#!/usr/bin/perl ################################################################################# # # File: $RCSfile: processaction.cgi,v $ # Revision: $Revision: 1.1 $ # Description: Process the action # Author: Andrew@DeFaria.com # Created: Mon Jan 16 20:25:32 PST 2006 # Modified: $Date: 2013/06/12 14:05:47 $ # Language: Perl # # (c) Copyright 2000-2006, Andrew@DeFaria.com, all rights reserved. # ################################################################################ use strict; use warnings; use FindBin; $0 = $FindBin::Script; use lib $FindBin::Bin; use MAPS; use MAPSWeb; use CGI qw (:standard *table start_Tr end_Tr); use CGI::Carp 'fatalsToBrowser'; my $type = param 'type'; my $action = param 'action'; my $next = param 'next'; my $userid = cookie 'MAPSUser'; my $lines; my $total; my $table_name = 'list'; my @scripts = ('ListActions.js'); sub ReturnSequenceNbrs { my @names = param; my @sequence_nbrs; Debug "Entered ReturnSequenceNbrs"; foreach (@names) { if (/action(\d+)/) { push @sequence_nbrs, $1; } # if } # foreach Debug "Returning sequence nbrs " . join ' ', @sequence_nbrs; return @sequence_nbrs; } # ReturnSequenceNbrs sub DeleteEntries { my ($type) = @_; my @sequence_nbrs = ReturnSequenceNbrs; my $count; foreach (@sequence_nbrs) { $count += DeleteList $type, $_; } # foreach if ($count == 0) { DisplayError 'Nothing to delete!'; } else { ResequenceList $userid, $type; if ($count == 1) { print redirect ("/maps/php/list.php?type=$type&next=$next&message=Deleted entry"); } else { print redirect ("/maps/php/list.php?type=$type&next=$next&message=Deleted $count entries"); } # if } # if return $count; } # DeleteEntries sub PrintInputLine ($$$$$) { my ($nextseq, $email_nbr, $leftclass, $dataclass, $rightclass) = @_; my $email = ''; my $pattern = ''; my $domain = ''; my $hit_count = 0; if (defined $email_nbr && $email_nbr ne '') { $email = param "email$email_nbr"; if ($email && $email ne '') { ($pattern, $domain) = split /\@/, $email; } # if $hit_count = CountMsg $email; } # if print Tr [ td {-class => $leftclass, -align => 'center'}, "$nextseq", td {-class => $dataclass, -align => 'right'}, (textfield {-class => 'inputfield', -style => 'width:100%', -align => 'right', -size => 25, -maxlength => '255', -name => "pattern$nextseq", -value => $pattern}), td {-class => $dataclass, -align => 'center'}, '@', td {-class => $dataclass}, (textfield {-class => 'inputfield', -style => 'width:100%', -align => 'left', -size => 25, -maxlength => '255', -name => "domain$nextseq", -value => $domain}), td {-class => $dataclass}, (textfield {-class => 'inputfield', -style => 'width:100%', -align => 'left', -size => 25, -maxlength => '255', -name => "comment$nextseq", -value => ''}), td {-class => $rightclass}, (textfield {-class => 'inputfield', -style => 'width:100%', -align => 'left', -size => 25, -maxlength => '255', -name => "hit_count$nextseq", -value => $hit_count}), ]; return; } # PrintInputLine sub AddNewEntry { my ($type, @selected) = @_; # First display the last page and add the appropriate number of # empty, editable entries (possibly filled in) for the user to add # the new entry my $selected = @selected; my $nextseq = MAPSDB::GetNextSequenceNo $userid, $type; my $next = ($nextseq - $lines) + $selected - 1; $next = 0 if $next < 0; my $Type = ucfirst $type; Heading ( 'getcookie', '', "Add to $Type List", "Add to $Type List", '', $table_name, @scripts ); NavigationBar $userid; # Now display table and new entry print start_form { -method => 'post', -action => 'add2' . $type . 'list.cgi', -name => 'list' }; print start_table {-align => 'center', -id => $table_name, -border => 0, -cellspacing => 0, -cellpadding => 4, -width => '100%'}; print Tr [ th {-class => 'tableleftend'}, 'Seq', th {-class => 'tableheader'}, 'Username', th {-class => 'tableheader'}, '@', th {-class => 'tableheader'}, 'Domain', th {-class => 'tableheader'}, 'Comments', th {-class => 'tablerightend'}, 'Hit Count' ]; my @list = ReturnList $type, $next, $lines; my %record; my $i = 1; foreach (@list) { $i++; %record = %{$_}; # Normalize fields my $sequence = $record{sequence}; my $pattern = $record{pattern} ? $record{pattern} : ' '; my $domain = $record{domain} ? $record{domain} : ' '; my $comment = $record{comment} ? $record{comment} : ' '; my $hit_count = $record{hit_count} ? $record{hit_count} : ' '; print Tr [ td {-class => 'tableleftdata', -align => 'center'}, $sequence, td {-class => 'tabledata', -align => 'right'}, $pattern, td {-class => 'tabledata', -align => 'center'}, '@', td {-class => 'tabledata', -align => 'left'}, $domain, td {-class => 'tabledata', -align => 'left'}, $comment, td {-class => 'tablerightdata', -align => 'right'}, $hit_count, ]; } # foreach # Now the input line(s) if (@selected == 0) { PrintInputLine $nextseq, undef, 'tablebottomleft', 'tablebottomdata', 'tablebottomright'; } else { foreach (@selected) { my $leftclass = $i == $lines ? 'tablebottomleft' : 'tableleftdata'; my $dataclass = $i == $lines ? 'tablebottomdata' : 'tabledata'; my $rightclass = $i == $lines ? 'tablebottomright' : 'tablerightdata'; $i++; PrintInputLine $nextseq++, $_, $leftclass, $dataclass, $rightclass; } # foreach } # for print end_table; print br, '
', submit ({-name => 'update', -value => 'Update', -onClick => 'return CheckEntry (document.list);'}), submit ({-name => 'Reset', -value => 'Reset', -onClick => 'history.back(); return false'}), '
'; print end_form; return; } # AddNewEntry sub ModifyEntries { my ($type) = @_; my @selected = ReturnSequenceNbrs; my $Type = ucfirst $type; Heading ( 'getcookie', '', "Modify $Type List", "Modify $Type List", '', $table_name, @scripts ); NavigationBar $userid; # Redisplay the page but open up the lines that are getting modified print start_form { -method => 'post', -action => 'modifyentries.cgi', -name => 'list' }; # Print some hidden fields to pass along print hidden ({-name => 'type', -default => $type}), hidden ({-name => 'next', -default => $next}); print start_table {-align => 'center', -id => $table_name, -border => 0, -cellspacing => 0, -cellpadding => 4, -width => '100%'}; print Tr [ th {-class => 'tableleftend'}, 'Seq', th {-class => 'tableheader'}, 'Username', th {-class => 'tableheader'}, '@', th {-class => 'tableheader'}, 'Domain', th {-class => 'tableheader'}, 'Comments', th {-class => 'tablerightend'}, 'Hit Count', ]; my @list = ReturnList $type, $next, $lines; my %record; my $s = 0; my $i = 1; foreach (@list) { %record = %{$_}; my $sequence = $record{sequence}; my $leftclass = ($i eq $lines || $sequence eq $total) ? 'tablebottomleft' : 'tableleftdata'; my $dataclass = ($i eq $lines || $sequence eq $total) ? 'tablebottomdata' : 'tabledata'; my $rightclass = ($i eq $lines || $sequence eq $total) ? 'tablebottomright' : 'tablerightdata'; $i++; print start_Tr, td {-class => $leftclass, -align => 'center'}, $record{sequence}; if ($record{sequence} eq $selected[$s]) { $s++; # Normalize fields my $pattern = $record{pattern} ? $record{pattern} : ''; my $domain = $record{domain} ? $record{domain} : ''; my $comment = $record{comment} ? $record{comment} : ''; my $hit_count = $record{hit_count} ? $record{hit_count} : ''; print td {-class => $dataclass, -align => 'right'}, (textfield {-class => 'inputfield', -style => 'width:100%', -align => 'right', -size => 25, -maxlength => '255', -name => "pattern$sequence", -value => $pattern}), td {-class => $dataclass, -align => 'center'}, '@', td {-class => $dataclass}, (textfield {-class => 'inputfield', -style => 'width:100%', -align => 'left', -size => 25, -maxlength => '255', -name => "domain$sequence", -value => $domain}), td {-class => $dataclass}, (textfield {-class => 'inputfield', -style => 'width:100%', -align => 'left', -size => 25, -maxlength => '255', -name => "comment$sequence", -value => $comment}), td {-class => $rightclass}, (textfield {-class => 'inputfield', -style => 'width:100%', -align => 'left', -size => 25, -maxlength => '255', -name => "hit_count$sequence", -value => $hit_count}); } else { # Put in ' ' for undefined fields my $pattern = $record{pattern} ? $record{pattern} : ' '; my $domain = $record{domain} ? $record{domain} : ' '; my $comment = $record{comment} ? $record{comment} : ' '; my $hit_count = $record{hit_count} ? $record{hit_count} : ' '; print td {-class => $dataclass, -align => 'right'}, $pattern, td {-class => $dataclass, -align => 'center'}, '@', td {-class => $dataclass, -align => 'left'}, $domain, td {-class => $dataclass, -align => 'left'}, $comment, td {-class => $rightclass, -align => 'left'}, $hit_count; } # if print end_Tr; } # foreach print end_table; print br, '
', submit ({-name => 'update', -value => 'Update', -onClick => 'return CheckEntry (document.list);'}), submit ({-name => 'Reset', -value => 'Reset', -onClick => 'history.back(); return false'}), '
'; print end_form; return; } # ModifyEntries sub WhitelistMarked { AddNewEntry 'white', ReturnSequenceNbrs; } # WhitelistMarked sub BlacklistMarked { AddNewEntry 'black', ReturnSequenceNbrs; } # BlacklistMarked sub NulllistMarked { AddNewEntry 'null', ReturnSequenceNbrs; } # NulllistMarked # Main $userid ||= $ENV{USER}; SetContext $userid; my %options = GetUserOptions $userid; $lines = $options{'Page'}; $total = MAPSDB::count 'list', "userid = \"$userid\" and type = \"$type\"" if $type; if ($action eq 'Add New Entry') { AddNewEntry $type; } elsif ($action eq 'Delete Marked') { DeleteEntries $type; } elsif ($action eq 'Modify Marked') { ModifyEntries $type; } elsif ($action eq 'Whitelist Marked') { WhitelistMarked; } elsif ($action eq 'Blacklist Marked') { BlacklistMarked; } elsif ($action eq 'Nulllist Marked') { NulllistMarked; } else { Heading ( 'getcookie', '', "Unknown action ($action)", "Unknown action ($action)" ); NavigationBar $userid; DisplayError "Unknown action encountered ($action)"; } # if Footing $table_name; exit;