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Busy day

Need to keep status if even to remind myself what I'm doing.

  • Fixed case #9225676 for Kemyss about evil twins - turns out there was no twin
  • Closed case #9214530 regarding evil twins for Curtis
  • Attended meeting about MQC
  • Submitted ticket to get a MQC account
  • Weekly high level status meeting with Dave and Rob. Focusing on SDDLS & Uncheckout problem
  • Solved another evil twin case with Marlene
  • Submitted helpdesk ticket to get Anthony added to the proper NIS group. They can have a Unix account but not be given access to Unix itself. So, ypmatch <username> passwd will show them but id will not. This is because they are not in the users_seattle_clearcase_users NIS netgroup so thus they are not considered a user on this Unix system. Still have yet to figure out how they do Samba here...


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