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UCM Project Creation

  • Created 3 UCM Projects/streams - one including an Import Project component
  • Investigated what causes users to be considered Clearcase Admins

A question was asked about what causes users to be considered Clearcase admins:

From About ClearCase permissions on Windows:

ClearCase Administrative Access

Privileged users in ClearCase have rights to create, modify, and delete any ClearCase object. Access to these permissions should be restricted to ClearCase Administrators and the ClearCase Process Account (Atria Location Broker Service - ALBD). Access is controlled by membership in the ClearCase Administrators group.

This group which is designated during the setup and installation of ClearCase is referred to as the ClearCase privileged group. By default, this group is called clearcase. Some defining characteristics of the ClearCase (or privileged) group are:
  • The account under which whose identity Atria Location Broker Daemon (ALBD) runs has to be a member of this group, such as clearcase_albd.
  • This group has Full Control of the view and VOB storage directories.
  • Members of this group are considered ClearCase Administrators.

Note: The ClearCase privileged group must never be used as the primary group on a VOB or set as a primary group for ClearCase access.
And from ClearCase administration: The first ten things:
The ClearCase administrator is the most powerful user having full control of a site installation. On Unix, this would be the superuser, UID=0, on the VOB server. On Windows, it is any user who is a member of the clearcase domain group.
proving, once again, that root is everything on Unix!

So now you know...


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