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November 20, 2007

UCMWB 1.2.4 & new comptree (IPC)

  • Released UCMWB 1.2.4
  • Added exec call to Clearcase.pm which uses IPC rather than constantly invoking cleartool. Tests show an 8 fold increase in performance!

Interesting results here. I changed my comptree utility from repeatedly executing cleartool, which is damn slow!, to using IPC. Even if the OS caches the executable setting up a process must take some time. Here are the results:

comptree v1.5 run at 20071120@17:17 with the following options:
Using exec cleartool
34936 elements compared successfully
Errors: 0 Warnings 0
Finished in 2 hours 25 minutes 57 seconds

Whereas using IPC (i.e. starting cleartool and feeding it commands and reading the output, using Expect) yields:

comptree v1.5 run at 20071120@16:46 with the following options:
Using IPC cleartool
34926 elements compared successfully
Errors: 0 Warnings 0
Finished in 27 minutes 51 seconds

This is an 8 fold increase in time!

Oh, and /prj/muosran/Build/P4.0.24_SwitcherConfigSpecs/RncSolarisTB.cs compares with no errors and is ready for you to test.

November 14, 2007

rancppXX/RNC General

  • Assisted Kirk with Clearquest installation on rancpp01
  • Got UCMWB working on rancppXX machines
  • Fixed several minor annoyances in UCMWB uncovered by Erik
  • Working with Darren re: getting the proper toolsets for RNC General
  • Changed comptree to support checking of symlinks and better error reporting

November 2, 2007

UCMWB 1.2.4

  • Releasing ucmwb 1.2.4 for a test drive

I've reached another milestone in ucmwb development and would like your input on the new features as well as any bugs you might encounter. Please consider this beta. You can access this new version as usual with ucmwbpre.

Here are some of the changes implemented:

  • Progress dialogs work much better. As you know ucmwb is pretty slow starting up. Unfortunately until we update our Oracle server from 9.x -> 10.x I can do little to improve start up time. Meantime, while start up is happening at least a progress dialog box is shown to give the user some indication of where are are in startup. Alas the majority of the start up is a large, complicated query to get all WORs. One thing that is unknown is why a query of 5000 records takes ~30 seconds whereas a query of 1000 records in the test database happens in a few seconds.
  • Environment variables for testing. There are 4 environment variables that could be set to point ucmwb to the test Clearquest database. If not set then things point to production. To point things to the test Clearquest database do all of the following:

    % setenv OCI_USER RANTS8
    % setenv OCI_PASSWORD RANTS8
    % setenv CQ_DBSET XTST3

    Additionally, if you don't have a login to the XTST3 database you can set:

    % setenv CQ_USER ccadm
    % setenv CQ_PASSWORD ccadm

  • cqtool Perl script replaces unsupported and going away in 7.0 cqtool by IBM/Rational. The new cqtool Perl script now covers all aspects of the old, unsupported and going away, cqtool from IBM/Rational. This is used to transition WORs into different states, update effort ours as well as adding new functionality for creating new WORs, child WORs and Help Desk Tickets. The new cqtool is also run along side of ucmwb so subsequent usage of cqtool will not have to reopen the Clearquest database, etc.
  • RANCQ0001589: Allow state changes from right-click menu in UCM Workbench. You can now transition state directly by right clicking on a WOR and selecting the next state transition. Previously you need to to right click, bring up the Properties and then click a button to get to the next state.
  • RANCQ00014935: Allow the UCM Workbench to create WOR from Collector. The previously unimplemented Create Child WOR action now works.
  • Create WOR button/menu pick. With implementation of cqtool and the Create Child WOR functionality comes the ability to create a plain WOR. As such there is a new button on the tool bar for this as well as a menu pick (File: Create WOR). Question: Should Create WOR allow you to create a Collector WOR?
  • RANCQ00018139: Changes for the View Browser in the UCM Workbench. The View Browser now lists all views for the current owner (as defined in the Filter Settings: Owner field). This change necessitated a painstaking and slightly long task of enumerating all views with cleartool lsview -long and then collecting exactly who really owns which views. By default ucmwb will show the current users views, however you can change the Owner field in the Filter Settings to any user you want and refresh the View Browser window. The collection of view owners is determined whenever the View Browser window is opened or after deletion of a view.

    By default then the View List Filter box in the View Browser is set to blank. You can now further narrow down the list of views presented by typing in that filter box. Given the list of owned views then you can further narrow the list of views down to only those containing whatever string you type into the View List Filter box,

    Note you can deselect the Filter Settings: Owner field meaning "all owners" and then the View Browser will start with a list of all views, which you can further narrow down with the View List Filter box.

    Finally, this ticket requests a mechanism to delete multiple views. Multi selection is now available on the view list. Drag to select multiple views or use Shift-Click to extend the selection or Control-Click to select non contiguous items. Once the views have been selected you can click on the Delete View(s) button. If multiple views are selected you will be asked once if you really wish to delete all of these views. Views will then be forcefully deleted (i.e. no prompting). If, however, only one view is selected (i.e. the old fashioned method) then you will be prompted as before for confirmation and notifed of possible problems (i.e. this view has view privates...) along the way.
  • Disable buttons for Change List and View Private Files. This was not officially submitted as a ticket but Ken asked for it. You can now disable displaying of the Change List and/or View Private Files. If both are disabled then nothing is done. If either one of them are enabled then when a view is selected it will be started and that Change List or View Private Files area will be evaluated (i.e. ct lsact or ct lspriv). This is useful if you have views that have lots of Change List or View Private Files entries that will take time to evaluate. If all you want to do is to delete these views, for example, then you probably don't want to spend time enumerating the Change List or View Private Files areas.
  • RANCQ0001781: UCM Workbench not recognizing WOR view. This was fixed before. The problem was that the WOR was in the midst of a rebase or deliver. I had coded this up but somehow those changes became lost! They are now back in.
Important Note: ucmwb stores the path to cqtool in your ~/.ucmwbrc. Currently that points to /opt/rational/clearquest/bin/cqtool, the unsupported and going away version of cqtool. The new ucmwb 1.2.4 will sense this and replace it with /cleartrig/ent/SNSD/muos/ccadm_tools/vobs/ranccadm/scripts/clearquest/cqtool. If you are a ucmwb user you will want to set this back before going back to use the current ucmwb.