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OMAPS.pm bug

  • Tracked down and fixed minor bug in OMAPS

I found a minor bug in OMAPS.pm that is called from the CSSD ClearQuest Account Creation page (http://dfls85/cgi-bin/create.pl). The error appears in the log files as:

[Wed Sep 27 10:52:39 2006] [error] [client] [Wed Sep 27 10:52:39 2006] 
create.pl: Useless use of concatenation (.) or string in void context at OMAPS.pm line 318, <CNF> line 139.

Line 318 of OMAPS.pm is:

debug ("add user $data->{login_name} to team ") . $cgi->param("Team");
But it should read:
debug ("add user $data->{login_name} to team " . $cgi->param("Team"));

As we are watching the log files carefully for signs of Clearquest web hangs and outages it would be helpful if this superfluous error were eliminated.

I fixed this by hand on dfls[83-85] but it should be fixed in the original.