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gpdb_add_projects.pl v1.1

  • Checked in new gpdb_add_project.pl
  • Created cclic_report.pl and checked it into Clearcase

I've checked in a new version of gpdb_add_project.pl (v 1.1) - (/main/FORE/9). Changes include:

  1. Major changes cleaning up code
  2. Simplified some references
  3. Simplified updateProject
  4. Simplified addProject
  5. Removed debugging code
  6. Rewrote updateDesignSync to be more understandable
  7. Simplified updateGPDB
  8. Changed nslookup to redirect stderr. Need to improve error handling here where server name is no longer in DNS.
  9. Improved logging to specify the names of new users when they are added.
  10. Changed to handle both auto[_.]data and auto[_.]db cases in NIS
  11. Changed to use the GPDB Admin user (a00000000) to log into gpdb.
  12. Log messages improved to include site name