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PHP Web/Clearquest install/cq_setup.csh

  • Finished recoding RAN web using PHP, better HTML coding and CSS
  • Documented new PHP Web
  • Copied large CC & CQ install image over to RAN. Tried running Clearquest. Was receiving error
  • Learned that we have a copy of cq_setup.csh that is sourced by the csh startup scripts. But it uses a Sun version. This obviously causes problems for Linux machines

I downloaded the Rational 2003.06.00 release tarball that Carlos provided me and installed it on ranlin02. I have the following problem when trying to run Clearquest I get the following error:

/opt/rational/clearquest/rhat_x86/bin/clearquest_main: error while loading shared libraries: libXmu.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Looking at the ClearQuest and Clearquest MultiSite Release Notes I find:

Linux symbolic links to Motif libraries

ClearQuest uses the Motif libraries native to the machine, and these libraries need to include the proper symbolic links. If the symbolic links are not established, the following error occurs when invoking

ClearQuest:/opt/rational/clearquest/rhat_x86/bin/clearquest_main: error while loading shared libraries: libXmu.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

The error complains about the first of several libraries it cannot find. To insure that the symlinks are created, it is necessary that the


package be installed when installing the OS.

And, of course:

Ranlin02:rpm -qa | grep XFree86-devel

So can we get XFree86-devel-* installed?

On a different but related note, we generally support only Sun and only csh (and it's derivatives - tcsh). We have a serious of csh style start up scripts (which I've largely replicated/converted for bash...) one of which sources /prj/muosran/config/cq_setup.csh. That is merely a copy of a /opt/rational/clearquest/bin/cq_setup.csh. Contained therein is a reference to sun5 which is bad because this source of /prj/muosran/config/cq_setup.csh is global and thus sourced by users of Linux machines. Naturally Linux user will not be finding any sun5 executables nor executing them.

I've made a modification to /proj/muosran/config/cq_setup.csh as such:

#!/bin/csh -f

# Andrew@DeFaria.com 07-25-2007: By specifying sun5 we tie # ourselves to an architecture. There is no need to do this. # Call the clearquest in /opt/rational/clearquest/bin and let # it figure out our architecture. #eval `/opt/rational/clearquest/sun5/bin/clearquest -dumpcsh`
eval `/opt/rational/clearquest/bin/clearquest -dumpcsh` set var = $status if ($var != 0) then unset var exit(2) endif unset var #echo "You can now run 'clearquest' to start Rational ClearQuest."

Still all of this seem pretty arbitrary. What is the above script doing but checking that clearquest can simply be run? Why set an environment variable (var) only to test it and then ultimately unset it?!? Seems like really odd and unnecessary code from IBM/Rational.


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