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November 15, 2003

Built and release

November 14, 2003

Death of a Sun

  1. Worked out some problems with last nights merge
  2. Fixed bug 3484
  3. Unable to reinstall OS on Sun box

Because of yesterdays rebuilding of I had set the 2.2 official view to use the label and forgot to put it back to rel_2.2_dev config spec. This caused problems in last night's merge

Regarding the Sun box, attempt to reinstall the OS but failed. Apparently we do not have the OS CDs. Unfortunately this has left us with an unusable system.

Asad says he checked the contracts and we are out of contract. So unless we renew the contract or find the OS CDs I'm not sure how we can use this machine.

November 13, 2003


Worked more on getting sonssun up and running.

Worked on problem with and websam

Since Sonssun lacked man pages and it is unknown what exactly is installed or not installed on it I decided to wipe it clean and reinstall Solaris 8.0. Of course I've been having problems. May need to call Sun Support...

November 12, 2003

TCL Debuggers

  • Investigated 2 TCL debuggers
  • Implemented SUT for the SaliraTest package
  • Setup sonssun in the lab
  • Built

Since the testing involves expect and TCL I thought it would be good to find a good debugger. My stuff is getting complicated and a debugger would sure help. It would also help engineers writting tests. Unfortunately these debuggers work with TCL and get tripped up with expect functions.

SUT stands for System Under Test. If this environment variable is set then you no longer need to specify -m <IPAddress> to invoke a test or to run tester. Handy.

November 11, 2003


Attempted to gain access to sonsun today. Found out that it's powered off and not connected to the net. Sam lacks an IP drop in his cube.

Set up both 2.4 and china_2.4 and set up synchronization of branching for all of 2.2, 2.3, 2.4.

Worked on getting show system stuff into discovery