" /> Status for Andrew DeFaria: January 4, 2004 - January 10, 2004 Archives

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January 9, 2004

2.1.12 finished & SAM 4 Linux

Finished up processing of 2.1.12. The Shanghai link was down so I was not able to push out 2.1.12 to Shanghai. Finished that today.

Started testing of new SAM for Linux 2.3 on new SuSe 8.2 sonslinux machine.

January 8, 2004

Rebuilt 2.1.12

As per Jeff's instructions I rebuilt 2.1.12 after insuring that the ONU FPGA was checked in on the China side and merged to the US side. Also insured that the label was properly applied.

Also got sonslinux's web server up and running and installed mod_php.

January 7, 2004

Built 2.1.12

Build new 2.1.12 image with new ONU FPGA.

Finally figured out the XDMCP problem on sonslinux - problem was that there are multiple places where kdmrc exist. I was editing /opt/kde3/share/config/kdm/kdmrc and should have been editing /etc/opt/kde3/share/config/kdm/kdmrc!