# RDE Puppet Windows config # This subclass defines the configuration for RDE Windows machines class rde::windows { tag 'cbc' #$win_software_repo = '\\az251dp2ch2d\Software' # A software repo. Currently on the machine under test but can be on any share # Install Cygwin $cyg_setup = "$win_software_repo\\Cygwin-2.9-Win64\\setup-x86_64.exe" $cyg_repo = "-L -l $win_software_repo\\Cygwin-2.9-Win64" $cyg_categories = "-C Base" $cyg_root = 'C:\Cygwin' $cyg_install_to = "-R $cyg_root" $cyg_pkgs = "-P openssh,cygrunsrv,bzip2,unzip,zip,gcc-core,gcc-G++,git,git-gui,make,vim,vim-common,perl,perl_base,perl-Term-ReadLine-Gnu,perl-Term-ReadKey,php,python2,python3,dos2unix,rlwrap,wget,xorg-server,xorg-server-common,xorg-x11-fonts-dpi100,xauth,xclock,xload,xterm,gnome-terminal,dbus-x11" exec { 'Install Cygwin': command => "$cyg_setup -q $cyg_repo $cyg_install_to $cyg_categories $cyg_pkgs", creates => $cyg_root, timeout => 600, # Cygwin takes some time to install } exec { 'Setup sshd': path => "$cyg_root\\bin", command => "bash /usr/bin/ssh-host-config2 -y -u cyg_server -w 'Ranroot!'", creates => "$cyg_root/etc/sshd_config", logoutput => 'on_failure', } windows::path { "$cyg_root\\bin": } windows::unzip { "$win_software_repo\\ProcessExplorer.zip": destination => 'C:\Windows\System32', creates => 'C:\Windows\System32\Procexp.exe', } exec { 'Install Firefox': command => "$win_software_repo\\FirefoxInstaller.exe -ms", creates => 'C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe', } exec { 'Install Adobe Reader': command => "$win_software_repo\\AcroRdrDC1801120040_en_US.exe /sAll", creates => 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Acrobat Reader DC\Reader\AcroRd32.exe', } }