#!/usr/bin/perl ################################################################################ # # File: $RCSfile: search.cgi,v $ # Revision: $Revision: 1.1 $ # Description: Search by sender and subject # Author: Andrew@DeFaria.com # Created: Mon Jan 16 20:25:32 PST 2006 # Modified: $Date: 2013/06/12 14:05:47 $ # Language: perl # # (c) Copyright 2000-2006, Andrew@DeFaria.com, all rights reserved. # ################################################################################ use strict; use warnings; use FindBin; $0 = $FindBin::Script; use lib "$FindBin::Bin/../lib"; use MAPS; use MAPSWeb; use MAPSUtil; use CGI qw (:standard *table start_Tr start_td start_div end_Tr end_td end_div); use CGI::Carp "fatalsToBrowser"; my $str = param('str'); my $next = param('next'); my $lines = param('lines'); my $userid; my $prev; my $total; my $last; my $table_name = 'searchresults'; sub MakeButtons { my $prev_button = $prev >= 0 ? a ({-href => "search.cgi?str=$str;next=$prev"}, "Previous") : ""; my $next_button = ($next + $lines) < $total ? a {-href => "search.cgi?str=$str;next=" . ($next + $lines)}, "Next" : ""; my $buttons = $prev_button; $buttons = $buttons . submit ({-name => "action", -value => "Whitelist", -onClick => "return CheckAtLeast1Checked (document.detail);"}) . submit ({-name => "action", -value => "Blacklist", -onClick => "return CheckAtLeast1Checked (document.detail);"}) . submit ({-name => "action", -value => "Nulllist", -onClick => "return CheckAtLeast1Checked (document.detail);"}) . submit ({-name => "action", -value => "Reset", -onClick => "return ClearAll (document.detail);"}); return $buttons . $next_button; } # MakeButtons sub HighlightSearchStr { $_ = shift; my $highlighted_str = font {-class => "found"}, $str; s/$str/$&<\/font>/gi; return $_; } # HighlightSearchStr sub Body { my @emails; @emails = SearchEmails $userid, $str; my $current = $next + 1; print div {-align => "center"}, b ( "(" . $current . "-" . $last . " of " . $total . ")"); print start_form { -method => "post", -action => "processaction.cgi", -name => "detail" }; my $buttons = MakeButtons; print div {-align => "center", -class => "toolbar"}, $buttons; print start_table ({-align => "center", -id => $table_name, -border => 0, -cellspacing => 0, -cellpadding => 0, -width => "100%"}) . "\n"; print Tr [ th {-class => "tableleftend"}, th {-class => "tableheader"}, "Sender", th {-class => "tableheader"}, "Subject", th {-class => "tablerightend"}, "Date" ]; foreach (@emails) { my $sender = shift @{$_}; my $subject = shift @{$_}; my $date = shift @{$_}; my $display_sender = HighlightSearchStr $sender; $subject = HighlightSearchStr $subject; $subject = $subject eq "" ? "<Unspecified>" : $subject; $next++; print Tr [ td {-class => "tableleftdata", -align => "center"}, (checkbox {-name => "action$next", -label => ""}), hidden ({-name => "email$next", -default => $sender}), td {-class => "sender"}, a {-href => "mailto:$sender"}, $display_sender, td {-class => "subject"}, a {-href => "display.cgi?sender=$sender"}, $subject, td {-class => "dateright", -width => "115"}, SQLDatetime2UnixDatetime $date ]; } # foreach print end_table; } # Body # Main my @scripts = ("ListActions.js"); $userid = Heading ( "getcookie", "", "Search Results", "Search Results for \"$str\"", "", $table_name, @scripts ); SetContext $userid; NavigationBar $userid; DisplayError "No search string specified" if !defined $str; if (!$lines) { my %options = GetUserOptions $userid; $lines = $options{"Page"}; } # if $total = count "email", "userid = \"$userid\" and (subject like \"%$str%\" or sender like \"%$str%\")"; DisplayError "Nothing matching!" if $total eq 0; $next = !defined $next ? 0 : $next; $last = $next + $lines < $total ? $next + $lines : $total; if (($next - $lines) > 0) { $prev = $next - $lines; } else { $prev = $next eq 0 ? -1 : 0; } # if Body; Footing $table_name; exit;