" /> Status for Andrew DeFaria: August 15, 2004 - August 21, 2004 Archives

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August 19, 2004

Group Permissions/mktriggers

  • Started documenting usage of groups within groups
  • Helped John with mktriggers modifications

August 18, 2004

Group Permissions/cmconfig

  • Wrapped up the 3 things we want to do to configure during install into a cmd script - cmconfig.cmd
  • Performed a lot of investigation regarding group permissions problem - writing web page for this

August 17, 2004


  • Submitted a few task for improvements with the TOOLS database
  • Changed cqverify to deliniate between username not found and password wrong. Changed return status such that if the username is not in the Clearquest database that's an error. But if the user is in the Clearquest database but the password is not default then that's just a warning
  • Assisted TTE member to add ASAP_WinRunner to his view

August 16, 2004


  • Implemented setregion.vbs. This command will set the region for the passed in region name. Or, if no region is given, it uses the users ID and the TOOLS database to determine that user's home region
  • Requested SQL folk to allow monitoring of SQL service
  • Changed cqverify to attempt connecting to Clearquest database using the user's username and password
  • Changed ccverify to not consider an empty CLEARCASE_PRIMARY_GROUP as an error