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September 27, 2007


  • Altered comptree, which used to compare file trees to and formulate a report that was then emailed, to instead produce the report into an html file which would then be visible through ranweb
  • Worked with Darren and Chad regarding RoseRT version issues. Seems PURIFYOPTIONS are set in cshrc.muosran. They would like us to implement hierarchical cshrc scripts by supporting project oriented cshrc scripts (e.g. cshrc.<project>)

September 26, 2007


  • Updated comptree2 to handle other specifying of opts on the command line properly
  • Re-running comptree2 for UEH and the cade and cade_struct vobs

September 25, 2007

Improvements to comptree2

  • Changed comptree2 to use GetConfig
  • Spoke with John regarding Release Records vs. Switch Config specs

Release Records vs. Switch Config specs

Meantime I spoke with John about this and Release Records and learned a little bit about them. From what I understand the work I did regarding config spec Switch Config files should more properly be moved to Release Records. John explained that in general there are 3 sections to config specs (well some config specs for some projects).

The first section is generated by the UCM process of creating UCM related views that have components. These are delineated by "ucm" and "end ucm" markers in the config spec.

After that are any custom rules that you may want. This is where Release Records come in. The whole WOR oriented Clearquest mechanism already knows about Release Records. They are actually stored in Clearquest and are added to the end of the config spec at view creation time (by createView.pl that is).

So what are Switch Config files (Nit: I don't like the term Switcher Config. The script is called switchConfig.pl not switcherConfig.pl...)? Well there are files which are stuffed into config specs after "end ucm" but before Release Records by the switchConfig.pl script.

However the intent of Switch Config files is to allow you to switch target type things (e.g. Solaris vs. PPC vs. SimCello) while the intent of Release Records was to specify which versions of the tools you want to use. So eventually, I will need to migrate the tools related lines from Switch Config files to Release Records.

September 20, 2007


  • Created new switchConfig.pl config spec for UEH
  • Wrote Perl process to validate this new config spec

September 19, 2007

Helpdesk Tickets

  • Resolved two Helpdesk tickets for Christine and Patrick

September 18, 2007


  • Implemented comptree in cron
  • Submitted Perl Modules to General Dynamics
  • Resolved help desk ticket regarding Ericson config spec
  • Site prepped Windows release area. Handed Tia's hanging problem off to Will

September 14, 2007

ucmwb 1.2.3 release/Perl'isms

  • Released ucmwb 1.2.3

FindBin, Getopt::Long and Display.pm

Here's how I typically use FindBin:

use FindBin;
use lib "$FindBin::Bin/../lib";
sub Usage ($) {
  my ($msg) = @_;

  display "ERROR: $msg\n" if defined $msg;
  display <<END;
Usage: $FindBin::Script [-usage] [-verbose] [-debug] [-exec]
		-from_view <view> -label <label_name>

Also I tend to use Getopt::Long. It is extremely flexible. Options can be specified in the GNU long method as in --debug or just -debug. Additionally you can abbreviate as in -d IFF there is no other option that starts with "d". Options can have parameters (-file myfile.txt or -file=myfile.txt), set boolean (-verbose can set say $verbose), automatic negation (-verbose or -noverbose), even call subroutines directly!k Here's an example.

use GetOpt::Long;
my $execute	= 0;
my $from_view;	# e.g. p6258c_RAN_FDD_Doc_Bld1_int
my $branch;	# e.g. ran_fdd_release_build2_integration
my $label;	# e.g. RAN_FDD_RELEASE_BUILD1

GetOptions (
  "usage"	=> sub { Usage "" },
  "verbose"	=> sub { set_verbose },
  "debug"	=> sub { set_debug },
  "exec!"	=> \$execute,
  "from_view=s"	=> \$from_view,
  "branch=s"	=> \$branch,
  "label=s"	=> \$label,
) || Usage "Unknown parameter";

Some notes about the above:

  • Usage is a subroutine (most people have one) that takes one parameter for an extra message to display first.
  • Eat your own dog food! I use my Display module which has display routines for verbose and debug, etc. It also has $verbose and $debug variables and exports the set_verbose and set_debug methods.
  • The "exec!" is a negation. So -exec and -noexec apply and set $execute accordingly
  • All of "from_view", "branch" and "label" are simple name/value type parameters so -branch <branchname> sets $branch to <branchname>.

A word on Display.pm:

I find that often people do the following:

print "In myspecial_subroutine: File = $file\n" if $debug;

for debugging. To me it's always been a hassle to have to remember to include the "\b" and the "if $debug", etc. Granted that's not a lot. But how can I make it better?

My thought was to name the procedure debug and include the "\n" by default. People oughta quickly discern that:

debug "In myspecial_subroutine: File = $file";

probably only happens when debugging.

Additionally I support routines like verbose, debug, error, warning (from Display.pm).

September 13, 2007

UCMWB su bug

  • Fixed an issue with ucmwb running after su'ed to another user
  • Addressed some issues about PC running CC in the RAN network

Stupid coding

It never ceases to amaze me what some programmers do that when I look at it seem to be just foolish things. Here's today's example:

In ucmwb a bug was discovered when a user first su's to some other user then runs ucmwb (in this case the user is su'ing to ccadm). The while the main window dutifully displays the list of WORs for the su'ed user, the view browser does not. Instead it displays the list of views for the original user. Turns out that there was specific code for Solaris to call cuserid instead of getenv("USER"). So Linux was working but Solaris failed. Why the difference?

But along with that I noticed the following code:

    QSting homePath = QDir::homePath();

    if (homePath.isEmpty()) {
      qDebug() << "homePath is empty!";
      // Note the following is a Unix'ism and non portable!
      homePath = QString("/home/") + appUsername;

    qDebug() << "homePath = " << homePath;
    QString settingsFilename = QDir::homePath() + QString("/.ucmwbrc");
    QString settingsDirname  = QDir::homePath() + QString("/.ucmwb.d");
    QString filterFilename   = settingsDirname + QString("/filters");

OK so first ask yourself what do you see wrong here.....?

Pencils down!

Here's my questions:

  1. Why go through the effort of getting the user's homePath, check to see if it's empty and then compose one with "/home" + appUsername only then to totally ignore all that work and get it again for settingsFilename?
  2. Why then do this operation of obtaining homePath yet again to set settingsDirname?
  3. If homePath were determined to be empty, aren't you ignoring what you set it to?

Naturally I fixed this to be:

    QSting homePath = QDir::homePath();

    if (homePath.isEmpty()) {
      // Note the following is a Unix'ism and non portable!
      homePath = QString("/home/") + appUsername;

    QString settingsFilename = homePath + QString("/.ucmwbrc");
    QString settingsDirname  = homePath + QString("/.ucmwb.d");
    QString filterFilename   = settingsDirname + QString("/filters");

September 12, 2007

UCMWB/Document Visibility

  • Fixed a few problems with UCMWB's help facility. Previously help didn't work at all on Linux. Now it works and About identifies the proper version numbers and which architecture.
  • Created baselines for the documentation visibility WORs

September 11, 2007


  • Performed merge for build 1-> build 2 and build 2 -> build 3
  • Resolved RoseRT issue
  • Code reviewed Tom's changes to createView.pl

RANCQ00013181: MUOS document Project Views Are not Showing All Needed Documents

Process was written to perform this importation. The process takes 3 parameters: a from_view, a branch and a label. The process is designed to run in the to_view context. It proceeds to search the from_view for elements that do not exist in the to_view and upon finding them it merges the parent directory and then the element in question is "imported".

Both a branch and a label is used because the merge procedure used on directory elements first tries to merge with the LATEST on the specified branch. If the branch does not exist (because the element was never branched) then the label is used to locate the source directory for the merge.

File elements aren't merged - they are imported (i.e. copied from the from_view to the to_view)

There are a few errors and/or warnings that can result in such a process that this script cannot hueristically determine the correct action to take. The problems arise from the renaming or removing of elements in the to_view. It is not possible for this script to determine what the user intended. An example will better explain this.

For build 1 there was a directory named:


This was on the ran_fdd_doc_bld1_integration branch version 2 which was labled RAN_FDD_RELEASE_BUILD1. At version 17 RNC_Intitialization_Configuration was renamed to RBS_RNC_Intitialization_Configuration. By version 28 the RAN_FDD_RELEASE_BUILD2 label was applied.

Since this directory was renamed there is no way to guess what it was renamed to. Sure it's easy for a human to look at it and make a loose association based on the fact that most of the directory name is the same, this sort of AI is very difficult to program. The script marks these as an error. It's an error because somebody should verify if a directory was simply renamed or if it was removed (rmname'd). Also it's not known what to do at this point. Shall we assume that the newly named directory contains all it needs? Or does further merging/importing need to take place?

Additionally, since a directory is renamed, the elements contained in the directory went along with it. So in the script, the from_view keeps producing paths with RNC_Intitialization_Configuration in them not RBS_RNC_Intitialization_Configuration. Such elements then appear to have disappeared and the script issues a warning for these. At this point we really cannot tell if the file element was simply removed (where we would assume that the act was deliberate and that we should not be importing the element back in) or if it's a result of a directory renaming of the parent directory (or some parent of the parent) thus falling into the error described in the preceeding paragraph.

September 10, 2007

Building Qt/UCMWB officially

  • Got the license key for Qt, 4.2.3 this time, so I'm building it again, officially
  • Rebuilding ucmwb with debug turned off
  • Fixed problem with backspace not working in vim

Backspace and vim

Annoyingly backspace continues to be a problem, especially with Sun. Here's the fix for vim (put in ~/.vimrc):

set t_kb=^h

Note: That's a Control-V [backspace] to produce ^h.

September 6, 2007


  • Created a script to do the importation of the documents for the Documentation Visibility tickets
  • Found out that there's no easy way to unco all checkouts. Created uncoall
  • Issue: Need to get Qt licensed


Created a Perl script to handle the odd findmerge like "bring documents into visibility" help desk tickets. It's like a findmerge however we don't want to merge any elements - just merge in the previously unseen elements. A rough outline of the algorithm is as follows:

  foreach my $from_element (@elements_from_the_from_view) {
    next if -e $from_element

    <merge parent directory>

    next if -d $from_element;

    copy $from_element -> $to_element

It's also been discussed that the group has not decided exactly what documents should be imported in from the original set. Importing from build 1 -> build 2 doesn't make much sense. IOW we should start from the beginning.

September 4, 2007

UCMWB 1.2.3

  • Sent out UCMWB 1.2.3 for review before release

I know everybody's busy however could you please take a few moments to help verify this new release of ucmwb 1.2.3. The following is a list of 12 tickets resolved in this release along with a little description telling you what was fixed and how you can verify it. You can run ucmwb from the command line to run ucmwb 1.2.2 and ucmwbpre from the command line to run the new ucmwb 1.2.3. This way you can do a side by side comparison.

There are a few tickets that have not been addressed for this release because they require a lot more effort to implement but I would like to release 1.2.3 and knock out a bunch of tickets.

Finally there remains a licensing issue for Qt upon which ucmwb is built. The licensing has been approved and the next step needs to take place...

RANCQ00010523: UCM Workbench - View Browser - Copy View Privates - Preserve Modification Times

Status: Fixed in 1.2.3

To reproduce:

  • From the command line, setview to a view that has view private files
  • Note the access/creation time in the view. (ls -l <view private file(s)>)
  • Use ucmwb's View Browser (Tools: Start View Browser) and select the view.
  • Select Copy View Private Files and copy the view private files to an area (e.g. /tmp/<viewname>).
  • Compare time stamps with the newly created view private files.

RANCQ00011414: UCMWB create view with common target dev WOR incorrectly creates new stream
RANCQ00011424: UCM Workbench doesn't create the correct stream for Target WORs
RANCQ00012828    Fix shared stream view creation from UCM Workbench.

Status: Fixed in 1.2.3

To reproduce:

  • Create a Collector WOR and Worker WORs using Clearquest (If people want they can use the test ones I've created)

    RANCQ00014260: Test Collector WOR #1
    RANCQ00014259: Test Worker WOR #1
    RANCQ00014261: Test Worker WOR #2

  • Designate one child WOR as the shared child WOR in Clearquest (RANCQ00014259 is the designated shared WOR above).
  • Right on the non shared child WOR in ucmwb and select Create view.
  • Verify that the view was created on the shared child WOR's stream.

RANCQ00012827: Many developers are getting deliver issue where default view is not found.

Status: Verified not a problem.

This merely verifies that duplicate stream views are not being created by ucmwb (neither 1.2.2 nor 1.2.3 did this).

RANCQ00012829: View creation issue against Collector WORs

Status: Verified not a problem.

This merely verifies that ucmwb does not allow creation of views for Collector WORs.

RANCQ00013782: ucmwb defect - does not delete view when rebase pending

Status: Fixed in 1.2.3

When deleting a view, stderr from the cleartool rmview is now displayed if there were any errors. This covers both the rebase problem and deliver problems...

To reproduce:

  • Start a rebase or deliver for a view. Instead of completing it, close the dialog box thus leaving the view in an uncompleted rebase or deliver.
  • Return to (or start ucmwb). Select view.
  • Notice that the right click menu allows rebase stream (previously, i.e. old ucmwb, rebasing of a stream was considered always completed).
  • Start view browser (Tools: Start View Browser)
  • Select view with rebase/deliver not yet completed
  • Select Delete View

Deletion of view now fails properly indicating that you cannot delete the view while it's in the middle of a rebase/deliver. User can return to ucmwb, select view and rebase stream then undo or complete the rebase, then deletion of the view will work.

RANCQ00014267: UCMWB should save Clearquest password so it doesn't need to be constantly specified

Status: Fixed in 1.2.3

To reproduce:

  • Start ucmwb
  • Right click on a WOR and select Properties
  • Select Effort (tab) and Update
  • Add an hour of effort. ucmwb prompts for your Clearquest password
  • Repeat and note that you are not prompted for your Clearquest password again (1.2.2 prompted every time).

Note that the password is saved only for the duration of the ucmwb session. Saving it in preference would involve encryption/security concerns.

RANCQ00014268: UCMWB Save Activity List improvements

Status: Fixed in 1.2.3

To reproduce:

  • Start ucmwb
  • Select File: Save Activity List
  • Cancel the file save dialog box
  • You no longer receive an "Unable to write file" error

Note: The part about adding .html is more problematic than initially anticipated and therefore not addressed.

RANCQ00014402: UCMWB should unset activity before deleting the view

Status: Fixed in 1.2.3

To reproduce:

  • After creating a view for a WOR use ucmwb's View Browser to delete the view
  • You should briefly see "Unsetting activity..." in the status area before "Deleting view..."
  • Close View Browser and right click on the WOR in the activity list. You should be able to Create View again.

ucmwb 1.2.2 did not bother to unset the view's activity when a view was deleted. As a result Clearquest was never updated WRT its association of that just deleted view with this activity. User could not therefore use ucmwb to create a view for that WOR anymore!

RANCQ00014935: Allow the UCM Workbench to create WOR from Collector

Status: Not fixed

This issue involves a much more complicated interaction between ucmwb and Clearquest than is currently capable. Code exists in ucmwb to use cqtool (which is going away at 7.0 BTW) to pop up the submission dialog box from Clearquest. While this will allow a WOR to be created, the trouble is 1) it's non blocking and 2) the newly created WOR # is not returned, thus we do not know how to do the linking required by this request.

A totally different approach is needed, one that will solve a few other issues such as being able to offer a way to create WORs (not just child WORs nor Collector WORs but just normal WORs) directly from ucmwb - which would make ucmwb much more useful, but might be able to solve the problem with cqtool going away for 7.0. If we could reliably create WORs in ucmwb by interacting with a Perl process talking to Clearquest, then the above ticket only involves performing the link afterwards.

RANCQ00015381: Port UCMWB to Linux

Status: Fixed in 1.2.3!

To reproduce:

  • Start ucmwb on a Linux machine (i.e. ranlin02 or ranlin03)

Also exhibits that ucmwbpre (actually /prj/muosran/bin/ucmwbpre) is a shell script which kicks off the correct binary based on architecture.