
September 11, 2006

Clearquest License Server

  • Investigated Clearquest License server

Time Spent: 3 Hours

Continue reading "Clearquest License Server" »

September 1, 2006

Lost Packet

  • Fixed Multisite problems

Time spent: 2 hours

Continue reading "Lost Packet" »

July 15, 2006

Clearcase Migration

  • Installed and tested licenses from new server
  • Examined and transfered crontab entries from sons-clearcase -> sons-sc-cc
  • Performed chmaster from sons-clearcase -> sons-sc-cc
  • Reinstalled Cygwin and got rsh and smake working again

Time spent: 3 hours

Continue reading "Clearcase Migration" »

June 27, 2006

Salira Vob Corruption

  • Cleaned up Multisite Packets
  • Cleaned up sons-sc-cc:/Windows/temp and sons-clearcase salira vob cleartext pools due to disk space crunch
  • Ran dbcheck on salira vob to fix corruption
  • Tested changing mastership of a test branch

Time spend: 7 hours

Continue reading "Salira Vob Corruption" »

June 26, 2006


  • Ran dbcheck on salira vob

Time spent: 2 hours

Continue reading "dbcheck" »

June 22, 2006

Vob corruption/Email/Chmaster

  • Fixed problem with email from Multisite jobs
  • Investigated vob corruption
  • Looked into chmaster

Total time: 5 hours

Continue reading "Vob corruption/Email/Chmaster" »

May 22, 2006

More woes with 2003 Server and sshd

I don't see how my tinkering with things could have messed up IPSEC. I did mess with the Local Computer Polices and Default Domain Policies attempting to add rights to the local user sons-sc-cc\sshd_server. I'm not sure how this effects IPSEC. This user is used by the sshd and inetd Cygwin services. Since these services need to "switch user" to the user ssh'ing or rsh'ing they need some elevated rights. Prior to 2003 Server the Local System Account (known as SYSTEM in Cygwin) had enough rights to do this. But with 2003 Server Microsoft lessened the rights that the Local System Account has. Cygwin's answer to this is to create a new user ID, sshd_server, and assign it the necessary rights to be able to switch user. Then this user would only be used for Cygwin services. In fact they have a script /bin/ssh-host-config which creates a local sshd_server user for you (as well as sets up the hosts ssh key and adds a service for sshd). However even after running that script ssh was not working.

The inetd service, which is the super server, provides services like rsh, telnet, ftp, etc. that also needs to switch user. Similarly with cron. You see the service is running as an executable under some users credentials (normally the SYSTEM user) and needs to become the requesting user. So I was trying to run these services by using the local sshd_server user that ssh-host-config creates and adds the necessary rights to switch user.

Since I was having troubles I was removing the locally created sshd_server user and having the ssh-host-config script recreate it. At one time I decided to run mmc and add the Group Policy snap in then go under Local Computer Policy: Computer Configuration: Windows Settings: Local Policies: User Rights Assignment and make that the local sshd_server user had the following rights:

  1. Create a token object
  2. Logon as a service
  3. Replace a process level token
  4. Increase Quota

One time, when adding the Group Policy Object Editor I decided to click on the Browse button and saw a Default Domain Policy and thought perhaps there was something in there overriding the Local Computer Policy. So I added that and again I made sure that sons-sc-cc\sshd_server had the above rights. I have put a copy of this mmc polices thing under C:\Polcies.msc in case Ron wants to look at it. I notice a number of SIDs in there, probably from my past creations and recreations of sons-sc-cc\sshd_server.

As I don't know what Ron did to get sons-sc-cc running again and as I see the local sshd_server as having only deny network login right I don't want to mess with anything. Right now rsh is still broken as inetd cannot switch user since it's using the sshd_server user and that user doesn't have enough rights.

Here's an exert from /usr/share/doc/Cygwin/openssh.README:

Important note for Windows 2003 Server users:

2003 Server has a funny new feature. When starting services under SYSTEM account, these services have nearly all user rights which SYSTEM holds... except for the "Create a token object" right, which is needed to allow public key authentication :-(

There's no way around this, except for creating a substitute account which has the appropriate privileges. Basically, this account should be member of the administrators group, plus it should have the following user rights:

  1. Create a token object
  2. Logon as a service
  3. Replace a process level token
  4. Increase Quota

The ssh-host-config script asks you, if it should create such an account, called "sshd_server". If you say "no" here, you're on your own. Please follow the instruction in ssh-host-config exactly if possible. Note that ssh-user-config sets the permissions on 2003 Server machines dependent of whether a sshd_server account exists or not.

May 8, 2006

sons-sc-cc crontab and checking in files

Regarding sons-sc-cc's crontab

I copied (and modified) the crontab for ccadmin@sons-clearcase -> ccadmin@sons-sc-cc changing sons-clearcase -> sons-sc-cc where appropriate. I had also commented out the ctmerge lines. We don't want to be doing ctmerges on sons-sc-cc just yet as sons-sc-cc doesn't yet master the branches that sons-clearcase does. If we did we'd have to establish a whole new branching structure like sc_1.0, etc. That would be doable but since sons-clearcase will be decommissioned I think it's cleaner to simple transfer mastership of everything over to sons-sc-cc. However before we can do that we need to get all the users off of sons-clearcase and using sons-sc-cc.

The only thing currently left in ccadmin's crontab on sons-sc-cc are:

00 02 * * * //sons-sc-cc/Views/official/Tools/bin/update_view -q official

00 00 * * * /usr/bin/find /tmp -type f -ctime +3 -exec rm -f {} \;

01 03 * * Sat //sons-sc-cc/Views/official/Tools/adm/bin/dum -s /dev/d/Views/* > /tmp/viewspace.log

These three things are mostly administrative, updating the view official, cleaning out old files in /tmp and doing a report of the size of the snapshot views -> /tmp/viewspace.log. Sons-clearcase also does that. The report has the disk usage of all of the folders in the Views share sorted by the biggest users.

Regarding checking in files/directories and cleaning views

As we move off of sons-clearcase and onto sons-sc-cc you should instruct the engineers in Santa Clara to do the following:

  1. Check in all files and directories in your views
  2. Check for any view private files you may wish to keep and save them somewhere
  3. For each view you own and that you have cleaned out with #1 and #2 above, remove it. If you have problems then see the Clearcase Administrator

This goes for both snapshot views on the server (//sons-clearcase/Views) and local snapshot views on your desktop as well as any dynamic views you may have. It is not required that you remove local snapshot views however by removing the snapshot views on the server (//sons-clearcase/Views) we get a better picture of what views remain.

When all of your elements have been successfully checked in, all your view private files saved and all of your views removed you can switch to the new server by executing /view/official/Tools/bin/switch-sons-sc-cc at a Cygwin prompt. Close any of your Clearcase tools (e.g. Clearcase Explorer) first. Then start Clearcase Explorere and create new views and proceed with your work. If you saved view private files and wish to restore them then copy them from the saved locations into a newly created view.

What are view private files and why are they possibly important?

We all know what file/directory elements are and what a checked out file/directory is. View private files are files in your view that have not been added to source control. These can be the result of a compile (e.g. foo.o AKA a derived object because they have been derived and can be re-derived if necessary) or they can be simply a file that you created (e.g. file.txt). Sometimes you may create a view private file that you want to keep, possibly wanting to add it to source control at some later time. You generally don't need to worry about derived objects (IOW you can regenerate foo.o provided foo.c is in source control). But if you say created some new files that you use in the build but have not yet added them to source control, but intend to, then you obviously want to keep them. Perhaps it's time to add them to source control...

To list view private files use:

$ ct lsco

In your view.

Checking what's still checked out

Most people know how to Find Checkout. But to find all checkouts easily from a command line you can do:

$ ct lsco -avobs

Again this needs to be done in a view context (cd /view/official for example). This way you can see what's left to check in for everybody. We're aiming for 0!

May 7, 2006

Clearquest Migrated

  • Backed up production database again
  • Shutdown Clearquest database and cqd on sons-clearcase
  • Changed several scripts that used to refer to sons-clearcase to refer to sons-sc-cc. For example, cqc now defaults to sons-sc-cc to find the server instead of sons-clearcase
  • Added setting of Clearquest connection parameters via a reg file to upgrade clearquset
  • Checked in changes to scripts as well as added the switch-sons-clearcase and switch-sons-sc-cc scripts and their assoicated reg files into Clearcase
  • Fixed up sons-cc, its albd_server process was stuck, and made sure that the changes multisited over to sons-cc.
  • Checked out to insure that cqc on sons-cc contacts and works with sons-sc-cc

Time Spent: 3 hours

Continue reading "Clearquest Migrated" »

May 3, 2006


  • Created trlock to transfer locks from old to new server

Time Spent: 1 Hour

May 2, 2006

Migration Plan

I feel we've reached a time where we can migrate users over to the new system. I've worked out how to migrate the CQ database, build issues for both the old (salira) and new (salira2) vobs, multisiting is working, by and large scripts work as well as CQD. The following is a plan for migrating Salira to the new server. Please let me know your comments and concerns.

Time Spent: 2 hours

Continue reading "Migration Plan" »

April 27, 2006

Building salira2

  • Exposed salira2 vob
  • Set up multisite schedule for sons-sc-cc to mimic sons-clearcase. Before this sync receives were only performed once! Things started backing up in the storage bays. All cleared out now.
  • Attempted to build 4.0. Had problems in dynamic view
  • Managed to build in 4.0 snapshot view.
  • Figured out that certain exe's were missing execute permission in Clearcase Element Properties. Seems Clearcase 2003.06.00 is a bit more picky about those than Clearcase 2002.05.00! Build now works in dynamic view as well

TIme Spent: 2 hours

Continue reading "Building salira2" »

April 19, 2006

Successful Build on sons-sc-cc

  • Tracked down the problem with building on sons-sc-cc. Turns out Tornado-2.0 is slightly different

TIme Spent: 2 Hours

Continue reading "Successful Build on sons-sc-cc" »

April 18, 2006

Building on sons-sc-cc (Fixing smake)

  • Looked into build issues on sons-sc-cc
  • Adjusted smake

Time Spent: 2 hours

Continue reading "Building on sons-sc-cc (Fixing smake)" »

April 17, 2006

gethostbyaddr fails

  • Researched problem with Tony and Bingchun's machines WRT cqd/cqc
  • Attempted to fix problems with Clearquest Desktop Installation

Time Spent: 2 Hours

Continue reading "gethostbyaddr fails" »

April 15, 2006

Production User Database Migrated

  • Managed to migrate the production user database
  • Clearquest desktop users need to upgrade their software. Meantime they can use the web interface
  • Verified cqd and triggers work
  • Documented how to switch a desktop to the new server
  • Documented how to build on the new server

Time Spent: 4 Hours

Continue reading "Production User Database Migrated" »

April 12, 2006

More fun with SQL ANYWHERE

Attempting to transfer databases using MS Access

OK, trying this methodology:

  • Used installutil copyschemarepo command to copy schema.db -> schema.mdb
  • Moved schema.mdb to new server
  • Used installutil copyuserdb command to copy salira_test.db -> test.db.
  • Moved test.db to new server
  • Tried several times to use installutil command to copy salira_bugs.db (the production database) -> bugs2.db. System aborted several times. Not sure if this is due to bad disk blocks or not. This is a major problem as this is the data we care about.

Back on the new server:

  • If I do Connection: New and point to the schema.mdb file it wants to overwrite it! Instead I did File: Import Profile of a profile of the old databases. Of course these say SQL_ANYWHERE. I change this to MS_ACCESS and point to the schema.mdb file and this seems to work.
  • Attempt to do Schema Repository: Move. In doing so I set the Physical Database Name by browsing to the folder via the ellipsis button. This leaves me with D:\Clearquest\schema.db. Clicking on Finish give ms:
    The filename you have specified is not a Share. If other users will need access to this database, you should browse through "Network Neighborhood" to place is in a share. Continue with this name?
    I select No because I do want other users to be able to access this database. Next I change the D:\Clearquest\salira.db -> \\sons-sc-cc\Clearquest\schema.db and click Finish. At this point I get a error dialog stating that it was "Unable to connect to the database server". After much scratching of the head I realize that I should use D:\Clearquest\schema.db, ignore the warning, then go back in and set the Physical Database Name to \\sons-sc-cc\Clearquest\schema.db.

    Oh, a side issue: After failing using a Physical Database Name of \\sons-sc-cc\Clearquest\schema.db the Rational Clearquest Maintenance Tool still creates a schema.db file. If you go Back and correct the Physical Database Name to a local path and click Finish you'll get a database I/O error. Turns out you have to remove this schema.db file first. These two (what else could I call them but) BUGS caused me to lose many hours of sleep.

    Managed to move the schema.mdb -> schema.db.
  • Switching to the Clearquest Designer now to Database: Update User Database Properties. As I only have the test.mdb file to convert I change the user database properties for the test database.
  • Now I select Database: Move User Database to move the test user database to SQL_ANYWHERE

At this point I'd like to run Clearquest Designer and do Test Work so I can at at least verify that I can access the converted to SQL_ANYWHERE test.db. Unfortunately there is a checked out version of the schema in the schema database that I copied over and I'm not the owner of that checked out schema. And I can't login as that user.

By chance I tried Schema Repository: Upgrade: Selected connection in the Clearquest Maintenance Tool and in stepping through those dialog boxes it say "The schema repository that you want to upgrade has checked-out schemas. If you continue the upgrade process, the checked out schema versions cannot be upgraded and will be deleted from the system". I continue onward and manage to "upgrade" the schema and test database. I proceed into Clearquest Designer and manage to Test Work and viola! I got it up. I am nothing if not tenacious!

Total Time: 2 hours

April 11, 2006

More SQL Anywhere Wrestling

  • Installed SQL Anywhere 8.0.3 Patch to fix problem with Services folder not appearing in Sybase Central
  • Spent time trying to figure out how to get a service configured. Eventually figured out that I need to specify -n <machine> as part of the parms or starting the service would just hang
  • Instructions given from Rational spoke of converting databases on a single server. This is not what we are doing there. Tried various things in an attempt to extend the directions to two servers and get the installutil command to run. Nothing was working.
  • Scoured the Rational documents and the net for "preparedbforupgrade" - turned up little except some guys personal web site talking about how the Rational Suite - Upgrade Guide describes the upgrade procedure with two servers and here's the single server procedure. That's nice, and it's pretty much the exact technote that the Rational support engineer pointed me to. However where's the double server procedure!
  • Scoured the Rational site, this time for Rational Suite - Upgrade Guide. Found it! It was a in a pdf file! Apparently the Rational site search engine doesn't search inside pdf files. They should take a lesson from Google! Also searched the system for this pdf file (rs_upgrade.pdf) and it was not on the system. Now why isn't it part of what gets installed?
  • Started doing the steps for converting the database as described in the Rational Suite - Upgrade Guide. See below for more.

Time Spent: 4 hours

Continue reading "More SQL Anywhere Wrestling" »

April 9, 2006

SQL Anywhere

  • Attempted to migrate Clearquest databases to new server. I was unable to. I've opened up a PMR with IBM Rational #8552849R and expect to get email from them tomorrow.
  • Attempting to switch the machine adefaria over to this newly created registry server (sons-sc-cc). Decided to reboot the machine. It never came back up! If you can boot this machine that would be great. You might need to go into the Clearcase Control Panel and set the registry server back to sons-clearcase and set the region to US. It might require a reboot to be effective. Why, when I rebooted it, it failed to come back up?

Time Spent: 4 hours

Continue reading "SQL Anywhere" »

April 8, 2006

New Registry Server

  • Upgraded sons-sc-cc to be a registry server
  • Removed old replicas in the SC region on sons-clearcase
  • Rereplicated the vobs from sons-clearcase. Note sons-clearcase aborted a few times when doing this. I noticed some disk block errors in the Event Viewer. Good thing you have a new system with RAID!
  • Cleaned up some more of lost+found
  • Looked into the scripts to evaluate the impact of the server switch. There will be some changes but by and large they will be minimal.
  • Both Clearcase Web and Clearquest Web are up and functional.

Time Spent: 4 hours

April 6, 2006

Vob replications

Work Performed

  • Reinstalled Clearcase with Multisite this time as a server on sons-sc-cc
  • Changed certain links to point to sons-sc-cc instead of sons-clearcase
  • Created new site_parms.SC
  • Replicated salira, salira2, Tools and hardware vobs. Made sure the synchronization is working. Even China now recognizes the new SantaClara replica.
  • Created new SC region on sons-clearcase as that's currently our registry server until we switch over
  • Cleaned up a little bit of lost+found. Somebody should be doing this (see below).
  • Added triggers

Work to be done

(List not exhaustive nor necessarily in sequence)

  • Move registry service from sons-clearcase -> sons-sc-cc
  • Move license -> sons-sc-cc
  • Perform successful build on sons-sc-cc
  • Set up test client and point it ot the new registry server to test access, checkin/out and build
  • Set up ctmerge jobs
  • Set up Clearquest on sons-sc-cc
  • Migrate Clearquest database -> sons-sc-cc
  • Set up cqd on sons-sc-cc
  • Set up Clearcase sitedefs.dat for client installations
  • Resolve problem with albd_server process not starting on boot

Time spent: 5 hours

Continue reading "Vob replications" »

April 5, 2006


After speaking to Ron and getting the remote access working I did a few more things last night I:

  • Installed Clearcase. After Ron had changed the name of the machine to sons-sc-cc all was fine with the Clearcase installation. And multitool (Multisite's cleartool) is even there!
  • Installed the Clearcase patch so you're totally up to date.
  • Installed Clearquest
  • Copied over \\sons-clearcase\Tools -> \\sons-sc-cc\Tools
  • Installed and configured Cygwin. This took a while to get all the config stuff there, etc. Created a \\sons-sc-cc\Tools\Cygwin local package area. Sons-sc-cc has the latest Cygwin now.
  • Created Clearcase stgloc's for Vobs and Views
  • Created empty shell vobs for salira, salira2, tools and hardware. These will be where I Multisite to.
  • Defragged drives on new machine.
  • Made sure sons-sc-cc was up to date with WindowsUpdate.

Tonight I intend to create the initial replica packets for the vobs then ship them over to sons-sc-cc and setup Multisite syncing. I will first Multisite a vob like Tools or perhaps hardware just to go through the procedure and get the syncing jobs set up. Then I will do both salira and salira2.

There's probably still loose ends that need to be looked at but my plan is basically to be able to build in salira (I don't know how to build in salira2!) using only sons-sc-cc.

At that point we could create some views there for say Simon and teach him how to switch regions to the new SC region. Then he'd be working with the new vob server. He could build and otherwise check it out.

Time Spent: 3 Hours

September 29, 2005

Trigger config/Web config

Went to Salira to help Shuqing to set up a rel_3.1 branch.

  • Changed trigger to recogonize rel_3.1/china_3.1 as a valid branches.
  • Cleaned up web area on sonsweb
  • Added link for old 2.3 releases
  • Created file
  • Explained to Shuqing how the whole set up worked
  • Created china_3.1.lst file for Shanghai. Changes to will replicate to Shanghai and should become effective tomorrow.
  • Investigated changing Found In and Fixed In dropped downs to be sorted in reverse order since they are working on the latest, therefore highest numbered releases first. Turns out this will require more work with a possible change to the Clearquest schema. Jeff has schema checked out so I couldn't do anything. Basically those fields tie into a stateless record which contains a Release ID and a Description. I'm not sure how to tell Clearquest to sort that drop down.

Total time: 2 hours

February 27, 2004

Hok's merge

Assisting with Hok's merging of his FX -> 2.4 stuff.

February 24, 2004

Builds, Releases and Merging

Lots of merging and building with 2 releases today. Still working through problems with us_2340 <-> china_2340 merging. Had to merge flmFiles.h from 2.3 -> us_2340 to pick up some definintions. Also had to build mksf.exe because some changes were coming from China and some from here at the same time. Merging the .exe is not possible in such situations so after insuring that all sources were merged I rebuilt the .exe

  • Built and released
  • Completed merge of 2.2 -> 2.3
  • Built and released
  • Completed merge of 2.3 -> 2.4
  • Finished WebSAM Testing and entered bugs into Clearquest

February 19, 2004

build_view bug

Fixed bug in build_view:

Fixed problem counting errors in output. This is a common problem: How do you distinguish between real errors and file elements or variable that contain the string "error". The approach was:

errors=$(grep -i error $ | grep -v "Errors: 0" | grep -vc "cli_errors.c")

which looks for errors in general, weeds out the "Errors: 0" that the NP complier puts out and then makes an exception for the file element named cli_errors.c. Well with onu2311 comes new output that contains the string "error" but is not an error. Notably:

dmt_main.c: In function `reportErrorPort':
dmt_main.c:274: warning: implicit declaration of function `resetPortErrorCounts'

For now we will make an exceptions for "ErrorPort" and "PortError" but this is not an ideal solution to the problem in general.

February 18, 2004

WebSAM Testing

More WebSAM Testing. Almost done...

February 13, 2004 and more testing

Was trying to get all of my WebSAM testing completed but was not able to. Got kicked onto another test system and that one had problems. Luckily Asad and Jeff helped fix things up for me. Got a lot done but may need to do more tomorrow. releaseed bring in the FX branch into the 2.3 release line. It also has fairly major functionality identified by bug ID 3605 (287 elements changed!) and a new card, onu2311.

Please let me know when you guys and gals make a new card! While updating the makefile will indeed insure that the new card is build when one types make, I use scripts and processes that rely on the definition of cards defined in /Tools/adm/etc/cards and need to update that file when a new card appears. Thanks.

Regarding the FX branch: The FX branch was a temporary branch for engineers to work on until 2.3 stablized. As such, with it's successful merge I plan on destroying both us_fx and china_fx branches. A destroy means that the branch, element versions on that branches, any labels on those element versions and merge arrows to and from the FX branches will disappear. It will be as if suddenly a bunch of new FX related code got checked into the 2.3 release line. Since the FX branch was indeed temporary I don't see any problem with destroying it though. Let me know if you have any objection to this.

Before I destroy the FX branches however Hok has to check in his code and merge it to 2.4.

February 12, 2004

Trigger bug, Testing, FX Merge complete!

  • Fixed bug in trigger. Seems we need to have a total of 4, count 'em, 4 "\" to equate to one "\" in Windows. Needed to change code to use "@\\\\salira" to indicate the salira vob.
  • Performed more testing of WebSAM. Didn't get very far because I encountered some sort of hardware problem that Asad got me out of (partitially). Still seem to have some misbehaving cards. Don't seem to have a PTC card in this system nor any ONUs. Must look into this more tomorrow.
  • Fixed bug in trigger for real this tiem. It was not as indicated above. We did not need extra "\"'s rather we needed to remove the "2> /dev/null" redirection as that is a Unix'ism and ActiveState Perl, which is the Perl the Clearcase is invoking, doesn't like that syntax!
  • Completed the FX merge!

February 10, 2004

Fixing code

  • Fixed bug in build script that incorrectly passes status back up to calling script. This caused build to report success when build actually failed
  • Fixed CheckInPostop script to check to see if label already exists instead of creating it everytime. This should reduce some nonsense error messages

February 9, 2004 built - build bug

Built Not sure if it's officially done yet in that there may be some problems with the ONU2310 FPGA image.

Meantime I've been trying to figure out why sometimes the build process says all is OK when there are build errors. Turns out to be a shell problem with tee. When building I'm doing:

$ make $card.sf 2>&1 | tee -a $teefile > $

Seems this tee thing messes up the return code from make. This can be demonstrated simply by:

$ ls nonexistance_file 2>&1 | tee -a /tmp/ls.log > /tmp/ls2.log; echo $?

Need to figure out how to fix this...

Merged NeoPON.ccp from 2.2 -> 2.3 by drawing merge arrow. This was after Zhiyi OKed this merge.

Worked out remaining merge issues on other branches. These were largely "can't check in identical file" type problems.

Attempted an FX -> 2.3 merge. Only like 40 elements to merge but some manual merging was required. Due to build for KDDI this was put on hold. Need to merge this then allow Hok to check in before destroying this branch.

February 6, 2004

CI Trigger Bug

Fixed bug in This bug was caused by an element having a space character in it (e.g. a directory named "source code"). The checkin trigger had the following line:

$result = system ("cleartool mklabel -replace $bugid $pname");

This line assumes that $pname does not contain a space character. The fix was:

$result = system ("cleartool mklabel -replace $bugid \"$pname\"");

The \"'s surround $pname and thus protect it.

February 5, 2004

2.3 KDDI release

  • Built
  • Created

February 4, 2004

2.3 merging/New 2340 branch

  • Worked on 2.3 merge problems. NeoPON.ccp came in merged but the auto merged failed due to a link problem with onu2330. Zhiyi is working on this for
  • Worked with Hong Bin to get FPGA files visible
  • Changed includeable config specs to handle new files created by other site
  • Setup us_2340/china_2340 branches, views and ctmerge jobs.

February 2, 2004

2.3 merge issues

  • Resolved 2.3 merge issues
  • More WebSAM testing...

January 30, 2004

2.2.1 and more testing

  • Built and released 2.2.1 (GA!)

  • Continuing testing of WebSAM

January 29, 2004

Testing, testing, testing

Continuing onward with WebSAM testing...

January 28, 2004 and testing

  • Build & released
  • Continued testing WebSAM

January 27, 2004

Merging & Testing

  • Resolved manual merge problems in 2.2 -> 2.4
  • Sent email to Thomas regarding manual merge problem in 2.2 -> 2.3
  • Continue WebSAM testing

January 26, 2004

  • Rebuilt and rereleased it. This time I properly labeled it
  • Started
  • Started testing WebSAM/Netscape on sonlinux

January 23, 2004

FX merge/build, onu2360

  • Continuing on with merge/build of US_FX branch. Seems this is impedding further development. There were 2 files that required manual merging. I was told to simply copy r_ingress.asmi from 2.3. I'm not particularly comfortable with that because there are merge issues for that file from the 2.2 branch.
  • Tried to figure out why 2.4 was not building onu2360. Seems that onu2360 was not included in the cards script (in /Tools/adm/etc) so the build process was not building it. Added it to cards

January 21, 2004

Merging 2.3 -> FX

Shirley/Ying approached me today asking to merge the us_fx branch into the rel_2.3 branch. As rel_2.3 has not be stablized yet ( has not be officially built) I was hesitant and suggested instead ot merge the reL_2.3 branch into the us_fx. This caused a massive amount of merging (561 elements) probably due to the fact that lots of stuff changed in reL_2.3 that the FX engineers did not care about (other areas of the platform code as well as the web pages, SAM, etc). There were a few elements that require manual merging. Shirley is aware of these.

January 19, 2004

  • Started
  • Fixed a few merging problems in 2.3

January 13, 2004

ONU 2360 Bootrom

Built ONU 2360 bootrom

January 9, 2004

2.1.12 finished & SAM 4 Linux

Finished up processing of 2.1.12. The Shanghai link was down so I was not able to push out 2.1.12 to Shanghai. Finished that today.

Started testing of new SAM for Linux 2.3 on new SuSe 8.2 sonslinux machine.

January 8, 2004

Rebuilt 2.1.12

As per Jeff's instructions I rebuilt 2.1.12 after insuring that the ONU FPGA was checked in on the China side and merged to the US side. Also insured that the label was properly applied.

Also got sonslinux's web server up and running and installed mod_php.

January 7, 2004

Built 2.1.12

Build new 2.1.12 image with new ONU FPGA.

Finally figured out the XDMCP problem on sonslinux - problem was that there are multiple places where kdmrc exist. I was editing /opt/kde3/share/config/kdm/kdmrc and should have been editing /etc/opt/kde3/share/config/kdm/kdmrc!

December 23, 2003

More sons-clearcase Network Problems

I decided to check sons-clearcase after Ron implemented his fix for our router problems. Turns out I can't access it again. Not sure if it's the router, the fix or something else. I can VPN into my desktop. I can ping servers such as sonscentral and sonsservices but not sons-clearcase. I tried pinging the gateway and it still dropping packets.

Then when I was attempting to ping sons-clearcase I got the following:

$ ping sons-clearcase

Pinging sons-clearcase.SALIRA.COM [] with 32 bytes of data:

Request timed out.
Request timed out.
Request timed out.
Reply from Destination host unreachable.

Ping statistics for
    Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 1, Lost = 3 (75% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
    Minimum = 0ms, Maximum = 0ms, Average = 0ms

Not sure what this means. Guess I'm gonna have to drive into work again...

Checked sons-clearcase from home and couldn't get to it. Drove in and analyzed the situation. Saw things in the Event Viewer possibly indicating that the network card was bad. Rebooted machine. Couldn't get it up on the network. Ran network trouble shooter and it suggested replacing the network cable. Didn't want to do that. It also suggested to try to plug the network cable into another spot on the hub. Tried that and it worked! Not sure if that was the fix or if sons-clearcase's network card is flaking out. Rebooted once again to come up clean.

Clearquest Network problems

Still having problems with network router. Ron is implementing a bandaide solution. Meantime each time the router goes down so does Clearquest and I need to restart the SQL/Anywhere server as well as the Clearquest Daemon.

December 22, 2003 Backups

  1. Built
  2. Configured VOB backups to work

Continue reading " Backups" »

December 21, 2003

Sons-clearcase Network Problems II

Went in around 3 PM. Rebooted sons-clearcase. It's back up and running. Noticed that our backups are not really working well (never have been actually). Performed backup by hand.

BackupExec doesn't seem to want to properly do the pre and post commands necessary to backup the vobs. It seems to say that it can execute the cleartool lock command on the remote machine but always fails with an error stating that the pre command failed.

What was really confusing about this is that the Tools vob backup appears to work. Well then I found out that the Tools vob backup was configured to run the pre command but accept non 0 as an OK status whereas the Salira vob was not accepting non 0 as an OK status.

In any event ct lock vob:\ should return 0. In the Tools vob case the lock was not really happening.

Need to speak to Veritas regarding this on Monday and get this finally working correctly.

Meantime at least we have one good backup!

Sons-clearcase Network Problems

I saw some email saying that there was some possible problems with some Clearcase stuff and decided to investigate. I had talked with Ron on Friday and he is aware of our network problems. But today I could not contact sons-clearcase at all. I can seem to ping and otherwise contact other machines such as sonscentral, sonsservices and engineer's desktops such as dko and gtsang. I can even ping sons-cc in Shanghai! I fear there might be something wrong with sons-clearcase itself - perhaps the network card. Why can I contact other machines but not sons-clearcase?

Not sure if I should go in to reboot sons-clearcase and see if she comes up OK. I guess I oughta...

Hmmm... I can't ssh adefaria@adefaria either. Doesn't accept my password. ssh ccadmin@adefaria doesn't work either. Could this be an Active Directory problem too?

Was able to remote desktop to sonscentral. Doesn't seem like my account is locked. Neither is ccadmin. Can't tell if this network issue is just sons-clearcase or a larger problem.

December 19, 2003

Clearquest problems

Still have Clearquest problems, almost daily, where I come in and people cannot access Clearquest. Worked on the phone for a while with Rational. Came down to a theory that this is caused by networking problems. Checked with Ron, yes indeed we are experiencing network problems.

December 18, 2003


  1. Checked out the fx branches to make sure everything was set up properly.
  2. Continued to attempt to get XDMCP, Samba, etc, working on sonslinux

December 17, 2003 Anywhere

  1. Resolved issue with last night's merge
  2. Kick started SQL Anywhere - again!
  3. Got sonslinux up on the net again - working on Samba, XDMCP, etc
  4. Set up us_fx/china_fx branch for Shirley

Continue reading " Anywhere" »

December 16, 2003 Anywhere

  1. Downloaded new version of e2fsck for sonslinux - now on SuSE 8.2
  2. Created buglist
  3. Assisted James to install Cygwin on his desktop
  4. While sonslinux is up on SuSE 8.2 it's networking is not all that configured
  5. Kick started SQL Anywhere

Continue reading " Anywhere" »

December 15, 2003 Built

After receiving a file from MTeng I had built and released As MTeng has not yet checked in this file, and there is another bug on the list, I do not consider done yet. I have built and put a label down but this is sort of an unofficial build.

Also worked ag getting XDMCP running on sonlinux again. Still not working right.

December 12, 2003

Upgrade sonslinux

Upgraded sonslinux to SuSE 8.2

Continue reading "Upgrade sonslinux" »

December 11, 2003

Slow day

Helped Yan with Clearcase problems. Investigating installing SuSE on sonslinux. SuSE appears to be more of a market leader.

December 10, 2003

WebSAM in browsers

Initial reports seem to indicate that Web SAM works on:

Operating System Internet Explorer 6.0 Netscape 7.1 Firebird Konqueror 3.1.0
Windows Yes Yes Yes N/A
Linux (Mandrake 9.1) N/A Yes Yes No
Solaris 7.0 N/A Yes N/A N/A

December 8, 2003

Clearquest bug

Fixed long standing Clearquest bug for Yan

Continue reading "Clearquest bug" »

December 5, 2003


Helped Ying get the contents of the IPTV CD onto our anonymous ftp area. This required getting anonymous ftp to work again.

Continue reading "IPTV" »

December 4, 2003

Sun will rise again

Got it, although I had to get it through a patch cluster, which finally worked! The above patch required other patches, which, of course, required other patches and was a nightmare. Not that installing the patch cluster was that easy either. In any event I eventually managed to get SAM for Solaris up and running!

December 3, 2003

SAM 4 Sun needs patch

Haven't been able to get SAM running on Solaris:

Downloaded and installed SAM 4 Sun. Unfortunately it didn't run. The error message I get when attempting to start the server is:

Warning! The on your system is an older version than
the one this VM was tested with. Please read the install
documentation for
patch installation instructions.
Could not create the Java virtual machine.

Leonal says there's a patch...

December 2, 2003

SAMSUN Not working

  1. Installed Solaris 7.0
  2. Installed SAM for Sun
  3. Downloaded Netscape and other patches for Sun

Continue reading "SAMSUN Not working" »

December 1, 2003

The sun shines again

Received a CD from Shirely with Solaris 7.0 on it and managed to get sonssun installed and on the network again. Still more to do like install a decent browser and get its XDMCP working but at least it's up.

Spent a lot of time still trying to get Samba on sonslinux to function properly

November 26, 2003

More playing with Linux

Not much done today - guess it's just the holiday thing. Still trying to get sonslinux to play nicely with the Windows environment. Helped James with his Linux setup. was not built, perhaps when I get back from Vegas...

November 25, 2003

SAM 4 Linux runs

  1. Got SAM 4 Linux client running
  2. Reinstalled Samba 2.2 on sonslinux
  3. Started

Continue reading "SAM 4 Linux runs" »

November 24, 2003

SAM 4 Linux up

  1. Finally got SAM 4 Linux working on sonslinux
  2. Rebuilt 2.3 - some problems with merge last night

Continue reading "SAM 4 Linux up" »

November 21, 2003

More sam4linux and

  1. Set up and built
  2. Got a little further on sam4linux (see extended entry)
  3. Still battling with Samba 3.0

Continue reading "More sam4linux and" »

November 20, 2003>2.3

  1. Resolved Dylan's problem
  2. Built
  3. Resolved 2.3 merge issue
  4. Merged 2.2 -> 2.3
  5. Downloaded sam4linux

Continue reading ">2.3" »

November 19, 2003

Merging 2.2 -> 2.3 & 2.4

  1. Added automatic merging for 2.2 -> 2.3 & 2.4
  2. Performed initial 2.2 -> 2.3 merge. Had some problems
  3. Banged my head trying to get Samba 3 to work on sonlinux
  4. Assisted James installing some packages on sonslinux
  5. Continue reading "Merging 2.2 -> 2.3 & 2.4" »

November 18, 2003

Coordinating merging

  1. At the advice of Ying I have changed the ctmerge times so that they occur after China has left the office. This will better coordinate work on 2.3
  2. Set up bug list

November 17, 2003

Test plans

  1. Looked at some of the test plans
  2. Helped Dylan and Ying on some Clearcase issues

November 15, 2003

Built and release

November 14, 2003

Death of a Sun

  1. Worked out some problems with last nights merge
  2. Fixed bug 3484
  3. Unable to reinstall OS on Sun box

Continue reading "Death of a Sun" »

November 13, 2003


Worked more on getting sonssun up and running.

Worked on problem with and websam

Continue reading "Sonssun/Websam" »

November 12, 2003

TCL Debuggers

  • Investigated 2 TCL debuggers
  • Implemented SUT for the SaliraTest package
  • Setup sonssun in the lab
  • Built

Continue reading "TCL Debuggers" »

November 11, 2003


Attempted to gain access to sonsun today. Found out that it's powered off and not connected to the net. Sam lacks an IP drop in his cube.

Set up both 2.4 and china_2.4 and set up synchronization of branching for all of 2.2, 2.3, 2.4.

Worked on getting show system stuff into discovery