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LDAP changes/Synonyms and Grants/Reports

  • Change primitives::login and ldap_authenticate to return a user record of user information if we can find it in LDAP, even if we could not authenticate the password, and pass back proper status
  • Straightened out new views WRT Synonyms and Grants
  • Implemented Users, Clearcase and DesignSync reports

Synonyms and Grants

When one creates a table or view in Oracle it appears to be "private" to the user who has created it. Others can get to the table but they need to specify a more qualified name. Additionally the need to have been granted access to it (at least select access).

So if we create a view, say foo, we also need to grant select access to those tables to the other users who might be using it. Additionally, in GPDB we have 3 DB level usernames: cm_gpdb, cm_gpdb_readonly and cm_gpdb_update. So if we create the view foo while logged in as cm_gpdb then login as say cm_gpdb_readonly, this new session will not be able to see foo.

So then the sequence is:

  1. Create the table or view
  2. create or replace view foo ...
  3. Grant select privileges to the table or view:
  4. grant select to foo on cm_gpdb.foo for cm_gpdb_readonly
  5. Log into Oracle database as other user and create synonym:
  6. create or replace synonym foo for cm_gpdb.foo


  1. The database's schema name for GPDB is cm_gpdb above
  2. Grants need to be done whenever the table or view is recreated. Synonyms, being pointers, need to be created only when a new pointer is needed


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