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Shared Stream View Creation

  • Investigated problem with Shared Stream View Creation
  • Investigated problems with Purify. Seems we're getting a little versionist...

Shared Stream View Creation

Here in GD the process is very driven off of WOR (Work Order Request). There are Collector WORs and Worker WORs (basically parent and child records). Additionally any one of the Worker WORs can be designated as the common development WOR. This means that while views can be made for any Worker WORs, only the common development WOR will have a stream and all Worker WORs will share that stream, hence the "shared stream" portion of Shared Stream View Creation.

Now this is all handled by the createView.pl script that creates views and Clearquest, having a Create View action, calls createView.pl properly when there is a hierarchy of WORs. But ucmwb does not sense this and thus, while it calls createView.pl for view creation, it fails to specify the "Target WOR" (AKA common development WOR).


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