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  • Created a script to do the importation of the documents for the Documentation Visibility tickets
  • Found out that there's no easy way to unco all checkouts. Created uncoall
  • Issue: Need to get Qt licensed


Created a Perl script to handle the odd findmerge like "bring documents into visibility" help desk tickets. It's like a findmerge however we don't want to merge any elements - just merge in the previously unseen elements. A rough outline of the algorithm is as follows:

  foreach my $from_element (@elements_from_the_from_view) {
    next if -e $from_element

    <merge parent directory>

    next if -d $from_element;

    copy $from_element -> $to_element

It's also been discussed that the group has not decided exactly what documents should be imported in from the original set. Importing from build 1 -> build 2 doesn't make much sense. IOW we should start from the beginning.


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