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Dang Eclipse

Dang IDEs! They're often more trouble than they are worth!! Be wary!

I'm in Eclipse and I was trying to clean up my view a little bit. I selected a few view private files I wanted to delete with Control-Click. Then I hit the delete key to delete them. Eclipse prompted me "Are you sure you want to delete these files?" and I responded yes. But then I noticed that one of the files that was selected was mktriggers.pl!!! I did not select mktriggers.pl explicitly - it was selected because that was the last file I was editing was mktriggers.pl. And, remember, I only expected this delete to be deleting the view private files I selected, not Clearcase elements. I did not expect any rmnames to be happening.

No worries you say? This is in Clearcase you say? Yes it was. But it was also checked out and with my most recent modifications. "Ah", I hear you saying, "Clearcase shouldn't be doing any explicit destructive activities without asking you first" - well it just did! It rmnamed mktriggers.pl without confirmation. Sure it asked whether or not I wanted to remove files, and I did, the ones I explicitly selected - not the one it had selected simply because I was editing a file. "Well shouldn't there be an option on rmname that you have to specify in order for rmname to proceed?" Yes there is - it's -force and good old Eclipse must have called rmname with -force!

"But surely there's a .keep file around or something that you can recover from". Well ah, no. Not in this case. My work has been lost!

You have been warned!


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