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CC/CQ on Linux

  • Fixed problem with cleartrig for the Linux clients
  • Investigated and found a work around to font problems between Linux and Sun
  • Met with development/test teams regarding documentation visibility. Also worked out the differences in the documents between builds 1, 2 and 3

Cleartrig and font problems on Linux clients

I hit a few problems when attempting to verify proper execution of Clearcase/Clearquest and our WOR integration on Linux machines.

Cleartrig problems

The first problem was that the Linux installation of Cleartrig (remotely accessible through /cleartrib/bin) was missing execute permissions for group and other. The solution to this was to add execute permissions.

Font Problems

his is running under the assumption that:

  1. The user is on a Solaris box and running CDE and
  2. The user is remotely logged into a Linux box (currently only ranlin02 and ranlin03) and displaying back to his/her Solaris machine

The user may see dialog boxes with no text or other errors relating to fonts. Since most engineers use Solaris and CDE many X Font Resources are set to fonts only available on CDE supported systems1. For example, executing xrdb -q | grep -i font may result in the following:

*Font:             -dt-interface user-medium-r-normal-s*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
*FontList:         -dt-interface user-medium-r-normal-s*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
*labelFontList:    -dt-interface user-medium-r-normal-s*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*

Needless to say these "dt" fonts are not known in the Linux world and this causes Clearcase/Clearquest some problems when running remotely displayed to an X server using such font. The solution is to use more universally acceptable fonts such as fixed. The following set of X Font Resources seems to work:

*Font:                  fixed
*FontList:              fixed
*labelFontList:         fixed
*buttonFontList:        fixed
*textFontList:          fixed
*DtEditor*textFontList: fixed
*systemFont:            fixed
*XmText*FontList:       fixed
*FontSet:               fixed
*XmTextField*FontList:  fixed
*fontGroup:             Courier

If you are experiencing problems with X Fonts when running from a Linux machine add the above lines to a file, say ~/.fonts then do

$ xrdb -m ~/.fonts


  1. These "dt" fonts are often set into CDE's environment when say using the Style Manager to change your font settings.


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