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April 22, 2005


  • Building of BC 5.3 on RH 6.1 failed in step 7. Apparently I had /mnt/cdrom already mounted. Picked up from step 8...
  • Building of BC 5.2 on RH 8.0 got along farther - to step 3.7! - but failed due to lack of uudecode. Installed and proceeding

BC 5.2 on RH 8.0

Building BC 5.3 on RH 8.0 failed in step 3 with the following in build_ncurses.log:

+ zcat /build/bluecat/build/20050319/cdt/src/bluecat/SOURCES/patch-5.3-20021231.sh.gz
+ sh
sh: line 2196: uudecode: command not found
gzip: ncurses-5.3-20021231.patch.gz: No such file or directory
+ echo 'Patch #2 (ncurses-5.3-20030105.patch.gz):'
+ /bin/gzip -dc /build/bluecat/build/20050319/cdt/src/bluecat/SOURCES/ncurses-5.3-20030105.patch.gz
+ patch -p1 -s
patch: **** aborted
error: Bad exit status from /build/bluecat/build/20050319/var/tmp/rpm-tmp.56417 (%prep)
    Bad exit status from /build/bluecat/build/20050319/var/tmp/rpm-tmp.56417 (%prep)

Turns out uudecode is part of sharutils-4.2.1-12 which I downloaded and installed. This should be added to the required package list.

April 21, 2005

BC Builds/CVS Corruption

  • Recieved hack to continue on with RH8.0 build. Proceeded to build that on Europa
  • Recieved instructions from Sasha regarding building BC 5.3 on RH 6.1. Proceeded to build that on Jaguar
  • Finished fixing CVS corruption with Vinnie's help

RH 8.0 BC Build

Sasha's only advice was to uncomment a line in the glibc_cdt.spec file that gunzip's these info files. I had seen that before. I did this and restarted a stepwise build @ step 3. I suspect, however, that were I to backtrack to step 1 or so this hack would be overwritten

BC 5.3 build on RH 6.1

Meantime BC development goes on to BC 5.3. Sasha sent a PDF file with instructions for building. Looks like they've incorporated some of the changes I suggested (fixing mktools to be part of step one as well as the patch spec). Unfortunately they have not incorporated the fix for RH 8.0 to the do_it script.

Still the build is progressing fairly nicely and it looks as if they've also reduced the number of steps from 17 -> 13 (though do_it still described steps > 13).

I had made a change or two to do_it essentially removing the su $BUILD_CMD_USER as that causes me problems and utilizing sudo around the mount commands in steps 7 and 11. I have configured Europa such that int has passwordless sudo privileges.

April 20, 2005

Rebuilding glibc RH 8.0

  • Rebuild glibc on RH 8.0 in order to obtain static .a files for libnss_dns and libnss_files.

Rebuilding glibc

According to Sasha I downloaded a copy of glibc- Next I modified the spec file to include --enable-static-nss=yes. In attempting to rebuild using rpmbuild -bb I received notice that I had to get and install gd-devel-1.8.4-9.i386.rpm and libpng-devel-1.2.2-8.i386.rpm. After that the rpmbuild worked OK and I copied the libraries like so:

$ cp /usr/src/redhat/BUILD/glibc-2.2.93/build-i386-linux/resolv/libnss_dns.a /usr/lib/libnss_dns.a
$ cp /usr/src/redhat/BUILD/glibc-2.2.93/build-i385-linux/nss/libnss_files.a /usr/lib/libnss_files.a

April 19, 2005

BC Step 3 still broke

  • Trying to resolve problems in BC build step 3

The build is still failing in step3. Specifically I see lines like the following at the end of build_glibc.log:

rpm-tmp.51419 line 27:cp -pr documentation/ChangeLog.1.gz documentation/ChangeLog.10.gz documentation/ChangeLog.11.gz documentation/ChangeLog.12.gz documentation/ChangeLog.13.gz documentation/ChangeLog.2.gz documentation/ChangeLog.3.gz documentation/ChangeLog.4.gz documentation/ChangeLog.5.gz documentation/ChangeLog.6.gz documentation/ChangeLog.7.gz documentation/ChangeLog.8.gz documentation/ChangeLog.9.gz documentation/ChangeLog.gz documentation/ChangeLog.threads.gz documentation/Changes.threads documentation/FAQ-threads.html documentation/README.threads documentation/README.timezone documentation/README.ufc-crypt documentation/examples.threads /build/bluecat/build/20050319/var/tmp/glibc-2.3.2-root/usr/share/doc/glibc_cdt-common-2.3.2
rpm-tmp.51419 line 28:exit 0
   File not found: /build/bluecat/build/20050319/var/tmp/glibc-2.3.2-root/cdt/share/info/libc.info
   File not found: /build/bluecat/build/20050319/var/tmp/glibc-2.3.2-root/cdt/share/info/libc.info-1
   File not found: /build/bluecat/build/20050319/var/tmp/glibc-2.3.2-root/cdt/share/info/libc.info-10
   File not found: /build/bluecat/build/20050319/var/tmp/glibc-2.3.2-root/cdt/share/info/libc.info-11
   File not found: /build/bluecat/build/20050319/var/tmp/glibc-2.3.2-root/cdt/share/info/libc.info-12

When I look to see what's in that path I do see libc.info files (libc.info, libc.info-1, libc.info-10, etc.) but they are all gzipped (i.e. libc.info -> libc.info.gz, libc.info-10 -> libc.info-10.gz). My only suspicion is that something in this process changed to use gzip files and some other portion of this process is looking for the unzipped files.

As this appears to be dynamically created, I cannot simply unzip these files and continue on from this point. What should I do?

I have also been trying to perform the rpmbuild in steps (-bp, -bc, etc) to no avail. I've even tried to keep these .gz files around and place them in place so that the build/install can continue but then down the line I get problems like:

+ install -m 644 /build/bluecat/build/20050319/cdt/src/bluecat/SOURCES/nsswitch.conf /build/bluecat/build/20050319/var/tmp/glibc-2.3.2-root/cdt/etc/nsswitch.conf
install: cannot stat `/build/bluecat/build/20050319/cdt/src/bluecat/SOURCES/nsswitch.conf': No such file or directory
error: Bad exit status from /build/bluecat/build/20050319/var/tmp/rpm-tmp.44405 (%install)

This is obviously not the right way to do this. I should wait from word from Moscow before preceeding.

April 18, 2005

Bluecat Response

  • Installed autoconf-2-13 on Europa. Restarting Bluecat build

Received a response from Alexander. Seems Bluecat relies on autoconf-2.13. Found a package on the web and installed it.

Sasha also speaks of rebuilding glibc in order to get an archive version of libnss_dns and libnss_files. I've already copied these from Jaguar (RH 6.1).

Restarted Bluecat build in a non stepwise fashion. This should be interesting.