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September 14, 2012

Shebang and script interpreters

Turns out that you cannot put a script as the interpreter for your #! line. It must be a binary. Also, many IT departments forced with supporting various Unix/Linux's often have a set of scripts that "do the right thing(tm)" to set up an environment for the target architecture then execute the architecturally appropriate binary. I did this way back with /app server.

So what do you do when you are say writing an expect script and wish to use #!/app/expect? The trick is to use something like #!/usr/bin/env /app/expect. Most people are familiar with using env(1) to print out the environment and it turns out it does - if you don't give it any other parameter. But it's real main purpose is "run a program in a modified environment". So if you wish to use an interpreter that is a script use #!/usr/bin/env /path/to/script as your shebang line.