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January 13, 2005

Native PPC toolchain build

  • Attempting to build PPC toolchain natively

Although some errors persisted in the 120604-C build I decided it was time to at least try a native PPC build of the toolchain. The problem here is the PPC machine that I was told to use, t-mcpn765-1, is a LynxOS 4.0.0 machine! I don't think I'm supposed to try to build a 3.2.2 toolchain for 4.0.0.

Additionally, I've never built the toolchain natively on a PPC machine before. Previously, when building the toolchain natively, one needed to extract things like X/Motif (according to my instructions - which may very well be off base - why would we need X/Motif to build a compiler?!?) and devos (I think). Where do I get such things?

Additionally, t-mcpn765-1 doesn't have enough disk space.

Disk space problems & int_tools checkout

  • Rebuilt PPC cross toolchain from 120604-B
  • Attempted to build 120604-C but ran out of diskspace on Dopey
  • Discovered source of problem with toolchain tarball naming inconsistenies

Rebuilding of cross toolchain from 120604-B

After building LynxOS 120604-B and only receiving a few errors about (see previous days entry) I decided to attempt to rebuild the toolchain again. This seemed to work OK!

Building LynxOS 120604-C

With the toolchain rebuilt I went to rebuild LynxOS 120604-C. At this point Dopey ran out of disk space. I moved the 120604-A subdirectory over to /export/build2/defaria temporarily because that filesystem had much more space.

Toolchain tarball naming change

AKA, why one should always cvs checkout int_tools instead of just copying it

There's been this nagging problem of int_tools not being able to find the proper toolchain tarball to install compilers. This we due to the fact that I've been copying int_tools from 120604-A -> 120604-B -> 120406-C. Well names have changed but the copies of int_tools didn't reflect that change! Plus, for some reason, somebody hand fixed 120604-B but 120604-C and -A had been refreshed from CVS. Moral of this story is to always use cvs checkout to get a fresh copy of int_tools.

Note: This underscores one of the things that I do not like in CVS, that being the tendency of making many copies of what's in CVS due to it's snapshot view/sandbox like methodology. It's easy to see where one might create a 120604-C/int_tools directory via a cvs checkout int_tools and that int_tools be different than 120604-B and 120604-C's copies. If one then needs to make a change to int_tools and this change should apply to the -B and -C areas as well then one needs to remember about the -B and -C areas and remember to update them as well. This is a common problem with a snapshot/sandbox philosophy. Nevermind that it's wasteful to have so many multiple copies of essentially the same thing - wasteful in terms of diskspace and prone to misunderstanding and human error.

January 12, 2005

PPC Builds

  • Built PPC Toolchain with 120604-A
  • Attempting to build 120604-B with this new toolchain

Adam helped me figure out that the reason that the toolchain was failing to build was because the ppc/lib directory in 120604-B didn't have the proper libraries. I proceeded to build the tookchain using 120604-A.

After successfully building the toolchain in 120604-A I proceeded to attempt to build LynxOS in 120604-B utilizing int_tools. The first problem that I had was that it attempts to install a compiler from DIR_PATH(compilers), which was set to 3.2.2-120604. But the toolchain I built for PPC was not there. Note that there was also a 3.2.2-122804 directory. I decided to use 3.2.2-122804 instead of 3.2.2-120604 and I scp'ed the toolchain I built over to that directory. The 3.2.2-122804 already had some toolchains in there but didn't have PPC toolchains.

After performing a make package for the toolchain I wound up with a toolchain-i686-pc-linux-gnu-powerpc.tar.gz. So I copied that over to 3.2.2-122804. But int_tools was looking for a toolchain-i-686-pc-linux-gnu-ppc.tar.gz. I solved this problem by symlinking. I also needed a toolchain-powerpc-lynx-lynxos-ppc.tar.gz or int_tools complained.

After fixing those problem I managed to build LynxOS but there were a few errors:

LOGS/makeall.log:make[5]: *** [/usr/lynx/5.0.0/ppc/sys/family.ppc/lib/libdrivers.a(flopdrvr.o)] Error 1
LOGS/makeall.log:make[4]: *** [/usr/lynx/5.0.0/ppc/sys/family.ppc/lib/libdrivers.mpc8260_vads.a(flash_mtd_vads.o)] Error 1
LOGS/makeall.log:make[3]: *** [common_all] Error 1
LOGS/makeall.log:make[4]: *** [/usr/lynx/5.0.0/ppc/sys/family.ppc/lib/libdrivers.rpxl823.a(flopdrvr.o)] Error 1
LOGS/makeall.log:make[4]: *** [/usr/lynx/5.0.0/ppc/sys/family.ppc/lib/libdrivers.vmpc.a(flopdrvr.o)] Error 1
LOGS/makeall.log:make[4]: *** [/usr/lynx/5.0.0/ppc/sys/family.ppc/lib/libdrivers.vmpc.a(if_dec21040.o)] Error 1

There are also some errors in demo.log.

Are these reasonable errors? Should I go one to attempt to build the PPC toolchain again using this LynxOS?

January 11, 2005

PPC Toolchain build

  • Restarted building PPC toolchain cross

Adam correctly pointed out that 120604-B had relatively nothing in $ENV_PREFIX/lib. I don't know what that's so empty but 120604-A had a more full $ENV_PREFIX/lib so we switched over to using that.

The Mysterious RSync Process

  • Documented the rsync process
  • Documented the Dopey Archives

The mysterious rsync process has been found! Apparently the int_tools START process cannot write directly to T3's dev_archive area. So, instead it puts it to DIR_PATH(archive) which needs to reside on dopey and then an rsync script, in ~int/toosl/rsync_500.sh, to copy the files over to the official dev_archive area on T3

The psuedo archives, AKA The Dopey Archvies are pointed to by DIR_PATH(archive), typically at /export/build1/LYNXOS_500/archive.

January 10, 2005


Added more structure to the documentation by including things I've developed at home with PHP. Mainly added a menu on the left hand side so as to allow easier navigation of the pages.

TOT Build succeeds

After Moscow fixed the atoi error I believe that the TOT build succeeded!

How does one determine if a build it successful? I ask because sometimes some errors are considered OK. But I don't know how to determine whether an error is acceptable or not. Here's the errors that I'm getting in the TOT build after Moscow has fixed the atoi error:

LOGS/demo.log:make[1]: *** [hello_world] Error 1
LOGS/demo.log:make[3]: *** [demo] Error 1
LOGS/demo.log:make[2]: *** [demo/demo] Error 2
LOGS/demo.log:make[1]: *** [local] Error 2
LOGS/demo.log:make[1]: *** [hello_world] Error 1
LOGS/demo.log:make[3]: *** [demo] Error 1
LOGS/demo.log:make[2]: *** [demo/demo] Error 2
LOGS/demo.log:make[1]: *** [local] Error 2
LOGS/makeall.log:make[2]: *** No rule to make target `install'.  Stop.
LOGS/makeall.log:make[2]: *** No rule to make target `install'.  Stop.
LOGS/makeall.log:make[2]: *** No rule to make target `install'.  Stop.
LOGS/makeall.log:make[2]: *** No rule to make target `install'.  Stop.
LOGS/makeall.log:make[2]: *** No rule to make target `install'.  Stop.
LOGS/makeall.log:make[2]: *** No rule to make target `install'.  Stop.
LOGS/makeall.log:make[2]: *** No rule to make target `install'.  Stop.
LOGS/makeall.log:make[2]: *** No rule to make target `install'.  Stop.
LOGS/makeall.log:make[2]: *** No rule to make target `install'.  Stop.
LOGS/makeall.log:make[2]: *** [rkjump.o] Error 127
LOGS/makeall.log:make[2]: *** No rule to make target `install'.  Stop.

I figure the demo.log errors may be acceptable and I remember the [rkjump.o] error. But are those "No rule to make target 'install'"'s OK?