" /> Status for Andrew DeFaria: July 25, 2004 - July 31, 2004 Archives

« July 18, 2004 - July 24, 2004 | Main | August 1, 2004 - August 7, 2004 »

July 30, 2004

TTE/Server move to Cartwright

  • Had AD groups created in one day!
  • Supported the server move to Cartwright. The move invalidated all Clearcase/Multisite licenses! Got emergency licenses

July 29, 2004

Nag/TTE/Print CSS

  • Finished nag. Started nagging David Chu and TTE-EMP people. Worked well with TTE-EMP people....
  • Requested creation of AD groups for TTE-EMP. Created in one day! Yippie!. Showed Loren how to make .perms files. Still need to address the issue of Empower people being in which CC group...
  • Changed web pages to use new print CSS

July 28, 2004

Tools push/Lockvobs

  • Met with Victor Larson and William Fagerberg regarding tools push. We went over my install scripts and they will attempt to package up an msi file that will install Clearcase and TUP and add the appropriate registry entries for the user. We in CM just need to ensure that we have the appropriate reg file set up before the pushes occur.
  • Changed Lockvobs to use an exclusion list of vobs to not [un]lock vobs
  • Helped new guy, John Luu, with his set up

July 27, 2004


  • Implementing email reminder