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Mobile Multimedia Clearquest Design

  • Created initial mock up of MM CQ

Mobile Multimedia Clearquest Design

I've been working today coming up with a prototype/mock up of what Jean has proposed so far. Please remember this is a rough prototype and is (very) subject to change. IOW things like state flow, requiredness of the fields, automatic and other action hooks and scripts are not in place. Also, after developing this for the Clearquest client I made it available on CQ Web so you can see it. Then I noticed that the alignment and fonts don't translate well to the web.

Feel free to play with this through the web and give me your initial impressions, but remember there's still a lot of work to be done - this is by no means polished.

To access it go to http://p4test/cqweb/login. Login as guest:guest and then select the MM database.