" /> Status for Andrew DeFaria: February 1, 2004 - February 7, 2004 Archives

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February 6, 2004

CI Trigger Bug

Fixed bug in CheckInPost.pl. This bug was caused by an element having a space character in it (e.g. a directory named "source code"). The checkin trigger had the following line:

$result = system ("cleartool mklabel -replace $bugid $pname");

This line assumes that $pname does not contain a space character. The fix was:

$result = system ("cleartool mklabel -replace $bugid \"$pname\"");

The \"'s surround $pname and thus protect it.

February 5, 2004

2.3 KDDI release

  • Built
  • Created

February 4, 2004

2.3 merging/New 2340 branch

  • Worked on 2.3 merge problems. NeoPON.ccp came in merged but the auto merged failed due to a link problem with onu2330. Zhiyi is working on this for
  • Worked with Hong Bin to get FPGA files visible
  • Changed includeable config specs to handle new files created by other site
  • Setup us_2340/china_2340 branches, views and ctmerge jobs.

February 2, 2004

2.3 merge issues

  • Resolved 2.3 merge issues
  • More WebSAM testing...