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June 9, 2004


  • Joined PowerBuilder newsgroup to try to find out how to solve the Orca Script problems. Looks like I'm gonna learn way more about PB than I wanted to
  • Tested moving PVOB and Src vob from vobstore to ASAP_VOBS. Works OK.
  • Learned that we can use the DOS command MOVE which moves the VOBs simply by manipulating the directory entries. This means moving a large vob takes no longer than a small vobs. This is probably possible because we are on the same filesystem
  • WRT these ASAP vobs, we need to ct find -all -exec "cleartool protect -chown <owner> %CLEARCASE_PN%"

June 8, 2004

ActiveState Perl

  • Spent most of the day installing a Networked ActiveState Perl. Had permission problems with making elements in my dynamic view! Don't know why? Tried a clearfsimport and that caused the Perl to fail. I think it didn't properly copy permissions. So I ended up having to Add to Source Control all the files by hand (since I don't have scripting tools)
  • Consulted with Subba about ASAP VOB Move test
  • Babu gave me an assignment to learn OrcaScript which is a scripting language for PowerBuidlder. Oh boy!