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June 25, 2004

Finished backup script

The backup script is ready for deployment. It was determined to lock all vobs at once, back them all up then unlock the vobs. I also implemented the 7 days of history option. History is stored under d:\vobstore\backup as numbered directories (0-6 for Sun-Sat). The script now manages that area by first moving the current backup under d:\backup -> d:\vobstore\backup\ after first clearing out d:\vobstore\backup\ (if it existed). It was decided to put the history stuff under vobstore because this way we can tell the backup people "Just exclude d:\vobstore but get everything else".

I was experiencing "Access denied" errors irradically until I found out that there may be .being-deleted files as described here. To solve this I implemented exclusions on the xcopy command (/exclude:d:\backup\exclude.strings) which tells xcopy to exclude things in the "c" directory - i.e. the cleartext pool - which Clearcase can easily recreate without data loss. This also has the effect of reducing the backup copy size in some cases significantly (e.g. \ASAP_Docs goes from 2.1 gig down to 1 gig!).

Here's a rough psuedo code of what the script does:

Obtain a list of all vobs
Lock all vobs
foreach @vobs
  if d:\vobstore\backup\$current_day\$vob exists then
    remove it
  end if
  move d:\backup\$vob -> d:\vobstore\backup\$current_day\$vob
  copy $vob's storage area -> d:\backup\$vob
Unlock all vobs

Cutting out the copying of cleartext pool has reduced the current backup time from 56 minutes (yes it grew) to 33 minutes.

Now, where are we WRT the SQL backup scripts?....

June 23, 2004


Spent some time trying to multisite a test vob (\defaria). Realized that we will have a problem in that we will need a machine (server or client) dedicated to handling the multisite region in order to lock vobs and backup things.

Had a meeting WRT multisite approach. It was determined that will we switch to using a script to make a copy of the vobs and back up from there. Started writing script...

June 21, 2004


Spent most of the day investigating XML and XSL.

June 18, 2004


  • Spent most of the day studying XML
  • Added debugging code to LogActivity trigger
  • Worked on problem Sujay's people had with 0 length document

June 16, 2004

AD/CC Registry

  • Activated reporting of Active Directory groups
  • Cleaned up Clearcase Registry

June 15, 2004

BUCS/VOB Snapshots/RequistePro

  • More working with Babu re: BUC$ build script
  • Investigated and prototyped vob_snapshot backups
  • Incorporated Requisite Pro into a FAQ web page

Clearcase Web Server

The Clearcase web service died today. I don't know why but the following is what I did to get it back up and running.

Server is back up.

Problem analysis:

Not really sure where things went wrong however when I looked at it the Rational Web Platform (rwp - which is really just Apache with Tomcat under the hood) was not running. rwp creates error logs but they are hard to parse because there are many of them with apparently random numbers tacked on. I believe these numbers represent the date in some form but haven't figured out how to decode them.

Anyway, I tried moving them aside and to restart the rwp server so that it would be clear what the error file was. Couldn't move all the log files out of the way because some were busy. Wish I had a good tool to figure out who has a file open.

The error message when trying to start rwp was "The Rational Web Platform HTTP Service Terminated with Service-Specific Error 1". Searching the Rational Support site yielded that the reason the service could not start was because some other process was using port 80. Typically this is due to somebody else runnig IIS. No IIS running. Tried netstat but could not find who was using port 80. Tried telneting to port 80 and got "Connection failed" so whoever was using port 80 did not want to talk to me! :-)

Finally I tried running rwp.exe from the command line with --help hoping for help about rwp's possible command line opts. Instead rwp started and ran! Clearcase web was back up but I did not like having rwp running in a console window and if I were to log out I feared that the rwp process would end. So I went to the Services applet and tried to start (since there was no stop) rwp. It started and the rwp running in the console ended. For safety's sake I restarted the rwp service through the Services applet. I believe Clearcase web is OK for now and we are doign server maintainance tonight anyway...

June 9, 2004


  • Joined PowerBuilder newsgroup to try to find out how to solve the Orca Script problems. Looks like I'm gonna learn way more about PB than I wanted to
  • Tested moving PVOB and Src vob from vobstore to ASAP_VOBS. Works OK.
  • Learned that we can use the DOS command MOVE which moves the VOBs simply by manipulating the directory entries. This means moving a large vob takes no longer than a small vobs. This is probably possible because we are on the same filesystem
  • WRT these ASAP vobs, we need to ct find -all -exec "cleartool protect -chown <owner> %CLEARCASE_PN%"

June 8, 2004

ActiveState Perl

  • Spent most of the day installing a Networked ActiveState Perl. Had permission problems with making elements in my dynamic view! Don't know why? Tried a clearfsimport and that caused the Perl to fail. I think it didn't properly copy permissions. So I ended up having to Add to Source Control all the files by hand (since I don't have scripting tools)
  • Consulted with Subba about ASAP VOB Move test
  • Babu gave me an assignment to learn OrcaScript which is a scripting language for PowerBuidlder. Oh boy!

June 4, 2004

AD Groups

Worked on getccgroups.vbs most of the day. Managed to get it to recurse for groups within groups and to sort the arrays of names. Need to implement the email portion though.

June 3, 2004

More meetings

  • Yet even more meetings
  • Documented installation scripts. Fixed them to dynamically mktag for \ccverify
  • Helped Rick Cunneen with VOB questions

June 2, 2004

Meetings, Bloody Meetings

  • Attended several (3) meetings today so not much got done
  • Fixed some minor problems with verification scripts

June 1, 2004


  • Worked mostly on [cm|cc|cq]verify scripts. Got them checked in as working
  • Worked a little bit on the GetCCGroups vbs scripts