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Trigger config/Web config

Went to Salira to help Shuqing to set up a rel_3.1 branch.

  • Changed trigger to recogonize rel_3.1/china_3.1 as a valid branches.
  • Cleaned up web area on sonsweb
  • Added link for old 2.3 releases
  • Created file
  • Explained to Shuqing how the whole set up worked
  • Created china_3.1.lst file for Shanghai. Changes to CheckInPreop.pl will replicate to Shanghai and should become effective tomorrow.
  • Investigated changing Found In and Fixed In dropped downs to be sorted in reverse order since they are working on the latest, therefore highest numbered releases first. Turns out this will require more work with a possible change to the Clearquest schema. Jeff has schema checked out so I couldn't do anything. Basically those fields tie into a stateless record which contains a Release ID and a Description. I'm not sure how to tell Clearquest to sort that drop down.

Total time: 2 hours