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GPDB Login

  • Started implementing a login facility for GPDB

Just about the time we were getting the Single Signon working I realized that we also have command line or a script based API in which we allow others to call GPDB functionality. Part of that functionality is logging in with gpdb_login. Well since we didn't come through Single Signon nro a web page how do we get the authorization to log into the database? Answer is we don't. Single Signon is only good for web apps where the only way into the application is through the web.

The security guys did mention something about a command line alternative but it didn't seem like it would fit the bill. I believe that it only allows you to authenticate as your currently logged in user. What if, for example, user A wished to connect to GPDB as user B and knows user B's username and password? What when a script wished to login as an admin on behalf of all users. These questions need to be answered.


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