") ? "" : ""; } elseif ($sortBy == "End") { $endDirection = ($direction == "ascending") ? "" : ""; } elseif ($sortBy == "Duration") { $durationDirection = ($direction == "ascending") ? "" : ""; } // if if (isset ($message)) { $page .= "
"; } // if } // if $page .= << END; if (!$forEmail) { $page .= <<    Type: END; } else { $page .= "Type: $type Sorted by: $sortBy ($direction)"; } // if $direction = ($direction == "ascending") ? "descending" : "ascending"; $urlParms = "$script?day=$day&&direction=$direction&type=$type&sortBy"; $page .= << # Suite $suiteDirection Testcase $testcaseDirection Type $typeDirection Unit/Version $unitDirection Logs Status $statusDirection Start $startDirection End $endDirection Duration $durationDirection END; $page .= <<$line[Suite]"; } // if $row_color = setRowColor ($line["Status"]); $testResult = colorResult ($line["Status"]); $total_time += $line["Duration"]; $me = ($script == "index.php") ? "" : $script; $logs = logs ($line["_eastlogs"], $forEmail); $tests++; $page .= << $tests $line[Suite] $line[Type] END; $page .= $line["Unit/Version"]; $page .= << $logs $testResult $line[Start] $line[End] END; $page .= FormatDuration ($line["Duration"]); $page .= ""; } // while $total_duration = FormatDuration ($total_time); $page .= << $tests Run  END; $page .= stats ($day, $type); $page .= << $total_duration END; return $page; } // createTestRunsPage function createSuiteRunsPage ($suiteid, $forEmail = false, $message = "") { global $sortBy, $direction, $day; $name = getName ("suite", $suiteid); $page = "

Test Suite Report for $name

"; if (!$forEmail) { if ($sortBy == "Status") { $statusDirection = ($direction == "ascending") ? "" : ""; } elseif ($sortBy == "Start") { $startDirection = ($direction == "ascending") ? "" : ""; } elseif ($sortBy == "End") { $endDirection = ($direction == "ascending") ? "" : ""; } elseif ($sortBy == "Duration") { $durationDirection = ($direction == "ascending") ? "" : ""; } // if if (isset ($message)) { $page .= "
"; } // if } // if $page .= << END; if (!$forEmail) { $page .= <<
END; $page .= <<
END; $page .= emailUsersDropdown (); $page .= << END; } // if $direction = ($direction == "ascending") ? "descending" : "ascending"; $urlParms = "$script?suiteid=$suiteid&direction=$direction&&sortBy"; $data = getSuiteRuns ($suiteid); $page .= << Status $statusDirection Start $startDirection End $endDirection Duration $durationDirection END; foreach ($data as $line) { $row_color = setRowColor ($line["Status"]); $status = colorResult ($line["Status"]); $duration = FormatDuration ($line["Duration"]); $suiteruns++; $total_time += $line["Duration"]; $page .= << $status $line[Start] $line[End] $duration END; } // while $total_duration = FormatDuration ($total_time); $page .= << Total sutie runs for $name: $suiteruns $total_duration END; return $page; } // createSuiteRunsPage function displayStepRun ($testName, $message = "") { print createTestStepsHeader ($testName); print createTestStepsPage ($testName, false, $message); copyright (); } // displayStepRun function displayTestRuns ($day, $message = "") { print createTestRunsHeader ($day); print createTestRunsPage ($day, false, $message); copyright (); } // displayTestRuns function displaySuiteRun ($suiteid, $message = "") { print createSuiteRunsHeader ($suiteid); print createSuiteRunsPage ($suiteid, false, $message); copyright (); } // displaySuiteRun // The $data structure for test steps is unique so handle exportion // here. function exportStepRunCSV ($data, $title) { global $na; $csv .= "$title\n"; // Put out header information $csv .= "DUT, EAST, TM500, NMS, RANTEST, USER, DATE, LOGS\n"; $versions = array ( "DUTVersion", "EASTVersion", "TM500Version", "NMSVersion", "RANTESTVersion" ); foreach ($versions as $version) { if ($data["_header"][$version] == $na) { $csv .= "N/A,"; } else { $csv .= $data["_header"][$version] . ","; } // if } // foreach $csv .= $data["_header"]["userid"] . ","; $csv .= YMD2MDY ($data["_header"]["Date"]) . ","; $csv .= logs ($data["_header"]["_eastlogs"], true) . "\n\n"; // Create header line $firstTime = true; foreach ($data["_steps"][0] as $key => $value) { // Skip "hidden" fields - fields beginning with "_" if (preg_match ("/^_/", $key) == 1) { continue; } // if if (!$firstTime) { $csv .= ","; } else { $firstTime = false; } // if $csv .= "\"$key\""; } // foreach $csv .= "\n"; foreach ($data["_steps"] as $entry) { $firstTime = true; foreach ($entry as $key => $value) { // Skip "hidden" fields - fields beginning with "_" if (preg_match ("/^_/", $key) == 1) { continue; } // if if (!$firstTime) { $csv .= ","; } else { $firstTime = false; } // if $csv .= "\"$value\""; } // foreach $csv .= "\n"; } // foreach return $csv; } // exportStepRunCSV function exportStepRun ($testcase, $runid, $date) { $timestamp = getTestRunTimestamp ($runid); $filename = "Step Report." . $timestamp . ".csv"; header ("Content-Type: application/octect-stream"); header ("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"$filename\""); print exportStepRunCSV (getTestSteps ($runid), "Step Report for $testcase"); exit; } // exportStepRun function exportTestRuns ($day) { global $type; $filename = "Daily Test Report." . $day . ".csv"; header ("Content-Type: application/octect-stream"); header ("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"$filename\""); print exportCSV (getTestRuns (MDY2YMD ($day), $type, true), "Daily Test Report for $day"); exit; } // exportTestRuns function exportSuiteRun ($suiteid) { $suite = getName ("suite", $suiteid); $filename = "Suite Report." . $suite . ".csv"; header ("Content-Type: application/octect-stream"); header ("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"$filename\""); print exportCSV (getSuiteRuns ($suiteid), "Suite Report for $suite"); exit; } // exportSuiteRun function mailStepRunReport ($testName, $pnbr, $username) { global $runid; $subject = "Step Report for $testName"; $body = createTestStepsPage ($testName, true); $timestamp = getTestRunTimestamp ($runid); $filename = "Step Report." . $timestamp . ".csv"; $attachment = exportStepRunCSV (getTestSteps ($runid), $subject); return mailReport ($pnbr, $username, $subject, $body, $filename, $attachment); } // mailStepReport function mailTestRunsReport ($day, $pnbr, $username) { global $type; $subject = "Daily Test Report for $day"; $body = createTestRunsPage ($day, true); $filename = "TestRuns.$day.csv"; $attachment = exportCSV (getTestRuns (MDY2YMD ($day), $type, true), $subject); return mailReport ($pnbr, $username, $subject, $body, $filename, $attachment); } // mailTestRunsReport function mailSuiteRunReport ($suiteid, $pnbr, $username) { $subject = "Suite Report for $suitid"; $body = createSuiteRunsPage ($suiteid, true); $filename = "Suite Runs.$suiteid.csv"; $attachment = exportCSV (getSuiteRuns ($suiteid, true), $subject); return mailReport ($pnbr, $username, $subject, $body, $filename, $attachment); } // mailSuiteRunReport openDB (); $dateDropdown = reportDateDropdown (); switch ($action) { case "Export": if ($suiteid != 0) { exportSuiteRun ($suiteid); } elseif (isset ($testName)) { exportStepRun ($testName, $runid, $date); } else { exportTestRuns ($day); } // if break; case "Mail": list ($pnbr, $username) = explode (":", $user); if (isset ($suiteid)) { $message = mailSuiteRunReport ($suiteid, $pnbr, $username); displaySuiteRun ($suiteid, $message); } elseif (isset ($testName)) { $message = mailStepRunReport ($testName, $pnbr, $username); displayStepRun ($testName, $message); } else { $message = mailTestRunsReport ($day, $pnbr, $username); displayTestRuns ($day, $message); } // if break; default: if (isset ($suiteid)) { displaySuiteRun ($suiteid); } elseif (isset ($testName)) { displayStepRun ($testName); } else { displayTestRuns ($day); } // if break; } // switch