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Building salira2

  • Exposed salira2 vob
  • Set up multisite schedule for sons-sc-cc to mimic sons-clearcase. Before this sync receives were only performed once! Things started backing up in the storage bays. All cleared out now.
  • Attempted to build 4.0. Had problems in dynamic view
  • Managed to build in 4.0 snapshot view.
  • Figured out that certain exe's were missing execute permission in Clearcase Element Properties. Seems Clearcase 2003.06.00 is a bit more picky about those than Clearcase 2002.05.00! Build now works in dynamic view as well

TIme Spent: 2 hours

Simon Zhu wrote:

Similar to sc_3.1_dev, I made config spec sc_4.0_dev. It does not make any difference since I could not find “cenopon” under salira2 when I load the view. It seems to me that the VOB was not fully replicated. You may take a look. Thanks.

The szhu_view4.0 has a config spec of:

#element * CHECKEDOUT
#element * /main/LATEST
include //sons-sc-cc/views/official/salira/neopon/cs/sc_4.0_dev
#load \salira\neopon
load \salira2

And the following lines appeared in sc_4.0_dev:

# Now pickup any new elements created at the other site
element * .../rel_3.1/LATEST -mkbranch sc_4.0
element * .../china_4.0/LATEST -mkbranch sc_4.0

This should be:

# Now pickup any new elements created at the other site
element * .../rel_4.0/LATEST -mkbranch sc_4.0
element * .../china_4.0/LATEST -mkbranch sc_4.0

We can see this in the version tree for the root folder \salira2 :

Prior to fixing the config spec the "eye" pointed to /main/0, which, of course is empty.

Next I attempted simply a make. Most of it worked! Except:

[LINKING]      vxWorks_st.elf 
Converting to bin...
/bin/bash: maketools/convert: Permission denied
make: *** [scs.bin] Error 126
[ccadmin] sons-sc-cc:ls maketools

I don't know why I get permission denied when attempting to run maketools/convert. This is only happening in a dynamic view. I created a 4.0_snap view and the build worked fine.

Ah ah! It appears that the execute bit on the Properties of the Element for maketools/convert.exe was not set, even on sons-clearcase. However it also appears that Clearcase 2002.05.00 didn't care about that but the new Clearcase 2003.06.00 does. I toggled the execute bits on for convert.exe (and other .exe's in maketools) and all is fine.

Since your view is a snapshot view you'll need to simply do a ct setcs -current.