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April 2, 2008

Rantest 0.9.2

  • Announces itself if -verbose is on.
  • Fixed to not include test options in the logfile name if specified.
  • Now sets exit code to the number of failed test cases.
  • Changed to run properly under cron.
  • Now renames logfile tars so as not to overwrite them. Instead it tacks on the file's time stamp.
  • Supports -script, an arbitrary script to do post test case analysis.
  • Implemented hack to get around non-standard asynchronous output from start_east_auto.
  • Changed to reset certain options stored in the East object when running tests repeatedly as such options should be re-evaluated for each new test run.
  • Defaulting testbed option to "$type$unit".
  • Fixed order of options as per Ross' request.
  • Implemented rendezvous more fully.
  • Implemented internal functions for _checkOutElement, _checkInElement, _makeTar to ease coding of saveLogFiles method.
  • saveLogFiles now creates and saves EASTLogs.tgz as well as properly handles TM500Logs.tgz and NMSLogs.tgz. Note that EASTLogs.tgz is a new file name (has been pluralized) and is now created at the "logs/" level.