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SJ Vob move/Triggers

  • Discussed how to best handle the upcomming SJ vob move
  • Added handling for UCMOBJECT triggers and the few additional triggers on the docs vob

SJ Vob Move

I got to thinking over the weekend more about this vob move and trying to tie it to why we are moving the vobs. If we are trying to gain performance then how do we know that this move will accomplish that? It occurred to me that we have not adequately identified the performance problem we are trying to solve. If performance is the issue then just changing architectures is not likely to solve that problem.

Lacking any real description of the performance problem the users are experiencing the best we can do is optimize performance for vob service. In general, Rational recommends that you do not over load a server with too many vobs. More specifically you need to be concerned about the total size of your vob databases. What you are trying to do is insure that you have enough memory to fit the databases of the most commonly used vobs.

The old Solaris machine has 1 CPU and 4 gig of memory. The new Linux box also has 4 gig of memory but 2 CPUs. Observation reveals that the Solaris machine is not CPU bound - increasing CPU horsepower or number of CPUs will not increase performance.

I feel the best course of action at this point would be to identify the commonly used vobs and separate them between the Solaris and Linux machines thus decreasing the load on both servers, increasing the overall amount of memory (8 gig - 4 on one and 4 on the other) and allow for parallelization. Additionally, only 1/2 of the data need move. Need to sell this to Jennifer and Chin.