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EAST Automation

What's been done

  • The EAST test automation tool rantest currently can run properly formated EAST tests. By properly formated we mean that they 1) run to completion and 2) report a status in their log file.
  • Logfile collection for EAST tests is performed and a tar file, EASTLogs.tgz, is created and if run for record (-rfr) specified that log file will be checked in (coded but untested - see below).
  • Many tests can be run in succession using the -file option and specifying multiple tests in the file (See rantest wiki page).
  • A rudimentary conditional test execution facility exists. For example, testers can name tests then refer to them in a subsequent test with an "if" statement so as to say "run this test if <named test> passed (See rantest wiki page).
  • A facility for running test in the background has been implemented as some EAST test script must run in the background while other tests run simultaneously.
  • A crude rendezvous system has been implemented such that rantest will poll the logfile looking for a rendezvous string that will indicate to rantest that the backgrounded test has reached a certain point and it's OK to proceed with other tests.
  • Logging of what rantest does has been implemented.
  • A crude -script test option has been implemented that allows rantest to "farm out" the verification of a test for tests that require more complex verification. Any script can be coded. The only requirement is that it reports success or failure through it's exit status.
  • Worked on learning moshell as some verifications require moshell.
  • Implemented a simple case of verifying that a cell is set up (a manual verification step for Sim Cell Setup of preSWIT).
  • Ngan has created test profiles and Ross Wilson says that we are going to run these test profiles through rantest this afternoon.
  • Documented most of rantest's usage on the wiki.
  • Ross and Gantry have created Perl scripts and TPL's such that an EAST test can drive a TM500. While rantest can run such tests it needs to be taught how to gather the TM500 log files produced.

What we're impeded on

  • I believe many of the SWIT tests are not currently properly formatted. Such tests will need to be altered before they can be truly automated through rantest
  • WRT preSWIT testing, I need Leslie to modify her tests to properly write rendezvous strings in SIM Cell Setup so that rendezvous can work and sanity/preSWIT testing can proceed.
  • Gather tests from Ngan (and others)
  • We often don't have time on the various RNC's/etc. to perform testing. Some tests, i.e. SIM Cell Setup, are interruptive of other EAST engineer's work.
  • Moshell is crude, picky and buggy and... not supported by Ericson!

What's next

  • Create run for record view and test out -rfr checkin functionality.
  • Get EAST/TM500 test to work (currently failing) so as to check/modify TM500 logfile creation
  • Get EAST/NMS test to work (currently non-existant?) so as to check/modify NMS logfile creation.
  • Implement XML parsing to determine whether or not we have TM500 logs or NMS logs to collect. Either that or get Gantry to change the format of the message indicating where the logfile is to include what type of logfile it is.
  • Once Leslie modifies tests for rendezvous, attempt sanity again and add in the -script "IsCellUp <machine> <cell>" verification.
  • Bob wants us to write a simple and a complex example of test verification. Based on Doug Elder's How to Analyze rnc document, implement it's verification steps which get progressively more complex. The IsCellUp script can also serve as an example verification script.


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