Mail Authorization and Permission System

To register and send your previous email click here

For your convenience you email message is attached to this message. Note that if you register your previous emails will be delivered therefore you do not need to resend the message that is attached to this one.

My email address is protected by Mail Authorization and Permission System (MAPS). You must register to email me. Registration is quick and easy and you need only register once to be added to my white list, thereafter you should have no problems emailing me. This is not unlike the authorization procedure in many instant messaging clients.

This registration process is instantaneous however I reserve the right to remove you from my white list should you abuse this privilege.

Special note to solicitors: Please remove my email address from any and all lists that you maintain or sell. I do not wish to receive any solicitations via email. I do not give you permission to sell or otherwise use my email address for any purpose whatsoever. I reserve the right to add you to my white list as well as to put you on my black list. If I do wish to receive email from you I will add you to my list myself. If you register for permission to email me then I will most likely move you to my black list.