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August 18, 2010

Starting a process without the DOS box

I needed to start a process which had it's own window (a Perl/Tk app called diffbl.pl which I have yet to document over on ClearSCM). I want to start this process and not have that silly DOS window hanging around. Normally I'd use Cygwin's run.exe but I cannot be assured that Cygwin will be on the users Windows box. How to start a windowed application sans the DOS box?

set sh = wscript.createobject ("wscript.shell") sh.run "cqperl \\hcu-g97pnd1\Software\diffbl\bin\diffbl.pl", 0, false

August 2, 2010

Slow access on Unix UCM commands

Found certain UCM commands to be 11-13 times slower on Unix than on Windows. Even though the registry host is the same host I was executing the commands on!

Windows:time scm lsstream -short -invob \\p_cesb > /dev/null
real    0m1.198s
user    0m0.093s
sys     0m0.123s
Windows:time scm lsstream -short -invob \\p_ce > /dev/null
real    0m9.526s
user    0m0.045s
sys     0m0.123s
Windows:time scm lsact -short -invob $PVOB > /dev/null
real    0m38.788s
user    0m0.155s
sys     0m0.233s

Unix:time scm lsstream -short -invob /vobs/p_cesb > /dev/null
real    0m13.649s
user    0m0.152s
sys     0m0.203s
Unix:time scm lsstream -short -invob /vobs/p_ce > /dev/null
real    2m6.191s
user    0m0.832s
sys     0m1.501s
Unix:time scm lsact -short -invob $PVOB > /dev/null
real    8m52.516s
user    0m3.647s
sys     0m6.986s

Why is the Unix machine 11 – 13 times slower at getting information out of the Clearcase registry than a Windows client? Note the same does not hold true for other Clearcase registry queries (e.g. lsview takes the same amount of time on both platforms) but querying UCM stream information on the Unix system is vobdog slow! It’s not slow for projects or baselines but just streams… and activities.