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Most PQA Issues resolved...

  • Resolved most of the remaining issues with PQA Merge Vinh Ton

Remaining Issues

I have incorporated all of your changes and have imported your CQ_Controller_Prod, CQ_Controller_Test and CQSchema03 databases. I don't see any new users. Weren't they in the CQAllUsers database?

In any event here's how I proceeded:

  • Made changes to pqamerge. This included handling a few new fields that I didn't notice before as well as adjustments to accommodate the changes in your last email. Also set Cont:old_id = the old id from the TO or Prod. Now we have a cross reference field. You will need to change your form to expose this field to the users.
  • Imported CQ_Controller_Prod, CQ_Controller_Test and CQSchema03. I see the changes that you've made to the schema.
  • Imported OEMUsers.cqu and Users.cqu.
  • Changed Submitter, Submit_Date, Audit_Log, and old_id to be optional
  • Changed Global Script: RecordHistory to simply Exit Function
  • Changed CommitmentLevel_ValueChanged to Exit Sub before sending email.
  • Added delete action to defect record for admin only. This is needed for pqaclean to work.
  • Ran pqamerge

By and large this worked! There was a user who was missing. This user, tngo, was not listed as being subscribed to either TO nor Prod, rather to BT. I suspect that he used to be subscribed to Prod but then later was removed. If there are more users like this then there will be similar errors.