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March 5, 2004

Day 2

Long day yesterday (9 Am - 11 Pm).

Today I:

  1. Attended the 9 Am meeting

  2. Wasn't able to lock the old ASAP_Docs vob so I rm'ed the tag instead

  3. Checked in the CheckinPre trigger

  4. Setup web server on my deskctop

  5. Removed a number of test vobs

March 4, 2004

1st day at Ameriquest

Well made it here. We're on the 9th floor of this building. Argh, having to go through all of the new things like badges, user ids, etc. Apparently this shop is much more closed up than the old place. I cannot, for example, get through to my machine at home for email and the like. I can get to my home page. Guess I'm gonna have to implement that web mail thing after all!

Can't ftp home, can't use IM. No IMAP. No POP. Apparently they also restrict other web sites like sports related stuff, etc.

Interesting in that they apparently use Lotus Notes for email. Argh! This is gonna be a fight regarding tools and the like.

Created a vob, view, etc today. We are supposed to be doing a lot of client installs today and tomorrow.

Managed to install Cygwin partially and get some semblence of my environment.