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Fun with IT in GD

OK so today I get an obvious phishing attempt email at GD:

Maybe some mistake in your medcare form(attachment), please check it.
Before your open it,rename medicare.vvv to medicare.mdb
if you find some problem in you medcare ,please reply to me
Tel:(877) 449-07010

along with an attachment of medicare.vvv. So, being a good, conscientious citizen I figured I'd report the incident in order to help others down the road. I asked around and was told that I need submit a help desk ticket and that I need to first contact the help desk to do so. Funny, I'd thought this would just be a "forward the email to <x>" and I'd be done with it. So I'm directed to a web page which has the number for the help desk. I call that number (it's 9:40 Am mind you) and I get voice mail saying "I'm sorry but nobody's here to take your call" and to leave a message. So, wanting to dispose of this issue rather than have it remain, I decided to go back to the web site and see if there was an answer to the question. I searched for "report phishing attempts" and "report spam" and there was nothing found! Oh well I tried but does this frustrate anybody else as much as it does me?

Oh and if click on the Contact Us link you'll start and email that will be returned to you undeliverable!


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