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CQ Users/CQ Web Server Setup

  • Added a few users to Clearquest
  • Set up IIS on pcsjca-ccrmt03
  • Set up Clearquest Web on pcsjca-ccrmt03

Using the old web server to serve the new Cont database

Vinh has been wanting to have the old web server software set up alongside the new web server software for two reasons: 1) as a backup or fail over in case the PQA merge is not working out and 2) as a redirector for old style URLs (with old IDs) to the new server with new IDs. But having to wait for a new server to arrive will cause an unnecessary delay

The thought had been that perhaps the PQA merge could be done and simply use the old web server software to point over to the new database. One question was can the old web server software interact with the merged database seeing as the merged database was done under new Clearquest software. To this end I set up the Clearquest web server software on pcsjca-ccrmt03 and attempted to access the merged database on p4test. And It works! To log in go to http://pcsjca-ccrmt03/cqweb/login, set the Schema Repository to 2005.02.00 and log into the Cont database