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December 30, 2004

More documentation

  • Yet more documenting of Build, Test, Release processes

December 29, 2004


December 28, 2004

Releasing 5.0.0

  • Attempting to archive this 5.0.0 build both toolchain and lynxos. Not really sure where everything comes from or goes to
  • More work on cmptags.pl

Directories, builds, dated directories, etc are all over, spead out between t3, dopey, t-k1g-1, etc.. It's hard to know where things are and where they need to end up. Will look into this tomorrow with Thu

Regarding cmptags.pl, rearranged this to attempt to produce a simple list like:

ECR Number ####
      path/to/foo.c            1.30

Unfortunately this appears to be very slow to process. cmptags.pl does not attempt to optimise things only working on files recently updated, rather it goes though all of the files in CVS and generates, parsed and creates data structures for all the CVS info, even that which it's not particularly interested in at the momment so that it can be more generally used. This takes forever with CVS as each file must be found and a cvs log issued and output parsed. Unlike Clearcase there doesn't seemto be a cvs command line prompt so cvs is constantly being invoked (process overhead) and it's always talking to the server (network overhead) and there's a lot of data (tags, revisions, comments, etc) to be processed. Clearly CVS has not been optimized for this sort of access.

Not sure how or if this can be optimized any further. It's a shame because I'm almost at the point where I can ask "Show me the files and version numbers for the following ECR's" which is something I know I'm gonna need quickly here for the impending build note that needs to be created.

December 27, 2004

Fix Copyright, native 3.2.2/5.0.0 build

  • Modified fix_copyright.pl to take into account the situation where the LynuxWork copyright is contained inside a comment block with another company's copyright.
  • Was able to build 3.2.2/5.0.0 toolchain natively by booking to the ide.0c partition
  • Build of non-development los178 is successful with expected errors