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June 3, 2005

LOS178 2.1.0 build

  • Built LOS178 2.1.0

June 1, 2005

LOS178 TOT Build

  • Built TOT for LOS178
  • Tagged and release resultant build
  • Worked some more on build_los178 script to do automatic building

Automatic building

In general this is going to be hard because each systems has it's own build mechanism and quirks. The intend was initially to create a script that normalized those quirks but it was later decided to create a build_los178 script that has particular knowledge of LOS178.

So far the set up and initial build steps are done. It's not optimal, more like a mirroring of the steps that a builder would do - but it's a start. One problem is that through Perl one cannot expect to `. SETUP.bash` and expect environment variables to remain in force. This is because Perl execs a subshell to perform the command and after that subshell dies so does its environment. For now build_los178 has a subroutine coded that mimicks what SETUP.bash does. This is not good because if SETUP.bash changes then that would break this until it was likewised changed. I need to find a better way to do this...